PrInt is a program idealized by CAPES, the brazilian federal agency for the betterment of higher education staff, that aims to promote internationalization strategies within brazilian universities. From 2019 to 2023, CAPES will guarantee funds to selected institutions to allow for international exchange that boosts internationalization projects, products and strategy. At USP, PrInt is coordinated by the Graduate Studies Office.

Thematic Areas

Brazil presents the most developed system of research and training of human resources in the area of tropical agriculture.

USP congregates 88 PPGs in this thematic area, comprising 17.1% programs grade 4, 44.3% grades 5 and 38.6% Proex excellence programs.

This thematic area congregates an expressive number of programs of excellence, with strong international insertion.

Internationalization of the priority topic “Arts and Humanities” aims at the excellence of the postgraduate programs considering local and global challenges.

Brazil’s GDP has oscillated in recent years between the ninth and sixth of the world’s highest, at R $ 6.6 trillion reais, according to data from the IBGE in 2017