USP will be one of the first public Brazilian universities in the Metaverse

A partnership between USP and Radio Caca (RACA) enables researchers to study educational applications in the Metaverse. USP will receive an NFT as part of international cooperation agreement The University of São Paulo and the United States of Mars, USM (formally known as Radio Caca, RACA) signed an international cooperation agreement whose goal is to promote[…]

Fomenting collaboration between USP and startups by means of a digital currency: the dawn of a “USPcoin”

The University of São Paulo has a long tradition of collaborating with the private sector, as a supplier of expertise in research and innovation for the creation of novel and better solutions for real-world problems. This type of extension initiative aims to bring science closer to the everyday life and benefit society as a whole,[…]

Fair and Auditable Random Drawing for Legal Systems

The use of randomization procedures is motivated by their capacity of shielding processes against all sorts of information biases, extraneous influences, illegitimate interference or spurious manipulations, independently from intention, concealment, or manifestation. In the specific context of legal procedures, random selection is employed by many countries to guarantee that entities like jurors [1] and judges[…]

Blockchain: TCC Patrocinado / Sponsored Final Graduation Project (2021)

Quer desenvolver seu Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) em algo que envolva Blockchain? Estão abertas as inscrições para patrocínio do seu trabalho! Baixe o edital aqui: . A data limite para o envio de propostas é 31 de março de 2021. ———————————————————————————- Want to develop your graduation project around the Blockchain subject? Registrations are[…]