He graduated in Electrical Engineering from Poli USP (1985). MBA in Knowledge, Technology and Innovation from FEA USP (2001). He has a master degree in Energy through the Interunit Program of the IEE USP (2006). He has a Ph.D. degree in Sciences for USP (2012). Doctor Fossa is post-doctor by USP (2021). Currently, he is Director of New Engineering Consulting and Executive Director of the Brazilian Association for Conformity and Efficiency of Installations – ABRINSTAL. He has experience in the areas of Strategic Management (strategic and operational planning, process mapping, innovation and competitiveness) and Technological Management, with a specialization in the areas of Quality Infrastructure – IQ and basic industrial technology – TIB (regulation, product conformity assessment, processes and services, innovation systems and technological development). He is the coordinator of research projects on Climate Changes in the Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Innovation – RCGI, and works as an energy consultant for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization – UNIDO.
He mainly focus on the following topics: Energy Transition, Decarbonization, Climate Changes, Energy Management, Energy Economy, Process and Organization Management, Compliance Availability, Public Policies.