
At the initiative of its Directorate for International Relations, Capes – a federal Brazilian funding agency – launched the PrInt Program. Within its reach, Universities could develop a proposal for the internationalization of graduate courses tailored to their characteristics and needs. USP accepted the challenge and starting from internal discussions, which culminated in the approval by the Graduate Council, presented a proposal that was fully approved by Capes.

Thematic Areas

In USP’s proposal, the Graduate programs were inserted in 5 major thematic axes as shown below:

Area Number of programs Number of teachers
TPAS – Translational Plant and Animal Sciences 32 627 (10,7%)
HAD – Health and Dieseases 88 2036 (34,8%)
EAS – Earth and Space 22 832 (14,2%)
AAH – Arts and Humanities 49 1691 (28,9%)
TEC – Technology 24 660 (11,2%)
Total 215 5846 (100%)

Preferred Partner Universities

Preferred Partner Universities were also defined, as requested in the Program’s announcement, so that international actions can have long-lasting actions of scientific and academic excellence, also involving counterparts.

Types of scholarships

The types of scholarships requested represent 144 million BRL in the 4 years of the project and represent a 50% increase in relation to the amounts previously received by the University.

Student mobility for sandwich internship abroad (PDSE) was based on the principles previously defined by Capes, 1 12-month scholarship per Postgraduate Program. The unused and surplus scholarships, which were requested, will be distributed in subsequent stages with quality criteria, and 1 program may receive other scholarships, without any limiting factor. This methodology is expected to use 100% of the grants and with quality. It is important to note that almost all award-winning students, USP or Capes, in the past few years have taken an internship abroad during their doctoral course.

The mobility of professors, both USP and foreign professors, was calculated for each thematic axis depending on the number of advisors in each of them. Public notices will be issued for each type of mobility involving the quality of the proposals, with the number of vacancies respecting the proportionality of advisors in each areas. The table below summarizes the existing modalities and the respective distributions.

AREA Missions Capacitation (2 months) Sandwich PhD (6 months) Foreign Visiting Professor Brasil (15 days)

Foreign Visiting Professor

Brasil (1 month)

Junior Outgoing Faculty (12 months Senior Outgoing Faculty (6 months) Young Talents (12 months)
TPAS 6 3 76 24 0 3 3 3
EAS 10 11 49 30 0 12 12 4
AAH 19 6 117 44 0 19 6 16
TEC 9 6 50 26 0 4 2 3
HAD 20 8 226 49 2 16 15 10
Total of Scholarships 2019 64 34 518 173 2 54 38 36
Valor of Scholarships (R$) 30.000 20.462,4 40.478,4 16155,29 23155,29 113716,8 65678,4 116110,6
Financial Amount (R$) 1.920.000 69.5721,6 20.967.811 2.794.865 46.310,58 6.140.707 2.495.779 4.179.981

Certainly the PrInt USP/Capes Program will have an immediate effect. In the first year, greater efficiency in the distribution of resources and increased student and teacher mobility, but it is expected that in subsequent years there will be a qualitative increase in the partnerships of the graduate programs, with joint projects involving different research groups and international funding. For these activities, the Graduate Studies Office will carry out induction actions, but it is essential that students, advisors and program managers engage, since it is from these actors that postgraduate studies are fully carried out.