Department of Biotechnology Engineering College of Lorena

Prof. André Ferraz

Bachelor in Chemistry (1987) and Doctor in Sciences (Organic Chemistry) from the State University of Campinas (1991). Post-doctorate in the area of ​​Wood Chemistry at the University of Concepción, Chile (1996). Associate professor from the Engineering College of Lorena, USP (2010). Currently, is full professor at the Engineering College of Lorena – USP. Held the position of Head of the Department of Biotechnology (periods 2011-2013 and 2013-2015). Coordinated the Graduate Program in Industrial Biotechnology at EEL/USP during the periods 1992-1995 and 1997-2001. Currently, is the Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Industrial Biotechnology (periods 2015-2017 and 2017-2019). Acts as reviewer for about 20 different journals, including Industrial Crops And Products, Bioresource Technology, Biotechnology for Biofuels, BioEnergy Research, PLOSOne, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, Holzforschung, International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, Energy and Fuels and Química Nova. Has acted as member of scientific committees of national and international events such as Lignobiotech – Biotechnology Applied to Lignocelluloses since 2012, International Symposium on Wood and Fiber and Pulping Chemistry between 2003-2007 and 2016. Currently, coordinates the thematic project: Recalcitrance of sugarcane biomass: Fundamentals related to cell wall formation, pre-treatment and enzymatic digestion, applied in the development of new biorefinery models (period 2015-2019), funded by FAPESP. Has experience in the area of chemistry of wood and other lignocellulosic materials, with emphasis on biotechnology, acting mainly on the following themes: wood biodegradation, biopulping, oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes and their biomimetic systems, topology of lignified cells and enzymatic hydrolysis of lignified biomass.