
LGP Forum – 13th March 2015

“The future of manufacturing – a UK perspective”

Keynote Speaker:

Dr. David Morgan is a Research Associate in the Institute for Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge. He is currently Lead Researcher in the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Industrial Sustainability.

Address: Escola Politécnica – USP – Engenharia de Produção,   room D2-015

Data:  March 13th, 2015

Online transmission  IPTV/USP

Time: 11:00pm


LGP forum: available presentations

Dr. David Morgan  is now available:Industrial Sustainability to LGP
Prof. David Bennett  is now available:15,03 USP LGP forum pres
Prof. Melanie Krey  is now available: 20140306_ResearchSeminarUSP_MelanieKreye
Prof. Carlos Rúfin  is now available:LGPForum_Dec_Carlos Rufin
Prof. Dave Snowden  is now available:2014 10 17 Brazil 2_Dave Snowden
Prof. Breno Nunes  is now available:Forum LGP Dez 2014 – Projetos de inovacao sustentavel