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Post Graduate Program in Pediatric Dentistry School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto CAPES grade: 6

CAPES Thesis Award

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Pediatric Dentistry at FORP/USP, Dr. Luciano Aparecido de Almeida Junior, received HONORABLE MENTION FOR THE 2024 CAPES THESIS AWARD in the area of ​​DENTISTRY.

The graduate defended the thesis entitled “Tnf-Alpha-Tnfr1 signaling differentially regulates periapical bone loss and dentin neoformation in a murine experimental model”, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Francisco Wanderley Garcia de Paula e Silva.

In summary, the Thesis addressed that TNF-alpha is a pro-inflammatory cytokine related to bone loss in some inflammatory diseases. The absence of TNF-α/TNFR1 binding contained the development of the periapical lesion and decreased the expression of genes related to bone catabolism from the initial periods of the periapical lesion. The lack of TNFR1 limited the formation of mineralized tissue, resulting in a greater inflammatory process in the pulp tissue that generated pulp necrosis and the development of a periapical lesion.

The Doctoral Theses were published in two separate articles in the international journal Journal of Endodontics, Qualis A1 with impact factor 4.2, in addition to receiving an honorable mention at the annual meeting of the American Association of Endodontists in Los Angeles, which took place on April 17, 2024. The work was nominated and recommended for an award by a group of researchers, among the studies published in the Journal of Endodontics in 2023.

You can consult the complete list with the names of the winners at the link: related-documents.
