Equality before the law in an unequal society: Debates on Gender and Law

On May 25, 26 and 27, 2022, the Gender and Law Center of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-SP) will hold, in a hybrid and free way, an event on Gender and Law.

The tables will approach themes such as “Sex crimes and judgment with a gender perspective”, “Women in politics: what to expect from the 2022 elections?”, “Women in legal courses: teaching in transformation”, among others. Besides that, there will be an exclusive table for the debate of rewrite judicial decisions from a feminist perspective.

Check out the full program and register through the following link: https://cursosonline.aasp.org.br/curso/igualdade-perante-a-lei-em-uma-sociedade-desigual-debates-sobre-genero-e-direito-internet-46383.