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USP Center for Responsible Small Mining

The Research Center for Responsible Small Mining (NAP.Mineração) at the University of São Paulo was founded in 2012 and has since been developing applied research for the integrated management of mineral extraction, mine planning and mine closure.
Following the innovative character of thoughts added to the urgent need for sustainable methods in the mining area, our projects are aligned with the 17 Goals for Sustainable Development of the UN.
The NAP.Mineração team works with the mineral industry, mining cooperatives, the government sector and other institutions such as research agencies and international funding agencies. The results of this action include a significant number of scientific publications in high-impact journals.
NAP.Mineração/USP has been working to develop the concept that mining can be a sustainable activity, with the premise that MAPE does not need to be a purely extractive activity, it can be integrated with the local community, contributing to development in a way sustainable. For this, our research center promotes communication and integration between different areas of knowledge related to the mining activity and supports transdisciplinary research work that includes academic and non-academic collaborators. This approach is innovative and seeks to contribute to obtaining the social license, reducing resistance and implementation deadlines, improving the competitiveness of enterprises and promoting regional development in an integrated manner with mining.