Department of Biotechnology Engineering College of Lorena

Prof. Elisson Romanel

Graduated in Biological Sciences from Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) (2004), developing the work of scientific initiation in the area of ​​plant cytogenetics. In order to understand the molecular mechanisms responsible for plant growth and development, pursued the Master’s degree (2006) in the Graduate Program in Genetics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in the Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics (LGMV). In the same area, concluded a sandwich doctorate (2010), part of which was carried out at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France) and at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), increasing the theoretical and practical knowledge in Plant Molecular Genetics. Acted mainly in the following themes: bioinformatics, phylogenetic analysis, evolution and plant development (Evo-Devo), functional genomics of plant reproduction, plant-microorganism interaction, cloning and gene expression. Currently, is a professor at the Engineering College of Lorena, University of São Paulo (EEL-USP), where has been investing efforts in the identification of genes of biosynthesis and flowering of lignocellulosic biomass in order to modify the recalcitrance of the cell wall, increase the plant biomass and identify marker genes of biotechnological interest.