Consolidating core entrepreneurial competences: toward a meta-competence framework

Emerging digital ventures and related breakthrough innovations result in new challenges for the development of entrepreneurial competences and demand new perspectives for entrepreneurship research. In this context, policy-makers and organizations are increasingly interested in fostering entrepreneurial competences to improve the success of policies and venture capital investments. This paper aims at identifying the core relevant[…]

Toward a Recursive Stage-Based Framework for Supporting Startup Business Initiation: An Exploratory Study With Entrepreneurs

The recent success of startups resulted in an increas- ing interest concerning entrepreneurship approaches. However, there is a lack of studies with focusing on the understanding of how entrepreneurs experience these concepts and tools in practice. This paper investigates how entrepreneurs apply new entrepreneurship methodologies to create new businesses. Moreover, it aims at identi- fying[…]

The Role and Characteristics of Hybrid Approaches to Project Management in the Development of Technology-Based Products and Services

There is a trend of combining agile and traditional project management practices for technology-based product and service development in the search for more agility. Although there are, in the literature, hybrid models that propose combinations of traditional and agile approaches, there are no studies that discuss the impact of the adoption of this approach in[…]

Contemporary Trends in Engineering Entrepreneurship Education

This study investigated the contemporary dimensions of engineering entrepreneurship education aiming at creating a landscape of the most important theories and trends found in the literature, mapping the most important authors, countries, and journals and the often-used research methods. The research methodology included a systematic literature review, combining bibliometrics, networks, and contents analysis. The sampling[…]