Full Professor – Malaria Laboratory
+55 (11) 3091-7330 | amkatzin@icb.usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Potential Targets for Malaria Chemotherapy ;
Curriculo Lattes
Assistant Professor – Arthropods Biochemistry and Immunology Laboratory
+55 (11) 3091-7272 | deafog@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Biology of Tick-rickettsia Interaction;
Personal Site
Curriculo Lattes
Full Professor – Biochemistry Laboratory
+55 (11) 3091-7335 | asilber@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Potential Targets for Chagas’ disease chemotherapy;
Curriculo Lattes
Associate Professor – Coccidia Molecular Biology Laboratory
+55 (11) 3091-7274 | argruber@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Molecular Biology of Avian Coccidia; Bioinformatics applied to the study of pathogens;
Personal Site: http://www.coccidia.icb.usp.br
Curriculo Lattes
Associate Professor – Leishmaniasis Laboratory
+55 (11) 3091-7271 | bstolf@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Study of proteins involved in the interaction between Leishmania amazonensis and its host;
Personal Site
Curriculo Lattes
Associate Professor – Nematodes Molecular Biology Laboratory
+55 (11) 3091-7269 | cewinter@icb.usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Molecular Biology of Rhabditid Nematodes;
Personal Site
Curriculo Lattes
Full Professor – Unit for Drug Discovery
+55 (11) 2648-8127 | cwrenger@icb.usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Potential Targets for Malaria Chemotherapy ;
Personal Site
Curriculo Lattes
Full Professor
+55 (11) 3091-7989 | marinho@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Immunology of gestational malaria ;
Personal Site
Curriculo Lattes
Assistant Professor – Laboratory of molecular genetics
+55 (11) 2648-8162 | danielbargieri@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular Biology of Plasmodium and Babesia;
Curriculo Lattes
Associate Professor – Molecular Biology Laboratory
+55 (11) 3091-7265 | gwunder@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Antigenic variation and cytoadherence in Plasmodium falciparum;
Personal Site
Curriculo Lattes
Associate Professor – Laboratory of Glicoproteomics
+55 (11) 3091-3899 | palmisano.gp@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Glycoproteomics applied to the study of pathogens and vectors;
Curriculo Lattes
Senior Professor
+55 (11) 3091-7633 | jeffreyj@usp.br
Curriculo Lattes
Laboratory of Genomics and Bioinformatics in Parasitology
+55 (11) 3091-7633 | jotajj@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Genomics, metagenomics, transcriptomics of prokaryotes and bacteria;
Personal Site
Curriculo Lattes
Professor Doutor – ICB V
(69) 3530-2349 | spider@usp.br
Linha(s) de Pesquisa: Epidemiologia e controle de zoonoses parasitárias; Epidemiologia das ricketsioses humanas e seus vetores;
Currículo Lattes
Full Professor – Experimental and Applied Parasitology Laboratory
+55 (11) 3091-7746 | muferrei@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Genetics of Plasmodium populations ; Epidemiology and control of infectious and parasitic diseases; Immunoregulation in human malaria ;
Personal Site
Curriculo Lattes
Full Professor – Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Trypanosomatids Laboratory
+55 (11) 3091-7268 | mmgteix@icb.usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Taxonomy, diversity and evolution of human, domestic and wild animal, and plant trypanosomatids;
Curriculo Lattes
Assistant Professor – Immunobiology of Leishmania-macrophage interaction Laboratory
+55 (11) 3091-7328 | mcortez@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Pathogen-host interaction; Immunobiology of parasites;
Personal Site
Curriculo Lattes
Assistant Professor – LAMBS – Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems
+55 (11) 3091-8036 | rodrigo.corder@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Epidemiology and control of infectious and parasitic diseases;
Personal Site : https://sites.usp.br/lambs/
Curriculo Lattes
Associate Professor – Directing Antigens to Dendritic cells Laboratory
+55 (11) 3091-7263 | sbboscardin@usp.br
Line(s) of Research: Adaptive immunity to infections and vaccines development;
Personal Site
Curriculo Lattes