GEMA researcher propagates group studies in the United States

Between February and June 2022, historian Laura Stocco Felicio is conducting a research internship at Duke University, in Durham (North Carolina/United States) with funding from FAPESP (21/11529-9). In her master’s degree in Social History (USP), Laura develops the research “Electricity in the kitchen: hygiene, rationality and consumption in São Paulo (1920-1960)”, with the guidance of Professor Vânia Carneiro de Carvalho. In the United States, she consults the collection of the J.W.Thompson advertising agency, at the university, and also the General Electric archive, which is located in Schenectady (New York). The purpose of the visit is to collect advertisements, corporate prescriptions and institutional documents that indicate the advertising and consumption of home appliances in São Paulo in the scope of the study.

In addition, Laura is contacting a network of researchers guided by Professor Jocelyn Olcott, her mediator at Duke, who study topics close to the subjects of interest to GEMA, such as gender and advertising. Together with this group, she was able to participate in the fifteenth edition of the Feminist Theory Workshop, held between March 18 and 19, 2022.