NETI-USP publishes call for paper for the XI Brazilian Symposium on International Courts and Tribunals

News NETI-USP publishes call for papers for the XI Brazilian Symposium on International Courts and Tribunals The CENTRE FOR THE STUDIES OF INTERNATIONAL COURTS (NETI-USP) makes public the Call for…

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Read more about the article NETI-USP holds an inaugural meeting with a lecture by the Scientific Director, Prof. Dr. Wagner Menezes
Reunião inaugural

NETI-USP holds an inaugural meeting with a lecture by the Scientific Director, Prof. Dr. Wagner Menezes

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NETI-USP holds an inaugural meeting with a lecture by the Scientific Director, Prof. Dr. Wagner Menezes On 10 April 2021, NETI-USP resumed its activities in online mode with the traditional…

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NETI-USP researchers organize Symposium at the I Congresso de Direito Internacional of the Nova School of Law

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NETI-USP researchers organize Symposium at the I Congresso de DIreito Internacional of the Nova School of Law NETI-USP researchers, Paulo Henrique dos Reis Oliveira and Barbara Mourão Sachett, are organizing a Symposium…

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NETI-USP researcher comments on the recent decision by the Pre-Trial Chamber I regarding the exercise of jurisdiction by the International Criminal Court in the occupied Palestinian territories

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NETI-USP researcher comments on the recent decision by the Pre-Trial Chamber I regarding the exercise of jurisdiction by the International Criminal Court in the occupied Palestinian territories © 24 September…

Continue ReadingNETI-USP researcher comments on the recent decision by the Pre-Trial Chamber I regarding the exercise of jurisdiction by the International Criminal Court in the occupied Palestinian territories