
EEUSP has 40 years of experience in graduate Nursing teaching. Its Master’s and Ph.D. programs figure among the most traditional ones in Brazil and Latin America, covering Adult Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Health, Pediatric Health and Family, Mental and Psychiatric Health, Collective Health and Nursing Management. We offer more than 80 advisors, countless subjects and consistent research groups. Physical and technological resources are available and students can run for grants.

Graduate Program in Nursing (PPGE)
The Nursing Graduate Program (PPGE) is offered at Master’s and Ph.D. program, created in 1973 and 1989, respectively. Its mission is to enable nurses and other health professionals for knowledge production and scientific recycling processes, so as to enhance innovative knowledge advances and produce transformations in nursing and health care and management practices, integrating knowledge from nursing science with that of other areas. The Program focuses on current health care problems in Brazil and around the world, affecting women, children, families and communities.

At the end of the PPGE, students should be able to:

At Master’s level:

– access knowledge sources, systemize the search for knowledge and analyze scientific advances regarding the study problem to support decision making in clinical, educational and research practice.
– identify the state of the art, gaps and trends in nursing knowledge;
– delimit research problems;
– analyze the scientific method and ethical aspects of research;
– critically interpret research designs and results;
– advise undergraduate students at scientific initiation (SI) level and in course monographs, accompanied by their advisor;
– identify learning needs and contribute to the establishment of teaching programs in the area.

– plan and manage research projects in coherence with the study phenomenon.
– analyze and articulate scientific production and the impact of research in nursing and related areas as well as in society;
– demonstrate the acquisition of multiple knowledge perspectives, integrating what exists in Nursing with different knowledge areas;
– advise undergraduate students at scientific initiation (SI) level and in course monographs and accompany their advisor in student advice at Master’s level;
– demonstrate the ability to work in research groups and seek research funding.

The Program structure includes: “Theoretical and methodological bases of nursing and health care” and two axes: “Public health and human resource policies in nursing and health” and “Health-disease process of individuals, families, social groups and communities”. This structure guided the definition of a concentration area “Health care” with three research lines: “Public health and human resource policies in nursing and health”, “Health-disease process of individuals, families, social groups and communities” and “Nursing and health care in the health-disease process”.

Graduate Program in Adult Healthcare Nursing (PROESA)
The mission of PROESA is to prepare highly human resources in research at the levels of Master’s Degree (M.Sc.), Doctor’s Degree (Ph.D.) and Post-Doctorate Degree (Post-Doc) through the professional qualification of nurses and other healthcare professionals for the processes of knowledge production, continuing education and training in advanced technologies regarding the patient care. The scope of the PROESA is to integrate the knowledge of the Nursing Sciences to other areas. It is expected the profile of candidates includes purposes of advanced research, education and advanced care within the legal and ethical scope of the profession.

– To produce evidence-based knowledge, respecting related ethical issues.
– To develop behaviors and attitudes towards continuous scientific and technological care update.
– To demonstrate reflection skills and educational interventions connected to the University-level of nursing teaching.

The concentration area of PROESA is Adult Health Nursing and its core centers on the development of studies on advanced nursing care models and practices. It is structured along two thematic axes: Clinical Care and the Care Context. These axes organize four research lines directed at the study of phenomena, interventions and outcomes related to advanced care delivery to adult patients:

• Care Delivery to Adults with non-Transmissible Chronic Conditions,
• Care Delivery to Adults with Acute and Critical Conditions,
• Work dynamics in Adult Health
• Technology in Adult Health.

» Recruitment
Program – Graduate Program in Adult Health Nursing (PROESA)

Graduate Program in Nursing Management (PPGEn)
The Program responds to the need to prepare researchers at Master’s and Ph.D. level; to broaden and deepen nursing and health management research; and to produce specific and innovative knowledge in this area.

The PPGEn develops four thematic cores: Management, Education, History and Legislation and Ethics and Bioethics.

Its goals are:
1. To prepare researchers and leaders qualified in Nursing and Health Management and in their interfaces with other subjects, in order to produce innovative knowledge that transforms health practices.
2. To prepare researchers to act in different scenarios, which demand the expansion and verticalization of specialized knowledge in nursing and health management, resulting in intervention matrixes and models with a social impact.
3. Exchange knowledge resulting from studies involving researchers from Brazilian and international fellow centers of excellence.

Concentration Area:
Nursing and Health Fundamentals and Practices

Research lines:
Nursing and health human resource education and management

Summary: studies on historical, theoretical-methodological, ethical, legal and techno-logical aspects of human resource education and management in nursing and health, based on educational and people management processes.

Nursing action and service management

Summary: studies on historical, theoretical-methodological, ethical, legal, technological and economic aspects related to the actions, dynamics and organization of nursing and health services.

Doctoral Inter-Unit Program for Nursing of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto
The Interunit Nursing Doctoral Program is offered by the University of São Paulo School of Nursing together with the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing.

The objective is to provide for deepened scientific trainings of healthcare researchers with view to develop technical, scientific, and ethical-political competences within the investigation, assistance, and training scope.

Research Lines:

1. Epistemology of Health Sciences
Analytical studies on the construction of health and nursing science, on the theoretical and methodological frameworks, principles and data analysis strategies in qualitative research and its relation with and contribution to nursing research practice.

2. Theoretical and Philosophical Foundations of Care Delivery
Studies aimed at deepening knowledge on the different nuances of the health-disease process and the social construction of disease, related to ethics and bioethics, culture, the body and its historical and cultural process.

3. Social and Professional Practice in Health
Studies on the historical, social and philosophical analysis of health and nursing practices and their relations with Brazilian and international public policies.

4. Society, Health and Nursing
Studies about the theoretical-conceptual articulation of societies’ structure and the cor-responding production forms of health and nursing development processes as a social practice.

Professional Master’s in Primary Healthcare within SUS 
Professional Master’s is designed for continued qualification of nurses and other healthcare professionals that perform within Primary Healthcare scope. Those graduated from the Program will hold a title of Master of Sciences.

• Stimulate the qualification for healthcare professional practicing, based on theoretical and practical references and on scientific evidences that allow for the broadened clinic consolidation and assistance systematization having in view national and regional protocols;
• Develop competences so as to intervene within local and regional scopes, and healthcare sphere in an articulated shape towards inter-sectorial processes that impact the determinants and conditionings of the healthcare-disease process of the populational groups;
• Stimulate tools and other healthcare professionals to become investigators of their own practicing by means of the appropriation of theoretical and methodological bases that enable the critical and continued work evaluation;
• Conduct scientific investigations on the healthcare everyday-work, based on the healthcare issues identified, allowing the proposal of new technologies to be applied in improving professional practicing in convergence with the principles and guidelines of SUS, and which impact the epidemiological profiles of the Brazilian society;
• Stimulate the development of competences so as to exercise leadership in healthcare public institutions and related areas, seeking excellence servicing.

Concentration Area
Primary Healthcare
Research Lines

Primary Healthcare Processes: committed to the analysis of healthcare process and improvement of healthcare practicing. It includes studies on collection and interpretation of the population’s healthcare needs as well as proposing and implementing interventions oriented towards the enhancement of the epidemiological profiles. It integrates the construction and validation of markers and indicators of healthcare, vulnerabilities, and accession to healthcare practicing. It includes knowledge and abilities of Deliberative Bioethics within Primary Healthcare so as to identify ethical issues and subsidize the decision-making process towards healthcare.
Innovative Technologies directed to Primary Healthcare: this is about proposing and implementing technologies directed to primary healthcare, incorporating soft, soft-hard, and hard technologies. It is articulated to analysis, management, and evaluation of public health policies and their impact towards the population’s healthcare needs. It integrates the studies on concepts and strategies for the operationalization and evaluation of Healthcare Promotion within individual, communitarian, and healthcare scope.

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