Dr. Anne Grauer
Dr. Grauer’s research interests focus on how aspects of sex, gender, and social identity impact the presence of diseases in the past. She is currently the President-elect of the AAPA and the incoming Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Paleopathology, and a former President of the Paleopathology Association from 2009-2011. Dr. Grauer’s current research focuses on health and disease in historic-period populations in Britain and in the US. She focuses on the lives of medieval women in Britain, and issues of migration, social interaction and health in 19th century populations in the US. For more: www.luc.edu/anthropology/faculty/grauer.shtml
Dr. Jose Vicente Rodriguez Cuenca
Dr. Rodríguez is a full professor of the Department of Anthropology at the National University of Colombia where he is the manager and coordinator of the first graduate program in Forensic Anthropology in Latin America since 1990. In 1988, he founded the Physical Anthropology Laboratory dedicated to the study of the impact of change social and environmental conditions of the prehispanic populations of Colombia with emphasis on the Cauca Valley, Magdalena Valley, Eastern Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
For more: http://www.humanas.unal.edu.co/2017/docentes/jose-vicente-rodriguez-cuenca/perfil
Dr. Dong Hoon Shin
Dr. Dong Hoon is a professor in Seoul National University, South Korea and currently studies paleopathology and biological anthropology. Over the years, his research interest has been mainly focused upon pre-modern people’s health and disease status in history and his topics of study include the paleopathological work on ancient bones and research of viral, bacterial, or helminthic pathogens in archaeological human specimens.
For more: https://snucm.elsevierpure.com/en/persons/dong-hoon-shin
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