Directed by the Center for Racial Justice and Law (NJRD) of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), the study “Challenges to State Responsibility for the Lethality of Black Youth: Social Contexts and Legal Narratives in Brazil (1992-2020)” investigated, from eight emblematic cases in the last 30 years, a repertoire of discourses and legal-institutional measures to avoid holding individuals and state agencies responsible for homicides committed by security agents against black people. The research became the podcast “Justice in Black and White”, which tells the stories of racial violence listening to characters who were part of them.
Coordination: Thiago Amparo, Marta Machado, Juliana Farias and Paulo César Ramos. Researchers: Inara Firmino, Poliana Ferreira, Sofia Toledo and Júlia Goldani.
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