The advanced center for research in Genetically Modified Mosquitoes at Vale do Rio São Francisco, located in Juazeiro city, in the state of Bahia, is a partnership between ICB and Moscamed Brazil bioplant. In the second semester of 2010, it was awarded with the CTNBio certification. This laboratory aims at a large-scale production of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes (MGM) for the pilot project PAT – “Projeto Aedes transgênico” (Transgenic Aiedes Project). The produced male transgenic insects are released in the field to promote extinction of the population and reduce the number of disease cases in the area. At present, approximately 400 thousand male mosquitoes are produced to be released and approximately 2.5 million eggs per week. In addition, this partnership includes the collaboration of local government agents of Juazeiro (BA) who evaluate the results of weekly releases.