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Instructions for the Qualifying Exam

– The Thesis/Dissertation manuscript must follow the rules laid down in the FMUSP Manual for the Presentation of Theses, Dissertations, and Papers (Guia de Apresentação de Dissertações, Teses e Monografias da FMUSP). The handbook may be consulted through the following link to the FMUSP Library: : http://www.fm.usp.br/biblioteca/espaco-do-aluno/pos-graduando .


– The Thesis/Dissertation manuscript to be assessed at the Qualifying Exam must comprise an introduction, a literature review (included in the introduction or in a separate chapter), materials, methods, and partial results.


– Enrollment in the Qualifying Exam is the Student’s responsibility and must take place within the time frame established in the Student Record available in the JANUS System. To enroll, the Student must turn in, to the Program Office, the Form for the Selection of Examining Committee Members (Formulário para Definição da Comissão Examinadora) along with information on the date intended for taking the Qualifying Exam.


– The Student must submit, to the Program Office, 5 spiral-bound copies of the Thesis/Dissertation to be assessed at the Qualifying Exam within 20 days of the date set for it for timely distribution to the Examining Committee members.


– The Program Office is in charge of reserving a room for the Qualifying Exam and sending the members of the Examining Committee invitations and copies of the Thesis/Dissertation.