A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
Alfredo Almeida Pina de Oliveira
Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa
Ana Luíza Vilela Borges
Angela Maria Geraldo Pierin
Anna Luiza de Fátima Pinho Lins Gryschek
Antônio Fernandes Costa Lima
Áurea Tamami Minagawa Toryiama
Camila Lima
Carla Andrea Trapé
Carla Marins Silva
Carlos Alberto dos Santos Treichel
Caroline Figueira Pereira
Célia Maria Sivalli Campos
Chennyfer Dobbins Abi Rached
Débora Rodrigues Vaz
Diego Santiago Montandon
Diná de Almeida Lopes Monteiro da Cruz
Divane de Vargas
Elizabeth Fujimori
Emiko Yoshikawa Egry
Genival Fernandes de Freitas
Heloísa Helena Ciqueto Peres
Jack Roberto Silva Fhon
Juliana Rizzo Gnatta Damato
Lilia de Souza Nogueira
Lisabelle Mariano Rossato
Lislaine Aparecida Fracolli
Lucas Cardoso dos Santos
Lúcia Yasuko Izumi Nichiata
Maiara Rodrigues dos Santos
Marcelo José dos Santos
Margareth Angelo
Maria Amélia de Campos Oliveira
Maria Clara Padoveze
Maria de Fátima Fernandes Vattimo
Maria De La Ó Ramallo Veríssimo
Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Nóbrega
Maria Fernanda Terra
Maria Luiza Gonzalez Riesco
Maria Rita Bertolozzi
Marina de Góes Salvetti
Marina Peduzzi
Maristela Santini Martins
Patrícia Campos Pavan Baptista
Paula Cristina Nogueira
Regina Márcia Cardoso de Sousa
Regina Szylit
Renata Eloah de Lucena Ferretti
Rita de Cássia Burgos de Oliveira Leite
Rosa Maria Godoy Serpa da Fonseca
Ruth Natália Teresa Turrini
Sayuri Tanaka Maeda
Sílvia Regina Secoli
Suely Itsuko Ciosak
Valéria Marli Leonello
Vanessa de Brito Poveda
Vera Lúcia Conceição de Gouveia Santos
Vilanice Alves de Araújo Püshcel
Yeda Aparecida de Oliveira Duarte
Alfredo Almeida Pina de Oliveira
PhD in Science from the Graduate Program in Nursing (PPGE) of the School of Nursing at the University of São Paulo (EEUSP-SP) (2014). Master in Nursing from the Department of Public Health Nursing (ENS) at EEUSP (2007). Specialist in Health Promotion Practices from the Faculty of Medicine of USP (2004) and Education and Technologies from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar – 2019). Bachelor of Nursing from EEUSP (2002). I currently work as a Professor at the Department of Public Health Nursing (ENS) at EEUSP. In addition, I worked as a Professor at the Campo Limpo Paulista University Center (UNIFACCAMP), a Consultant in postgraduate courses in EAD Einstein, a Professor of the Master and Doctoral Program at the University Guarulhos (UNIVERITAS-UNG), and Educator in Public Health at the Center for Health Promotion (CPS) of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of USP (HC-FMUSP). In addition, I have experience in Education and Health Promotion, emphasising the production, analysis and use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies, Active Learning Methodologies and Theories of Knowledge for Action.
Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa
Ph.D., professor at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing since 2005. Finished her Master’s program in Adult Health Nursing (1999) and her Ph.D. in Nursing (2004) at the same institution. Teaches at undergraduate, specialization and graduate (Master’s) level, advises and develops projects on perioperative nursing and stress and coping studies involving patients, families and nursing students. Publishes and offers community services in the same theme areas. Leader of the CNPq research groups Studies on perioperative nursing care and Stress, coping and work. Her activities demonstrate her institutional engagement, particularly as a representative of her department in the EEUSP Research Commission. Research themes: • Patient safety in the perioperative period • Instrument building • Stress and coping in patients with chronic and acute illnesses Contacts: E-mail: anascosta@usp.br
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Ana Luíza Vilela Borges
Dr. Borges has been Professor at the Collective Health Nursing Department of the School of Nursing, University of São Paulo since 2005; Doctoral degree in Public Health by the School of Public Health of USP; concluded her post-doctoral degree at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in the United States of America. Her scientific production concentrates on Sexual and Reproductive Health, focusing on emergency contraception within contraceptive practicing after abortion and pregnancy planning. She performs in coordination of the Brazilian Network for Information Dissemination and Emergency Contraception Provision, and is member to the Advisory Committee of the Latin-American Consortium for Contracepción de Emergencia. In addition, she is leader of the research group for Epidemiological Studies Nucleus within the Community Healthcare Nursing Perspective, and a scientist with the Assistance Nucleus to Women Self-Care, both registered with CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development). Research themes: • Sexual and reproductive health • Adolescent health • Contraception Contacts: E-mail: alvilela@usp.br
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Angela Maria Geraldo Pierin
Full professor at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing, where she has worked since 1981. Obtained her master’s degree in 1985, PhD in 1992 and free lectureship in 1999. Teaches at undergraduate and graduate level. Her research activities focus on care delivery to hypertensive patients, mainly considering blood pressure measurement and treatment adherence. She serves as a research advisor for scientific initiation, master’s and doctoral students. Prof. Pierin holds grants from different funding agencies and her research has been published in Brazilian and international journals, presentations, besides books and book chapters. Her community service activities are illustrated by her work in scientific societies, coordinating blood pressure assessment and advice campaigns. Research themes: • Chronic illnesses • Arterial hypertension • Treatment adherence • Blood pressure measurement: home blood pressure measurement, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, white coat hypertension. Contacts: E-mail: pierin@usp.br
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Anna Luiza de Fátima Pinho Lins Gryschek
Dr. Gryschek majored in Nursing from the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (1981); Full Degree in Nursing from the Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo (1982); Habilitation Course in Public Health Nursing from the Faculty of Public Health of USP (1982); Specialization Course in Continued Education for Nursing in AIDS from the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emílio Ribas (1989); Specialization Course in Hospital Management from São Camilo Center for Hospital Management Development; Improvement Course for Nursing in Hospital Infection Control from the INCOR (Institute of the Heart of São Paulo) (1989); Master’s in Nursing from the School of Nursing from the University of São Paulo (2001). Currently, she is Lecturer with the Department of Collective Health Nursing of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo, teaching all levels of nursing education (Undergraduate, Strict-Sense Graduate, and Broad-Sense Graduate Courses); advises and develops projects within the primary healthcare, transmissible diseases, and immunization; periodical proofreader of the Journal of the Nursing School of USP, and the Health in Debate; member to the Research Group for Vulnerability, Accession, and Healthcare Needs; develops activities that demonstrate her institutional engagement by representing the doctors with the Faculty Senate of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo and the Community Health Department Council. Research Themes • Transmissible diseases • Primary Healthcare • STD/AIDS • Immunization Contact: e-mail: gryschek@usp.br
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Antônio Fernandes Costa Lima
Dr. Lima is Lecturer at the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo, where he has been performing since 2010; graduated in nursing from the Faculty São José in 1990; specialized in Intensive Care Nursing (1995); specialist degree in Nephrology Nursing (2000); specialization in Activation of Changing Processes on High-Education Professional Training in Public Health (2006); Master’s (2000) in Nursing Fundamentals from the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo, and Doctoral degree (2004) in the same institution; experienced in nursing area focused on Management of Human Resources performing mainly in themes such as nursing process, planned change process, participative management, and economic dimensions of nursing management; teaches undergraduate, specialization, master’s and doctoral courses; advises researches related to: cost management in healthcare and nursing servicing, and cost management in healthcare and nursing assistance; leader of the research group in Economic Dimension on Nursing Management, registered at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) since 2011. Research Themes: • Cost Management in Healthcare and Nursing • Cost Management in Healthcare and Nursing Assistance Contacts: E-mail: tonifer@usp.br
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Áurea Tamami Minagawa Toryiama
Dr. Toryiama has been Lecturer at the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (EEUSP) since 2013; concluded her Master’s in Community Health Nursing (2002), and Doctoral degree in Nursing (2008) in the same institution; teaches undergraduate, specialization, and master’s courses, advises and develops projects in children healthcare improvement; member to research groups for Children Healthcare and Epidemiological Study Groups within the Community Healthcare Nursing Perspective. Research Themes: • Children Healthcare Improvement • Maternal Breastfeeding Improvement and Support • Children Development Contact: email: aureatmt@usp.br
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Camila Lima
Graduation at Enfermagem from Universidade Nove de Julho (2007) and master’s at Nefrology from Universidade de São Paulo (2017). Has experience in Nursing, focusing on Nursing, acting on the following subjects: diagnósticos de enfermagem, avaliação prática dos alunos de medicina, transplante hepático, transplante de rim and ngal.
Carla Andrea Trape
Bachelor’s at Enfermagem from Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (2001), bachelor’s at Licenciatura Plena em Enfermagem from Faculdade de Educação da USP/SP (2003) and master’s at Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva from Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (2005). Has experience in Collective Health, focusing on Collective Health, acting on the following subjects: saúde coletiva, enfermagem, atenção primária, saúde da criança and doenças prevalentes na infância.
Carla Marins Silva
Graduation at Enfermagem from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2006), master’s at Nursing from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2008) and doctorate at Enfermagem from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2012). Has experience in Nursing, focusing on Women¿s Health Nursing , acting on the following subjects: saúde da mulher, enfermagem, ginecologia, consulta de enfermagem and hiv/aids.
Caroline Figueira Pereira
graduation at enfermagem from Universidade de São Paulo (2012), graduation at Licenciatura em Enfermagem from Universidade de São Paulo (2012) and master’s at Nursing from Universidade de São Paulo (2014). He is currently doutoranda at Universidade de São Paulo. Has experience in Nursing, focusing on Mental Health Nursing, acting on the following subjects: mulheres, álcool, drogas, tabagismo and atenção primária a saúde.
Célia Maria Sivalli Campos
Ph.D., Professor at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 2004. Master’s degree in Collective Health Nursing (1998) and Ph.D. in Nursing (2004) from the same institution. Teaches at all levels (undergraduate, specialization, Master’s and Ph.D.), advises graduate students at Master’s level and researches on health needs and drugs consumption. Leader of the research group Strengthening and exhaustion in work and life: bases from Collective Health intervention, at the Department of Collective Health Nursing, EEUSP (CNPq research group since 2004). Research themes • Health needs • Youth and drugs consumption Contacts: E-mail: celiasiv@usp.br
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Chennyfer Dobbins Abi Rached
Ph.D. in Public Health from the Federal University of São Paulo (2010). Master in Health Economics from UNIFESP (2007). Specialist in Hospital Epidemiology, Health Audit, and Occupational Nursing. Graduated in Nursing from Centro Universitário São Camilo (2000). She worked as a research monitor in the area of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Hospital das Clínicas-FMUSP. She was a permanent professor at the Professional Master’s Program in Administration: Management of Health Systems at Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE until March 2020. She is currently a Ph.D. Professor at the Department of Professional Guidance (ENO) at the School of Nursing at Universidade São Paulo (USP). Deputy leader of the research group on the Health of Nursing Workers – GESTE, registered in the Research Groups of Brazil – CNPq. Research area: Leadership; Organizational Culture and Power. She has experience as coordinator and professor of distance education at the Federal University of São Paulo. Contents for distance learning materials: DTCom, Laureate, IBMEC, among others.
Diego Santiago Montandon
Temporary professor at the Medical-Surgical Nursing Department (ENC) at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EE-USP). Professor and Researcher at the University of Santo Amaro – UNISA. Alasé da Egbé Ypó Órun, an Afrocultural entity for teaching, research and social and spiritual assistance. Fellow of the Instituto Identidades do Brasil (ID_BR), a pioneer in Brazil for being committed to accelerating the promotion of racial equality. With a Doctorate and Master’s degree in Science from the Graduate Program in Fundamental Nursing of the School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto (EERP) at USP, in 2020 and 2016 respectively. Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) in 2012. Develops research in the area of #8203;#8203;Nursing, Teletriage, Health Technology, Accessibility in Health Services, Pre-hospital Care and Comprehensive Health for the Black Population.
Diná de Almeida Lopes Monteiro da Cruz
She is a faculty member of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo(EEUSP) since 1986, received her Master’s degree in Nursing Service Management in 1989 and a Ph.D. title in 1995 from the same institution. In 1998, she received the Associate Professor position, and was post-doctoral fellow at the School of Nursing, Boston College, in Boston, Massachusetts (2004). Currently, she serves as a full Professor at the Medical-Surgical Nursing Department of EEUSP and teaches at all levels (undergraduate, specialization, Master’s and Ph.D.). She coordinates research and community service projects on clinical reasoning, nursing concepts and classifications, the nursing process and evidence-based health care. She also served as Director of the Brazilian Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care: a Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute. Research themes: • Clinical reasoning • Nursing process • Nursing classifications • Theories and concepts Contacts: E-mail: dinamcruz@usp.br
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Divane de Vargas
Dr. Vargas’ interest is in contributing to the advance of addiction nursing, through the improvement and training of researchers in this area, as well as conducting research and studies aimed at producing and disseminating knowledge that support the practice of nursing in preventing, identifying, treating and care for individuals with related addiction disorders in different situations and scenarios involving the care of this population. Dr. Vargas has clinical experience in nursing care of the client with addictions and psychiatric mental health disorders. His research interests are addiction nursing: alcohol and other drugs with concentration in the following subjects: attitudes, education and knowledge of nurses and undergraduate nurses towards alcohol, alcoholism and alcoholic patient, Substance Use Disorders vulnerable populations and Co-Occurring Mental and Substance Use Disorders. He is member of International Nurses Society on Addiction, and International Institute Nursing Leadership Alliance in Nursing Education for Substance Use Disorders. He has mentored numerous, master and pre-doctoral candidates. Areas of Specialization • Addiction Nursing alcohol and other drugs, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, alcoholism. Education and credentials Ph.D, 2005, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing. MSN, 2001, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing BSN, 1998, West Regional of Rio Grande do Sul University. Associated Professorship, 2011, University of São Paulo, School of Nursing Visiting Professorship, 2012/2013, New York University, School of Nursing Contacts: E-mail: vargas@usp.br
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Elizabeth Fujimori
Undergraduate degree in Nursing from the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) and Teaching Diploma in Nursing from USP School of Education. Specialization, Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Public Health from USP School of Public Health. Free lecturer at EEUSP and Associate Professor at the Collective Health Nursing Department of EEUSP since 1999. Teaches at undergraduate and graduate level in Nursing. Served as the advisor for 7 Master’s theses, 3 Doctoral dissertation and more than 20 scientific initiation studies in public health nursing, nutrition and collective health, besides course conclusion monographs. Former Chairwoman of the EEUSP Research Commission (2002 – 2008). Received 10 awards and/or honors and research funding grants. Leader of the Epidemiological Study Group from the Perspective of Collective Health Nursing and former coordination of the Support Group for Culture and Community Service Activities – Collective Health Nursing Care (NACE:AENSC) from 1993 to 2003. Ad-hoc reviewer for research funding entities and reviewer for Nursing, Nutrition and Public Health journals. Expertise in Nutrition and Nursing, with activities mainly concentrated in the following themes: • Nutritional analysis of the population, • Breast feeding, • Child nutrition, • Nutritional shortages, • Gestational anemia, • Nutrition and living conditions Contacts: E-mail: efujimor@usp.br
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Emiko Yoshikawa Egry
Full Professor at the Collective Health Nursing Department of the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 1996. Master’s degree in Nursing Service Management in the Nursing Graduate Program at EEUSP; Ph.D. in Public Health – Epidemiology at USP School of Public Health; Free lecturer in Collective Health Nursing at EEUSP. Founder of the Collective Health Nursing Department and Collective Health concentration area of Nursing Graduate Program at EEUSP. Former Department Head, Dean, Chairwoman of the Interunit Nursing Doctoral Program Commission EERP/USP and EEUSP and coordinator of the Collective Health Nursing concentration area of the PPGE from 1992 to 2004. Accredited advisor in the Interunit Doctoral Program and Nursing Graduate Programs, advises Master’s and Ph.D. students, as well as Scientific Initiation and Specialization students in Collective Health, with emphasis on Family Health, and supervises a Post-doctoral student funded by CNPq. Full Professor at the Collective Health Nursing Department since 1996. CNPq Productivity researcher – category 1A and former Member of the CNPq Nursing Advisory Commission (2006-2009). Research projects funded by CNPq and FAPESP. Scientific editor of the Journal of School of Nursing at University of Sao Paulo and ad-hoc reviewer for FAPESP, CAPES and CNPq. Leader of the research group “Theoretical, Conceptual and Methodological Bases of Collective Health Nursing” since 1994 and vice-leader of the research group “Health Needs Assessment”, since 2009. Research themes • Transformation of labor processes in the Unified Health System: conceptual, methodological and instrumental aspects. • Health needs: identification and assessment forms in specific population groups from a collective health nursing perspective; • Professional competency definition and assessment from a critical-emancipator perspective; • Collective health nursing practice classification systems and the use of Cipesc (International Classification of Collective Health Nursing Practice) in the theoretical base of Tipesc (Theory of Praxical Intervention of Collective Health Nursing); • Coping with vulnerabilities: violence and hospitalization sensitive to Primary Care. Contacts: e-mail: emiyegry@usp.br
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Genival Fernandes de Freitas
Professor at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 2003. Master’s degree in Nursing Service Management (2002) and Ph.D. in Nursing (2005) from the same institution. Associate Professor (Free lecturer) since 2011. Teaches at all levels (undergraduate, specialization, master’s and Ph.D.), advises and develops research projects on nursing ethics, history and legislation. Publishes, researches, develops tools and offers advice and consulting services in the same theme area. Leader of the CNPq research group “Nursing History and Legislation” and member of the Research Group “Bioethics and Management: teaching and health care”, with Brazilian and international multicenter research projects. Postdoctoral program in Anthropology and Cultural Care in Spain, 2007. Research themes • Pre-professional nursing • Professionalization of nursing • Legislation of professional nursing practice • Professional identity • Care culture Contacts: E-mail: genivalf@usp.br
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Heloísa Helena Ciqueto Peres
Dr. Peres is BSc (1985) and Degree in Nursing (1988); specialist in Healthcare IT (2005); Master’s in Nursing Servicing Management (1995), and Doctorate degree in Health Sciences (2001); currently is Associate Professor at the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo; Coordinator of the Center of Studies on Telenursing of the School of Nursing, University of São Paulo – CETENF/EEUSP; performs mainly in Nursing Education and Management, Information and Communication Technology in the nurse’s work processes, Information Technology in Healthcare and Nursing, Tele-healthcare and Telenursing; advisor for Master’s and Doctoral degree courses in Nursing Management Graduate Program of EEUSP (PPGEn) within the research lines of Education and Management of Human Resources in Nursing, and Health and Management of Nursing Actions and Services; leader of the Information Technology Study and Research Group within the nursing work process (GEPETE), registered in the Directory of Research Groups of Brazil with the CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development); and is a CNPq Productivity Scholar. Research themes • Nursing education and educational technology • Informatics in Health and Nursing • Telehealth and Telenursing • Information systems in Health and Nursing • Human Resource Management in Nursing Contacts: E-mail: hhcperes@usp.br
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Isilia Aparecida Silva
Undergraduate degree in Nursing – USP (1977), Master’s degree in Obstetric Nursing – USP (1987), Ph.D. in Obstetric Nursing – USP (1994), Free lectureship – USP (1999). Full Professor at the Maternal-Infant and Psychiatric Nursing Department of EEUSP. Former Dean of the School of Nursing. CAPES consultant to evaluation of new and ongoing courses. Ad hoc advisor to the CAPES. Experience in Nursing, particularly Obstetric Nursing, with activities focusing on: breastfeeding, maternal breastfeeding, nursing, HIV and infants and research policies. Contacts: E-mail: isasilva@usp.br
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Jack Roberto Silva Fhon
Has graduation at Licenciado en Enfermería by Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener (2006) , graduation at Pedagogia by Claretiano Centro Universitário (2019) , graduation at Enfermagem by Universidade Federal de São Carlos (2015) , specialization at Promoción de Salud en el contexto de la APS by Organizacão Pan-Americana da Saude/Organizacão Mundial da Saude (2015) , specialization at Docência no ensino superior by Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá – Jardim Paulista (2016) , master’s at Enfermagem Fundamental by Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto – USP (2011) , Ph.D. at Ciências by Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto – USP (2016) , Postdoctorate by Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto – Universidade de São Paulo (2020) and curso-tecnico-profissionalizante by Instituto Superior Tecnológico Privado Alessandro Volta (1999) . Currently is Revisor de periódico of Aquichan (Bogotá), Revisor de periódico of tropical medicine & surgery, Revisor de periódico of Journal AIDS Clinical Research & STDs, Revisor de periódico of Avances en Enfermeria, Revisor de periódico of Investigación Y Educacion en Enfermaria, Revisor de periódico of Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Online), Revisor de periódico of Acta Paulista de Enfermagem (Online), Revisor de periódico of Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem (USP. Ribeirão Preto. Impresso), Revisor de periódico of Revista de enfermería universitaria, Revisor de periódico of Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP (Online), Revisor de periódico of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Revisor de periódico of Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem, Revisor de periódico of Aging and Disease, Revisor de periódico of Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Impresso), Membro de corpo editorial of AVANCES EN ENFERMERIA, Pesquisador of Universidade Tiradentes, of Universidad Nacional de Tumbes, of Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, of Universidade de Pernambuco, of Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, of Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Revisor de periódico of BMC Geriatrics e Revisor de periódico of ESCOLA ANNA NERY. Has experience in the area of Nursing. Focused, mainly, in the subjects: idoso, quedas, fragilidade, atividades da vida diária, deficit cognitivo e comunidade.
Juliana Rizzo Gnatta
Has experience in perioperative nursing, focusing on Nursing, acting on the following subjects: infection control and prevention, perioperative nursing and complementary therapies.
Kazuko Uchikawa Graziano
Full Professor at the Medical-Surgical Nursing Department of the University of São Paulo School of Nursing – EEUSP since 2006. Obtained her Master’s degree in Nursing Fundamentals (1989) and Ph.D. in Nursing (1993) from the same Institution. Teaches at all levels (undergraduate, specialization, Master’s and Ph.D.), advises and develops research projects in the research line Health Technology, addressing themes related to Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization and Central Supply. Publishes, develops projects and tools and offers advice and consulting services in the same theme area. Leader of the CNPq research group “Infection control related to care procedures”, through which she develops research projects. Her activities demonstrate her institutional engagement, particularly as the former coordinator of the Adult Health Nursing Graduate Program – PROESA at EEUSP, between 2004 and 2010. Research themes • Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of health care materials. • Reuse of materials traded as for single use. • Anti-septic agents. • Toxicity of biomaterials. Contacts: E-mail: kugrazia@usp.br
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Lilia de Souza Nogueira
Dr. Nogueira has been Lecturer at the School of Nursing, University of São Paulo (EEUSP) since 2013; concluded Master’s in Nursing on Adult Healthcare (2008) and Doctorate in Sciences (2012) in the same institution; advises and develops projects on emergency and intensive care with scientific production on the theme; coordinates the League of Emergency Nursing of EEUSP and is effective member to “Group of Studies on Trauma – Seriousness Assistance and Indicators”, led by Lecturer Regina Márcia Cardoso de Sousa. Research Themes: • Emergency Nursing Care and Intensive Care • Seriousness Indexes • Assistance to Trauma Victims • Nursing Workload Contacts: E-mail: lilianogueira@usp.br
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Lisabelle Mariano Rossato
Ph.D., Professor at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 2003. Undergraduate degree in Nursing from USP (1989), Master’s degree in Pediatric Nursing (1997) and Ph.D. in Nursing (2003). Teaches at all levels (undergraduate, specialization, Master’s and Ph.D.). Publishes, researches, develops tools and serves as a research advisor in Nursing, mainly focusing on: teaching about pain in nursing, pain in children, pediatric nursing, family nursing, neonatal nursing, pediatric and neonatal intensive therapy, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, pain and palliative care in infants and children. Researcher and member of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Losses and Mourning (NIPPEL), registered at CNPq, with national and international research projects. Research themes • Pain and palliative care in infants and children • Pediatric and neonatal intensive therapy • Pediatric nursing • Family nursing Contacts: E-mail: rossato@usp.br
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Research Group: NIPPEL – Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Perdas e Luto – Grupo de Estudos sobre a Criança Doente
Lislaine Aparecida Fracolli
Associate professor (free lecturer) at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 2007. Master’s degree in Special Education (1994) from Universidade Federal de São Carlos and Ph.D. in Nursing (1999) from EEUSP. Post-doctoral training at the University of Toronto (Canadá) in qualitative research and health promotion. Teaches at undergraduate, specialization, Master’s and Ph.D. level at EEUSP. Advises and develops research and community service projects in Primary Care, Family Health and Health Promotion. Publishes and offers advice and consulting services in the same theme area. Deputy leader of the CNPq research group Technical Care Models and Health Promo¬tion, with national and international research projects. Research themes • Health promotion and Family Health Strategy • Primary Care and Nursing work process in collective health • Health promotion and Quality of life in Primary Care • Health Surveillance and Primary Care Contacts: E-mail: lislaine@usp.br
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Lucas Cardoso dos Santos
Graduation at Enfermagem from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2009) and master’s at Collective Health from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2015). Has experience in Nursing, focusing on Collective Health Nursing, acting on the following subjects: processo de enfermagem, diagnóstico de enfermagem, hemovigilância, projeto hospital sentinela/anvisa and enfermagem.
Lúcia Yasuko Izumi Nichiata
Undergraduate degree in Nursing from University of São Paulo (1987), Teaching Diploma in Nursing from University of São Paulo (1987), Master’s degree in Nursing from University of São Paulo (1995) and Ph.D. in Nursing from University of São Paulo (2001) and Free Lectureship (2010). As a faculty member at the Collective Health Nursing Department of the University of São Paulo, she teaches at undergraduate and graduate level lato sensu (specialization), as well as stricto sensu at Master’s and Ph.D. level. Member of the research group registered in CNPq, develops projects supported by CNPq and Fapesp. Has developed community service projects in partnership with the São Paulo State Health Secretary. Research themes • Public policies and the Program of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and aids • Health care for Sexually Transmitted Diseases and aids at different levels in the Unified Health System • Nursing and Transmissible Diseases Contacts: E-mail: izumi@usp.br
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Maiara Rodrigues dos Santos
Maiara R. Santos, PhD, RN, is an Assistant Professor at School of Nursing, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Santos has been a member and researcher of the Interdisciplinary Nucleus for Research in Loss and Bereavement (NIPPEL). Her education includes a Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degree at the University of Sao Paulo and Post-Doctoral Fellowship focusing on oncology nurses moral distress. Her research focuses on the relationship between health care providers and families of children and adolescent with life-threatening or chronic conditions, death, dying and bereavement in the family and labor dynamics in oncology settings.
Marcelo José dos Santos
Dr. Santos has been Lecturer with the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (EEUSP) since 2013; concluded his specialization in intensive care (2001); Master’s in Nursing Servicing Management (2004); Doctorate in Sciences (2010); and Post-Doctorate (2012) in the same institution; teaches undergraduate and graduate levels; advises and develops projects in Ethics, Professional Legislation, Bioethics, and Management of Nursing Actions and Servicing and Healthcare; holds scientific productions and projects, and renders advisory and consultancy services within the same area; is member to the research group “Bioethics and Management: Healthcare Education and Assistance.” Research Themes: • Ethics and Professional Legislation • Bioethics • Ethics and Transplants • Management of Nursing Actions and Servicing and Healthcare Contatos: E-mail: mjosan1975@usp.br
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Margareth Angelo
Full Professor at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 2000. Master’s degree in Pediatric Nursing (1982) from EEUSP and Ph.D. in Sciences (1989) from the USP Institute of Psychology. Teaches at all levels (undergraduate and graduate, especially Master’s and Ph.D.), advises and develops projects on family nursing. Publishes, researches, develops theoretical models and offers advice and consulting services in the same theme area and related to qualitative methods. Leader of the CNPq research group “Family Nursing Studies”, with Brazilian and international researchers’ projects. Visiting professor at international institutions, including Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile) and Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (Portugal). Research themes • Family system nursing (practice, theory, education and research) • Family health • Qualitative research methods Contacts: E-mail: angelm@usp.br
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Maria Amélia de Campos Oliveira
Full Professor at the Collective Health Nursing Department of the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP). Undergraduate degree in Nursing from EEUSP (1978), with qualification in Nurse-Midwifery (1979), Master’s degree in Nursing Services Management (1988) and PhD in Nursing from the University of São Paulo (1998). Head of the Collective Health Nursing Department between 2000 and 2002, president of the EEUSP Undergraduate Commission between 2004 and 2009, advisor to the USP Provost of Undergraduate Programs between January 2006 and December 2009 and USP pro-tempore Provost of Undergraduate Programs in January and February 2010. Member of the research groups “Conceptual and methodological basis of Collective Health Nursing”, “ Health Needs Assessment” and “Gender, health and Nursing”, with scientific production in the following nursing research lines: Theoretical and methodological basis of Collective Health care knowledge and practices, Collective Health Needs and Collective Health workforce education and qualification. Knowledge production on nursing education and health and needs, with emphasis on primary health care nursing, home care, quality of life, informal caregiver and the health-disease process. Research themes • Health Needs Assessment • Nursing education • Primary Health Care nursing • Health-disease process Contacts: E-mail: macampos@usp.br
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Maria Clara Padoveze
Dr. Padoveze has been Lecturer at the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (EEUSP) since 2009; concluded her Master’s in Microbiology (1998) by the Biology Institute, and Doctorate in Medical Clinics, basic area, (2004) by the School of Medical Sciences both from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP); teaches undergraduate, master’s, professional master’s, doctorate, and extension educational levels; develops and advises projects for transmissible-disease areas, focusing on healthcare-associated infections; holds scientific production, projects and developed tools, as well as renders advisory and consultancy services within the same thematic area towards government organs such as Epidemiological Surveillance Center of the State of São Paulo, National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance, and World Health Organization; participates in EEUSP research groups registered with CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Research): Vulnerability, Accession, and Needs in Community Healthcare and Healthcare-associated Infection Control; participates in activities of the Federal University of São Carlos such as Study and Research Groups on good control practices of pathogen transmission related to healthcare assistance; in addition, develops activities that demonstrate he institutional engagement, and among which one can currently stand out her participation as a member to EEUSP Program Recycle and Managerial Committee for the Laboratorial Support Center (CELAB). Research Themes: • Epidemiology of Healthcare-associated Infections • Governmental Control Program for Healthcare-associated Infections • Protection and Control Measures for Healthcare-associated Infections and Infectious Diseases Contatos: email: padoveze@usp.br
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Maria de Fátima Fernandes Vattimo
Associate professor (Free Lecturer) at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 2005. Master’s degree in Biological Sciences – Nephrology (1993) and Ph.D. in Health Sciences – Basic Nephrology Sciences (1998) in the Nephrology Course at São Paulo Federal University (UNIFESP). Post-doctoral fellowship in renal microscopy at “Indiana University Purdue University-UIPUI”, under the advice of Prof Bruce Molitoris (2007). Teaches at all levels (undergraduate, specialization, Master’s and Ph.D.) and advises projects on the physiopathology and identification of kidney disease, with clinical trials and animal models. Publishes in Brazil and abroad and offers advice and consulting in the abovementioned area. Leader of the Study Group on Acute Kidney Injury (GERA), in which the research projects are developed. Her academic activities include the coordination of the Experimental Animal Model Laboratory (LEMA). She is also a member and President of the Research Commission, Department Council and Coordination Commission of the Graduate Program in Adult Health. Research themes • Physiopathology of acute kidney injury • Clinical biomarkers of acute kidney injury • Dialysis methods in severe patients • Antioxidants in acute kidney failure. Contacts: E-mail: nephron@usp.br
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Maria De La Ó Ramallo Veríssimo
Dr. Maria Verissimo’s research has focused on child health promotion, particularly in essential childhood needs and in the development of new technologies toward child health promotion, as well in the strategy of Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI). Her clinical preparation is in child health nursing and primary care. She is fluent in Spanish and participates of the Red de Enfermería en Salud Infantil (Network of Nursing in Child Health). She is a Professor at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing. She teaches at undergraduate and graduate levels. She coordinates and participates in national and international research projects. She is the leader of the CNPq research group “Care for Childhood Health”. Presently, she coordinates the EEUSP Nursing Bachelor Program. Research themes • Care and essential childhood needs in health promotion. • The Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) strategy. • Child Health Nursing Classifications. Contacts: E-mail: mdlorver@usp.br
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Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Nóbrega
Dr. Nóbrega is Undergraduate degree in Nursing from the Federal University of Paraíba (1992), Specialist in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing (1995); Master’s degree (2001); PhD (2007) from the Federal University of São Paulo / UNIFESP. Post-doctoral in additions by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) – Canada (2010). Lecturer at the Maternal-Infant and Psychiatric Nursing Department of EEUSP in 2014. Researcher at the Research Group Policies and Practices Mental health and nursing registered at CNPq. Experience in nursing with emphasis on Mental Health and Psychiatry. Her research focuses of mental health in primary health care, policy on mental health, psychosocial care network, mental health nursing adult, nursing alcohol and drugs.
E-mail: perpetua.nobrega@usp.br
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Maria Luiza Gonzalez Riesco
Associate Professor at the School of Nursing at Universidade de São Paulo (EEUSP) since 1985. Master’s degree in Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing and Ph.D. in Nursing from the same institution. Teaches at undergraduate, Master’s and Ph.D. levels, advises and develops projects on birth care and midwifery and nurse-midwifery education. Publishes, researches and offers advice and consulting services in these areas. Leader of the research group “Nursing and Birth Care: Models, Caregivers and Practices”. Research themes • Perineal trauma in normal birth: prevention, morbidity and care • Birth care models • Midwifery and nurse-midwifery education Contacts: E-mail: riesco@usp.br
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Maria Rita Bertolozzi
Dr. Bertollozi is Associate Professor (tenured Lecturer) with the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (EEUSP), where she was admitted in 1984; was awarded her Master’s in Epidemiology Concentration and Doctorate in the same area from the Faculty of Public Health, University of São Paulo; is involved in all educational levels (undergraduate, specialization, Master’s and Doctorate), and advises and develops projects in Community Healthcare; is leader of the research group “Vulnerability, Accession, and Needs in Community Healthcare”, registered with CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Research; develops epidemiological studies which has the purpose of densifying such public health-related categories, among others, focusing on projects, the themes of which are related to neglected diseases, social determinants, and social inequalities; is specialists in International Health, having participated in the Training Program for International Health, promoted by the Pan-American Health Organization in Washington DC in 1993, representing Brazil; currently, is Director of the EEUSP-Graduate Committee, and coordinator of the Professional Master’s in Primary Healthcare Nursing of SUS (Single Health System). Research themes • Adherence to treatment and health practices • Vulnerabilities in Collective Health • Neglected illnesses and social inequalities • Health policies • International health Contacts: E-mail: mrbertol@usp.br
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Marina de Góes Salvetti
Dr. Salvetti is Lecturer at the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo, where she has been performing since August 2014; graduated in nursing from the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (1999); Master’s in Adult Health from the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (2004), specialized in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (2006); and Doctoral degree (2010) in Sciences in the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo with internship at Lawrence S. Bloomberg – Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto (2009); Post-doctoral fellow at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2013-2014); experienced in nursing area focused on Pain Management, Oncology and Leg Ulcers, mainly in themes such as pain, symptom control and palliative care; leader of the Research Group: Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care, registered at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) since 1994.
Researcher of the Research Group: Incubator Nursing Procedures.
Research Themes: Pain; chronic pain; oncology and symptom control.
E-mail: mgsalvetti@usp.br
Marina Peduzzi
Associate professor (free lecturer) at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 2007. Master’s degree in Psychiatric Nursing from the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing (1988) and Ph.D. in Collective Health from Campinas State University School of Medical Sciences (1999). Teaches (undergraduate, specialization, Master’s and Ph.D.), develops research and offers community services in the field of health and nursing management, particularly related to the health and nursing work process, teamwork and permanent education. Leader of the CNPq research group Human resource management from the perspective of the health and nursing work process, joining undergraduate and graduate (Master’s and Ph.D.) students. Her activities demonstrate her institutional engagement, among which the deputy coordination of the Nursing Management Graduate Program (PPGEN) at EEUSP. Research theme • Human Resource Management in Health and Nursing Contacts: E-mail: marinape@usp.br
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Maristela Santini Martins
PhD Professor at the Department of Professional Guidance (ENO) at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP), devoted entirely to teaching and research. Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Nursing Management (PPGEn) at EEUSP. Leader of the Quality and Safety in Nursing and Health Services Research Group (GPQualiS) at EEUSP. 2018 Post-Doc at EEUSP’s ENO Department. 2015, Doctor of Science in PPGEn at EEUSP. Master of Nursing at EEUSP’s Graduate Program in Nursing (PPGE) in 2008. Specialization in Health Services Management, 2005, and in Stomatherapy, 2005, by EEUSP. In 2002, she received a nursing degree from the Centro Universitário Adventista de Sao Paulo.
Patrícia Campos Pavan Baptista
Ph.D., Professor at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP). Master’s (2001), Ph.D. (2006) and post-doctoral degree (2009) in Nursing from the same institution. Teaches at all levels (undergraduate, specialization, master’s and Ph.D.), advises and develops research projects on human resource management and occupational health. Publishes on the same theme and is a researcher in the CNPq research group “Studies on occupational health of Nursing workers”, with national and international multicenter projects. Research themes • Human Resource Management in Health and Nursing • Occupational health of nursing and health workers • Quality of life in nursing and health work Contacts: E-mail: pavanpati@usp.br
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Paula Cristina Nogueira
Graduation at Enfermagem from Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto – USP (2000), master’s at Enfermagem Fundamental from Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto – USP (2005) and doctorate at Enfermagem from Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto – USP (2010). Has experience in Nursing, focusing on Nursing, acting on the following subjects: enfermagem, úlcera de pressão, úlcera por pressão, traumatismos da medula espinhal and software.
Regina Márcia Cardoso de Sousa
Full Professor since 2012, Associate professor (free lecturer) at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 2002. Master’s Degree in Nursing Fundamentals (1989) and Ph.D. in Nursing (1995) from the same institution. Teaches at undergraduate and graduate (Master’s and Ph.D.) level, advises and develops projects in neuroscience, trauma and intensive care. Publishes, develops projects and offers advice and consulting services in the same theme areas. Leader of the CNPq Study Group on Trauma – care and severity indicators and researcher in the CNPq Research Group on Intensive Care Unit Nursing. CNPq Research Productivity Grantee, advises scientific initiation students and post-doctoral fellows, besides Master’s and Ph.D. students enrolled in the Graduate Program in Adult Health Nursing. Her activities demonstrate her institutional engagement, among which the presidency of the EEUSP Culture and Community Service Commission stands out. Research themes • Nursing care to patients with neurological conditions. • Care delivery to trauma victims and relatives. • Trauma severity and consequence assessment systems. • Nursing workload for patients hospitalized in intensive care units. Contacts: E-mail: vian@usp.br
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Regina Szylit
Undergraduate degree in Nursing from USP (1984), Master’s degree in Pediatric Nursing (1992) and Ph.D. in Nursing from USP (1999). Post-doctoral degree (2004) at Yale University School of Nursing (New Haven, USA), with palliative care research. Presently associate professor at the Maternal-Infant and Psychiatric Nursing Department of the University of São Paulo School of Nursing, responsible for undergraduate and graduate course subjects. Chairwoman of the Research Commission. Member of the International Work Group in Death, Dying and Bereavement (IWG) and Leader of NIPPEL – Interdisciplinary Research Group on Losses and Mourning. Her experience is concentrated in pediatric nursing, death and dying, loss, bereavement and Family nursing. Research themes • Death and mourning in the family • Health professionals’ experience towards the dying process • Health-related quality of life in situations of loss and palliative care Contacts: E-mail: szylit@usp.br
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Renata Eloah de Lucena Ferretti
Professor Renata Eloah de Lucena Ferretti-Rebustini, BNSc, RN, CNS, Ph.D, Professor of the Medical-surgical Department of the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 2011. Bachelor of Nursing Science at Federal University of São Paulo (1999), Clinical Nurse Specialist in Geriatric Nursing at the same university (2000). Ph.D in Science (Physiopathology on ageing) at the University of São Paulo Medical School (2008) and post-doctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Psychometric and Experimental Methods at the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivière, Canada. Her institutional activities are developed in the areas of teaching, research and extension. Coordinator of the Cardiopneumology in Nursing Residence Program of EEUSP in collaboration with the Cardiologic Institute from the Clinical Hospital of the University of São Paulo Medical School. Scientific coordinator of the Advanced Nursing Practice Academic League. Takes part of commissions and working groups, as the Undergraduate Commission and the Medical-Surgical Department Council. Has experience in nursing education management, as coordinator of undergraduate and graduate courses, previously. Develops researches in ageing, critical care, emergency and cardiovascular nursing related to advanced nursing practices. Takes part on research projects in collaboration to national and international research centers in the area of ageing and psychometrics. Research themes: • Advanced Nursing Practice in med-surgical care of the adult and the elderly in acute and critical conditions; • Physiopathology on ageing: from basic research to clinical care of the elderly; • Psychometrics: construction, validation, cross-cultural adaptation and analysis of the psychometric properties of measurement instruments in health. Contacts: E-mail: reloah@usp.br
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Rita de Cássia Burgos de Oliveira Leite
Ph.D., professor at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 2002. Master’s degree in Medical-Surgical Nursing (1995) at the Federal University of Bahia. Teaches at all levels (undergraduate, specialization, Master’s and Ph.D.), advises and develops projects on perioperative patient safety and Nursing Care Methods in the same area. Publishes, develops projects and tools (Perioperative Assessment Scale) in the same theme area. Leader of the CNPq research group Study Group on Perioperative Nursing Care (GEAPE), with undergraduate and graduate projects, as well as projects involving hospital nurses working in perioperative care. Her activities demonstrate her institutional engagement, participating in Department Councils, the Research Commission and the New Nursing Curriculum Assessment Commission. Research themes • Perioperative nursing for adult and geriatric patients submitted to general and cancer surgeries. • Technological advances in surgical procedures. • Study on emotional alterations in surgical patients. • Study on nursing care in outpatient procedures. • Study on perioperative nursing care methods. Contacts: E-mail: rboleite@usp.br
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Rosa Maria Godoy Serpa da Fonseca
Full professor at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 1998. Master’s degree in Public Health from USP School of Public Health (1982) and Ph.D. in Nursing from EEUSP (1990). Free lecturer in Collective Health Nursing since 1996. Teaches at all levels (undergraduate, specialization, Master’s and Ph.D.), advises and develops collective health nursing projects, with emphasis on gender research. Her publications address the same theme. Offers advice and consulting services in the same theme area. Leader of the CNPq research group “Gender, Health and Nursing”, with national and international multicenter projects. Her activities demonstrate her institutional engagement, among which her work, since 1998, at the USP Social Care Coordination stands out, an entity directly affiliated with the Rectory. Research themes • Epistemology and gender • Gender and drugs addiction • Gender and women’s health • Knowing how to be and professional nursing practice • Health and nursing policies and practices in view of social groups’ health needs (women in violence situations) • Gender, gender violence and violence against women Contacts: E-mail: rmgsfon@usp.br
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Ruth Natália Teresa Turrini
Associate Professor (Free Lecturer) since 2012, Ph.D., Professor at the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo since 1999 where she has been teaching in undergraduation, specialization and graduation courses. She concluded the Master’s and Doctoral Course in Epidemiology at the Public Health Faculty of the University of São Paulo. Her areas of research include the epidemiology of nosocomial infections, perioperative nursing care and complementary medicine practices (especially, Bach Flower Therapy). Leader of the CNPq research group “Technologies and interventions on adult health care”. Contacts: E-mail: rturrini@usp.br
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Sayuri Tanaka Maeda
Undergraduate degree in Nursing from University of São Paulo (1972), undergraduate degree in Economics from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2002), specialization course for Hospital Executive at Instituto de Pesquisas Hospitalares de São Camilo (1976), Master’s degree in Nursing Service Management from University of São Paulo (1988), Ph.D. in Nursing from University of São Paulo (2002). Currently Professor at the University of São Paulo and Reviewer for Journal of São Paulo University School of Nursing; Revista Paulista de Enfermagem. Experienced in Collective Health, particularly Public Health. Activities concentrated in the following themes: Health services, comprehensiveness, public policy; health economics. Research themes • Health service management; • Health economics; • Teaching and learning in collective health nursing Contacts: E-mail: sayuri@usp.br
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Silvia Regina Secoli
Undergraduate degree in Nursing from the School of Medical Sciences at Campinas State University (Unicamp) (1986), Master’s degree in Pharmacology from the School of Medical Sciences at Unicamp (1993), Ph.D. in Nursing from USP (2002), Post-Doctoral degree in Pharmacology from the Catalan Pharmacology Institute and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2008). Presently associate professor at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing. Involved in teaching, research and community services. Coordinates the CNPq Research Group “Pharmacological treatment management in clinical nursing practice”, with research projects about potential and actual outcomes of pharmacological therapy that can jeopardize patient safety. Member of the Research Group “Health Technology Assessment”, with research projects on evidence-based practices and health technology assessment – focused on medication use. Research themes • Adverse events related to drugs • Intravenous therapy • Evaluation of health technology Contacts: E-mail: secolisi@usp.br
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Suely Itsuko Ciosak
Associate professor (free lecturer) at the Collective Health Nursing Department of the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 2004. Bachelor in Nursing and Midwifery from USP (1976) and Teaching Diploma from USP School of Education. Master’s degree in Nursing Service Management (1985), Ph.D. in Nursing (1994) and Free lectureship (2004) from EEUSP. Teaches at undergraduate and graduate level. Her research is related to the following areas: nursing and health care in the health-disease process, public health and human resource policies in nursing and health, with different publications in health journals. Editorial Board member of: Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, Revista Brasileira de Nutrição Clínica (SBNPE), Actualizaciones en Enfermería (Colombia), Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Controle de Contaminação (SBCC) and ad-hoc consultant to: Journal of the University of São Paulo School of Nursing, Acta Paulista, Rev. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, Rev. Latino Americana de Enfermagem. Leader of the CNPq research group Studies on Senescence and Senility. É bolsista Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq – nível 2. Research themes • Healthcare-Disease Process of Individuals, Families, Social Groups, and Community: Nursing Interventions • 2. Management on Healthcare and Public Health • 3. Elderly care in Collective Health • 4. Transmissible diseases (healthcare-associated infection control, biosafety, STD/AIDS, hepatitis) • 5. Nutrition therapy (parenteral and enteral) Contacts: E-mail: siciosaki@usp.br
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Valéria Marli Leonello
Dr. Leonello has been Lecturer ath the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (EEUSP) since 2013; concluded her Master’s in Community Healthcare Nursing (2007), and Doctorate in Sciences (2012) in the same institution; teaches undergraduate and specialization educational levels; advises and develops projects in nursing training and work process both focusing on basic healthcare; holds scientific production and projects supported in this research line; participates in the research group “Management of Human Resources within Work Process Perspective in Healthcare and Nursing”, registered with CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development); develops institutional engagement activities as EEUSP BSc Committee representative. Research themes: • Nursing Training • Healthcare Training within Primary Healthcare Perspective • Work Process in Primary Healthcare Nursing Contatos: E-mail: valeria.leonello@usp.br
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Vanessa de Brito Poveda
Dr. Poveda has been Lecturer at the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo since 2013; graduated in nursing (2001), Master’s and Doctorate in Fundamental Nursing by the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto (EERP) (2004/2008) and post-doctorate by the University of São Paulo (2010); teaches all educational levels, advises and develops projects in Medical Surgical Nursing, performing mainly in: perioperative nursing, oncologic-surgical patient care, and hospital-infection prevention and control; holds scientific production and projects within the same thematic area; is one of the leaders of the research group “Technologies and Interventions focusing on Adult Surgical Patients’ Healthcare”, registered with CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development); in addition, develops activities that demonstrate her institutional engagement, among which one can currently point out the vice-coordination of Residence Program for Cardiovascular Nursing of Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology; develops research activities in Perioperative Nursing: Research Theme: • Nursing Assistance during Intraoperative Period • Oncologic-surgical Patients • Hospital-infection Prevention and Control Contato: vbpoveda@usp.br
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Vera Lúcia Conceição de Gouveia Santos
Associate professor (free lecturer) at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP), active at the Medical-Surgical Nursing Department since 1983. Master’s (1989), Ph.D. (1996) and free lectureship degree (2006) from EEUSP; specialist in stomal therapy from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1989), obtained her wound ostomy and continence nursing certificate – TiSOBEST – in 2007. Post-doctoral degree in quality of life from Instituto d´Investigación Médica de Barcelona (IMIM) in 2008. Teaches at all lato sensu and stricto sensu undergraduate and graduate levels in the fields of ostomy, wound and continence care and quality of life. She was one of the main researchers responsible for putting in practice Stomal Therapy in Brazil, organizing the country’s first specialization course, which supported its development as a specialty. Relevant scientific production on stomal therapy and leader of the CNPq Research Group with the same name. CNPq Research Productivity grantee level 1D since 2010. Member of different boards and commissions at EEUSP, particularly the Departmental Board, Graduate Program Commission (PROESA), Culture and Community Service Commission and Undergraduate Commission. Full or ad hoc member of Editorial Boards in different Brazilian and international journals. Has just received a Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing Journal award during WOCN & WCET Joint Conference, June 2010, in Phoenix, USA. Research themes • Ostomy, wound and continence care Quality of Life Contacts: E-mail: veras@usp.br
Vilanice Alves de Araújo Püshcel
Associate Professor (Free Lecturer) since 2011, Ph.D., professor at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) since 2003. Obtained her Master’s degree in Adult Health (1999) and her Ph.D. in Nursing (2003) from the same institution. Teaches at undergraduate, specialization and Master’s level; advises and develops research projects on adult health and higher nursing education, with publications on the same themes. Leader of the Research Group “Pedagogical practice in higher nursing education and adult health care”, under registration at CNPq. Her activities demonstrate her institutional engagement, particularly the coordination of the Pedagogical Support Group at EEUSP, which conducted the curricular reform process and the construction of the new Political-Pedagogical Project for the Bachelor’s Program in Nursing. Research themes • Pedagogical practice in higher nursing education • Nursing teaching • Nurses’ educative action in adult care • Adult care Contacts: E-mail: vilanice@usp.br
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Yeda Aparecida de Oliveira Duarte
Undergraduate degree in Nursing from the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (EEUSP) (1982), Master’s (1996) and Ph.D. (2001) in Gerontology Nursing from USP. Post-Doctoral degree (2005) in Epidemiology from the University of São Paulo School of Public Health, including a traineeship at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Presently Associate Professor and free lecturer at EEUSP. Experience in Nursing, particularly Geriatrics and Gerontology, and mainly active in the following themes: elderly, home care, ageing, gerontology, family and caregiver. Responsible for the creation of the first Brazilian Undergraduate course in Gerontology, located at the University of São Paulo School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities. Principal investigator in the SABE study – Health, Wellbeing and Aging, a multicenter project that was initially coordinated by the Pan American Health Organization and is today a longitudinal research about the living and health conditions of elderly people in São Paulo City. Coordinates the study on “Frailty indicators of elder elderly “. Co-leader of the Research Group “Public Health and Aging”. Research Productivity Grantee – level 2 (2010/2013). Coordinates an Orientation Program for Caregivers of Elderly People and Caregiver Teachers, developed by EEUSP. Contacts: E-mail: yedaenf@usp.br