On March 25, 2022, researcher Maria Eugênia Ferreira Gomes defended her master’s thesis in Social History (USP), “Kitchen, artifacts and women – São Paulo, 1880-1970”, under the supervision of Professor Vânia Carneiro de Carvalho, coordinator of the GEMA. The panel consisted of Professor João Luiz Máximo da Silva (Senac University Center-São Paulo) and Doctors Rafaela Basso (Unicamp) and Eliane Morelli Abrahão (Unicamp and Museu Paulista).
In the research, Maria Eugênia analyzes cookbooks, advertisements and corporate cookbooks to understand how the food and home appliance industry sought to validate new habits in the face of traditional knowledge and practices, rooted in domestic culinary practices in São Paulo. She observes resistance and the coexistence between different technologies and body habits in the face of innovations brought by the industry. Two very interesting and innovative case studies brought by Maria Eugênia are the one on the brooder, found in the collection of the Museu Paulista, and the one on the pressure cooker.
Soon, we will publish the link to the full dissertation. In the meantime, read the articles and watch the researcher’s presentations on Instagram and in the video below: