8h30 – 9h15: Opening
9h15 – 10h30: Funding agencies and international cooperation
10h30 – 11h: Coffee break + Visitation to the partner universities booths
11h30 – 12h: Presentation of partner universities *
12h – 14h: Break for Lunch
14h – 15h: Presentation of partner universities *
15h – 17h: Coffee break + Visitation to the partner universities booths
Presentation of partner universities
Room | Time slot | ||||
11:30 am | 2:00 pm | 2:45 pm | |||
1 | University of Tsukuba (Mr. Rodrigo Fernandes) | Technische Universität München (Mr. Sören Metz) | Universität Münster (Ms. Anja Grecko Lorenz) | in site | |
2 | Sapienza University of Rome (Prof. Strangio & Prof. Cappelli) | The Ohio State University (Ms. Jane K. Aparecido) | King’s College London (Ms. Tania Lima) | online | |
3 | Universidade do Porto (Ms. Sónia Pereira) | Institut Polytechnique de Paris (Profa. Lírida A. de B. Naviner) | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Ms. Joyce Fongers) | ||
4 | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Ms. Alma Lessing) | UC Davis (Prof. Joanna Regulska & Prof. Michael Lazzara) | Victoria University of Wellington & Latin America CAPE (Dr. Matthew O’Meagher) | ||
5 | Columbia Global Centers (Columbia University) (Ms. Maria Luiza Paranhos & Tom) | Stellenbosch University (Ms. Sarah van der Westhuizen) | Universität Tubingen (Prof. Peter Grathwohl) (TBC) |
CDI USP Auditorium
Address: Av. Prof. Lucio Martins Rodrigues, 310
University City – Butantã, São Paulo – SP, 05508-020