
GEMA researcher propagates group studies in the United States

Between February and June 2022, historian Laura Stocco Felicio is conducting a research internship at Duke University, in Durham (North Carolina/United States) with funding from FAPESP (21/11529-9). In her master’s degree in Social History (USP), Laura develops the research “Electricity in the kitchen: hygiene, rationality and consumption in São Paulo (1920-1960)”, with the guidance of […]

Kitchen, artifacts and women: learn more about Maria Eugênia Gomes’ master’s defense

On March 25, 2022, researcher Maria Eugênia Ferreira Gomes defended her master’s thesis in Social History (USP), “Kitchen, artifacts and women – São Paulo, 1880-1970”, under the supervision of Professor Vânia Carneiro de Carvalho, coordinator of the GEMA. The panel consisted of Professor João Luiz Máximo da Silva (Senac University Center-São Paulo) and Doctors Rafaela […]

Researchers present GEMA’s main project during food symposium

In December 2019, researchers Vânia Carneiro de Carvalho (GEMA’s coordinator), Laura Stocco Felicio, Maria Eugênia Ferreira Gomes and Viviane Soares Aguiar presented the project of the Illustrated Historical Repertoire of Kitchen Equipment and Tools (São Paulo, 1860- 1960) in the communication session “Material Culture and Heritage” of the II International Symposium on Food Research. Held […]