Departamento de Parasitologia – ICB


Coordinating Committee of the Graduate Program (CCP)|Biology of Host-Pathogen Interaction|Department of Parasitology - ICB/USP

The Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Biology of the Host Pathogen Relationship of the Parasitology Department (Institute of Biomedical Sciences / University of São Paulo) announces the opening of applications for the selection of candidates for Master’s, Doctorate and Direct Doutorate courses for the year 2025:



A written evaluation, based on the reading and interpretation of scientific papers in Parasitology for candidates to Master (ME)PhD after Master (DO), and Direct PhD (DD). Scientific articles in English published in journals in the area of Parasitology will be selected, and should be read and interpreted by the candidate in Portuguese or English. This assessment does not replace the English proficiency certificate. To be approved, the candidate must receive a score equal to or greater than 5 (five), of a maximum of 10 (ten) points.
This evaluation will be valid for one year for enrollment in the program, but to apply for a program’s fellowship, the score in this process will be valid until the beginning of the following selective process.
Registrations for the 1st stage at all levels, ME, DO and DD, will happen in three periods:

The first stage will take place in the periods between: (A) 03/10 to 03/14/2025, (B) 06/30 to 07/04/2025, and (C) 11/03 to 11/07/2025.

ME students approved in the 1st stage must submit a written project in Portuguese or English. The project will be evaluated by a reviewer, considering the scientific merit (theoretical and methodological consistency of the proposal); originality of the approach and quality of the text (content, form, objectivity and clarity). Each item will have a score from 1 to 5, and the candidate should receive a score equal to or greater than 2 (two) in each item and have the project recommended by the reviewer. After approval, registration to the ME program is done in a continuous flow by presenting the documents described below.

Candidates for doctorate (DO) and direct doctorate (DD) who have been approved the 1st stage must enroll in the second stage of the selective process.


Candidates for DO and DD programs, approved in the 1st stage, will present their research projects to an examination board on a date set by CCP.

This evaluation will be given by the CCP three times a year in the periods between 04/28 to 05/06/2025, 08/18 to 08/22/2025 and 12/15 to 12/19/2025.
Registrations for the 2nd stage will be open in three periods:

Mandatory documentation for registration in the 1st stage:

When registering for the 1st Stage of the selection process, the following document must be presented:[:
The form is available in,  or can be requested by e-mail:
To enroll in the selection process, it is mandatory for the candidate to indicate, on the registration form, a supervisor who is part of the program’s full supervisors, and the supervisor must be aware of the indication. For specific guidance, the CCP must be consulted before registration. All applications will be analyzed by the CCP, which will decide whether to accept or reject them.
Mandatory documentation for registration in the 2nd stage:
When registering for the 2nd Stage of the selection process, the following documents must be presented:

Alternatively, the candidate may join the Graduate Program in Biology of the Pathogen-Host Interactions at the MEDO and DD levels via the GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) – General Test promoted by the Education Testing Service (ETS). Candidates who obtain 70% correct answers in each test that makes up the GRE-General Test (verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and analytical writing) will be approved. 


 01 (one) Master’s and 01 (one) PhD scholarship will be reserved for mother candidates registered and approved in each selection process. If more than one mother candidate is approved, the scholarship will be awarded to the one who obtains the highest combined score in the 1st and 2nd stages, at the corresponding level. To enroll, the candidate must present the birth certificate of their child(ren). 


Mandatory documentation for enrollment:
Upon registration, the following documents must be presented:
Foreign language (Proficiency Certificates)

Proficiência em inglês será requisito para matrícula no programa. O certificado de proficiência poderá ser emitido pelas seguintes entidades:

-For the exclusive purpose of admission to the postgraduate program, the certificates issued by the institutions listed above will be valid for 5 (five) years.

– Candidates native to countries whose official language is English and students who obtained their bachelor’s or master’s degree from institutions in countries where English is the official language are exempt from the requirement to present a certificate of proficiency in English.

Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners
No demonstration of proficiency in Portuguese will be required for foreign students.