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USP Center for Responsible Small Mining

Gold Matters Project

The aim of the GOLD MATTERS Project is to consider whether, and how, a social transformation towards a sustainable future for artisanal or small-scale gold mining could occur in Brazil, Suriname, French Guiana, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Guinea Conakry and Uganda. This includes critical reflection on what kind of sustainability would be involved, for whom, and how.

The Brazilian component of the project counts on the participation of researchers from NAP. Mineração/USP and from the Environmental Studies and Research Nucleus (Nepam) at Unicamp. It aims to investigate whether and how social and technological transformation towards sustainable futures can occur at MAPE in the Brazilian Amazon, based on in-depth research in three regions:

i) the municipality of Peixoto de Azevedo, in the north of the State of Mato Grosso;

ii) the Tapajós region, in the state of Pará;

iii) the Lourenço district of the municipality of Calçoene, in the state of Amapá.

To answer these questions, members of the International Gold Matters Consortium participate in a 4-year transdisciplinary survey (2018-2022) with a team that includes researchers from different disciplines and artists. This research is part of the Gold Matters International Consortium for the NORFACE and Belmont Forum Transformations to Sustainability Joint Research Program.

This project is financed by the Belmont Forum/FAPESP (Process nº 2018/50033-6).

For more information:


and the project’s virtual exhibition
