The elucidation of cell cycle and development control mechanisms of Plasmodium, the etiological agent of malaria, is crucial for development of new strategies for disease control. In this way, different ways of control either cell cycle or parasite development are propose to be studied in this project.
Since our data generated in recent last years, including the identification of serpentine receptors, known in participating in a variety of cell processes, usually known as drug targets, will be better analyzed. Characterizing the RACK protein (receptor of activated protein kinase C) is also very important, whereas protein kinase C has not been found in Plasmodium falciparum.
Moreover, the melatonin signaling pathway has bring us information about the participation of ubiquitin-proteasome system and protein kinase 7 as molecular effectors. Finally, detoxification mechanisms of heme in malaria parasites through hemeoxigenase will also be here evaluated.
These proposed sub-projects enclose a range of cellular processes that participate in development and proliferation control of malaria parasite responsible for the most severe form of the disease, Plasmodium falciparum providing a contribution to knowledgement of diverse biological processes that enclose signaling pathways, gene expression control, cellular metabolism and others that participate in an indirect way.