The Program shall publish one Call per year, defining deadlines, procedures and requirements for student admission.
A – Admission in the Master’s Program shall be on a continuous basis, within the period of time established in the Call, provided that the following requirements are met:
a) Official acceptance given by a program advisor who meets the criteria for opening of vacancies.
b) Certificate of Proficiency in English, according to
Section V of the present Rule, issued by institution accredited by the Program.
c) Presentation of Research Project approved by advisor.
d) Letter from the applicant to the CCP, expressing the following:
- his/her motivations, interests, expectations for the graduate program;
- reasons for choosing the Program and the selected line of research.
This letter will be evaluated by the CCP for the applicant’s writing ability and appropriateness of his/her intentions in relation to the objectives of the program. This letter will be evaluated together with the project and it is not eliminatory per se.
e) Approval in written test, based on reading and interpretation of scientific articles in the Parasitology.
This evaluation will be carried out three times per year by the CCP, and it will be valid for one year. It will be based on scientific articles published in journals of Parasitology, in English, which shall be read and interpreted by the applicant. This evaluation does not substitute the Certificate of Proficiency in English.
f) A foreign applicant shall also demonstrate proficiency in Portuguese on the occasion of his/her application for the admission test or until the application date for the “qualification test”.
As evidence of Proficiency in Portuguese, the following certificates are accepted: Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners (CELPE-Bras) granted by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) or a Certificate of Approval in the Portuguese Language Proficiency Test administered by the Language Center of the School of Philosophy, Languages, and Humanities of the University of São Paulo (Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, FFLCH/USP).
B – The admission in the Doctoral Program (PhD) shall be on a continuous basis, within the period of time established in the Call, provided that the following requirements are met:
B1 – Doctoral with previous Master’s Degree:
a) Master’s Degree with thesis defended or to be defended in “stricto-sensu” graduate program recommended by CAPES.
b) Official acceptance given by a program advisor who meets the criteria for opening of vacancies as set forth in Section XI of this Rule.
c) Certificate of Proficiency in English, according to
Section V of the present Rule, issued by institution accredited by the Program.
d) Letter from the applicant to the CCP, expressing the following:
- his/her motivations, interests, expectations for the graduate program;
- reasons for choosing the Program and the selected line of research
e) Approval in written test, based on reading and interpretation of scientific articles in the Parasitology.
This evaluation will be carried out three times per year by the CCP, and it will be valid for one year. It will be based on scientific articles published in journals of Parasitology, in English, which shall be read and interpreted by the applicant. This evaluation does not substitute the Certificate of Proficiency in English.
f) Approval in a public test which includes presentation of the thesis proposal, followed by oral examination carried out by committee appointed by the CCP, which will assess the following aspects:
- Understanding of the importance and the scientific context of his/her doctoral research project, as well as of the experimental strategies and techniques to be used. his/her motivations, interests, expectations for the graduate program;
- Transcript of courses associated with the applicant master’s program, taking into consideration his/her grades in regular courses and extracurricular activities, especially presentations in scientific meetings and published articles.
g) A foreign applicant shall also demonstrate proficiency in Portuguese on the occasion of his/her application for the admission test or until the application date for the “qualification test”.
As evidence of Proficiency in Portuguese, the following certificates are accepted: Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners (CELPE-Bras) granted by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) or a Certificate of Approval in the Portuguese Language Proficiency Test administered by the Language Center of the School of Philosophy, Languages, and Humanities of the University of São Paulo (Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, USP).
B2 – Direct towards a Doctoral Degree (PhD):
a) Official acceptance given by a program advisor who meets the criteria for opening of vacancies as set forth in Section XI of this Rule;
b) Certificate of Proficiency in English, according to
Section V of the present Rule, issued by institution accredited by the Program.
c) Letter from the applicant to the CCP, expressing the following:
- his/her motivations, interests, expectations for the graduate program;
- reasons for choosing the Program and the selected line of research.
d) Approval in written test, based on reading and interpretation of scientific articles in the Parasitology.
This evaluation will be carried out three times per year by the CCP, and it will be valid for one year. It will be based on scientific articles published in journals of Parasitology, in English, which shall be read and interpreted by the applicant. This evaluation does not substitute the Certificate of Proficiency in English.
e) Approval in a public test which includes presentation of the thesis proposal, followed by oral examination carried out by committee appointed by the CCP, which shall assess the following aspects:
- Understanding of the importance and the scientific context of his/her doctoral research project, as well as of the experimental strategies and techniques to be used.
- Transcript of applicant’s undergraduate courses, taking into consideration his/her grades in regular courses and extracurricular activities, especially those associated with undergraduate introduction to scientific research, presentations in scientific meetings and published articles.
f) A foreign applicant shall also demonstrate proficiency in Portuguese on the occasion of his/her application for the admission test or until the application date for the “qualification test”.
As evidence of Proficiency in Portuguese, the following certificates are accepted: Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners (CELPE-Bras) granted by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) or a Certificate of Approval in the Portuguese Language Proficiency Test administered by the Language Center of the School of Philosophy, Languages, and Humanities of the University of São Paulo (Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, FFLCH/USP).