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496Análise Swot Para Produção De Biobutanol Como Estratégia Competitiva Para Uma Possível Alternativa Aos Combustíveis.XLIII ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO
"A contribuição da engenharia de produção para desenvolvimento sustentável
das organizações: Cadeias Circulares, sustentabilidade e tecnologias"
Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil2023Glycon Pena de Souza Barros, Fernado José Barbin Laurindo, Emílio Carlos Nelli Silva, Júlio Romano Meneghini65
495Carbon Emission Reductions in theUniversity of Sao Paulo’s TransportationSector Using Hydrogen-Powered Vehicles.14th International Conference on Hydrogen Production - ICH2P-2023Doha, Catar2023Beethoven Narváez-Romo, Danilo
Perecin, Thiago Lopes, Daniel Lopes,
Karen Mascarenhas, Suani Coelho, Julio
R. Meneghini.
494 Análise Comparativa Qualitativa (QCA) acerca de como o Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico afeta o Relacionamento entre as Nações. Energy Virtual Experience (EVEx)Lisbon, Portugal2022Costa, L. F.; Brito, T. L. F.; Costa, H. K. De M.
493 Opportunities for hydrogen production in Brazil’s sugarcane sector. 30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition - EUBCE 20222022Coelho ST, Mascarenhas KL, Perecin D, Meneghini JR.
492 Opportunities for hydrogen production in Brazil’s sugarcane sector. 30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition - EUBCE 20222022Coelho ST, Mascarenhas KL, Perecin D, Meneghini JR.
491 Topology optimization of simplified actuating structures subjected to fluid-structure interaction by using the TOBS-GT method. Proceedings of the 8th International
Symposium on Solid Mechanics - (MECSOL 2022).
Campinas, Brazil.2022Siqueira, L. O.; Azevedo, A. S. da C.; Ranjbarzadeh, S. ; Silva, E. C. N. ; Picelli, R.
490 Topology optimization with volume and natural frequency constraints by using the TOBS method. Proceedings of the 8th International
Symposium on Solid Mechanics - (MECSOL 2022).
Campinas, Brazil.2022Siqueira, L. O.; Silva, E. C. N. ; Picelli, R.
489 Mechanical Properties of Filled Carbon Nanotubes with Greenhouse Gas Mixtures.15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV) & the 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM-VIII), Yokohama, Japan.2022D. A. Damasceno, H. M. Cezar, T. D. Lanna; A. Kirch, C. R. Miranda.
488 Simultaneous Design of Rotating and Stationary Structural Parts of Fluid Flow Devices by Topology Optimization.. 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV)Yokohama, Japan.2022Moscatelli, E., Alonso, D., Sá, L., Picelli, R., Silva, E.
487 Topology optimization of subsonic compressible flow using the TOBS-GT
15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV)Yokohama, Japan.2022Maffei, F. S., Sá, L. F. N., Moscatelli, E., Shahin Ranjbarzadeh, Picelli, R., Meneghini J.
R., Silva, E. C. N.
486 On the topology optimization of 2d-swirl flow stator and rotor problems with binary design variables. Proceedings of the XI Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica - (CONEM-2022).Teresina, Brazil2022Azevêdo, A. S. C., Moscatelli, E., Ranjbarzadeh, S., Silva, E. C. N.; Picelli, R.
485 Multi-Sensors Data Quality Tools for Precipitation on The Amazon Region. VI Workshop on Data ScienceSão Paulo, Brazil2022Pougy, T. A.; Calheiros, A. J. P.; Correa, P. L. P.; Prakash, G.
484 The associations between aerosol optical properties and chemical composition in urban and forested areas. International Aerosol Conference - IACAthens, Greece2022ARTAXO, PAULO; MACHADO, LUIZ A. T.; FRANCO, M. A. M.; ALBUQUERQUE, I. M. B.; RIZZO, L. V.; SHIMBO, J.; ALENCAR, A.; TRUMBORE, S.; SILVA, J. R.
483 Deforestation and climate change: The multiple pressures over Amazonian forests. European Geophysical Union General AssemblyViena, Austria2022ARTAXO, PAULO; MACHADO, LUIZ A. T.; FRANCO, M. A. M.; ALBUQUERQUE, I. M. B.; RIZZO, L. V.; SHIMBO, J.; ALENCAR, A.; TRUMBORE, S.; SILVA, J. R.
482Enhanced CO2 hydrogenation to C2+ hydrocarbons over Fe oxide catalysts prepared by thermal decomposition.19th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization.Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA.2022Borges, L.R., Braga, A. H., Rossi, L.M.
481Intermetallic Ni3ZnC catalyst for high-pressure RWGS toward CO2-to-liquid
27th NAM – North American Catalysis Society MeetingNew York, USA2022Maluf, Nágila E. C.; Braga, Adriano H.; Gothe, Maitê L.; Vidinha, Pedro and Rossi, Liane
480Microalgae isolated from mangroves in a biotechnological perspective: The biorefinery concept. Biotechnology Brazil Congress. EACH USP. São Paulo, Brazil2022Bruna Bacaro Borrego, Louise Hase Gracioso, Letícia Beatriz Ueda Melo, Letícia Oliveira Bispo Cardoso, Elen Aquino Perpetuo.
479Acid Pretreatment of Microalgae Biomass and its Conversion into Fermentable Sugars. XXIII SINAFERM & XIV SHEB & ENZITEC 2022Armação de Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.2022Letícia Cardoso et al.
478Integrating BECCS and natural gas production for carbon neutrality in the Paraná Basin: Favorable areas and regional CO2 storage capacities [Conference paper].8th ELAEE – Energy Transition in Latin America.Bogotá, Colômbia.20-22 NOV 2022San Martín Cañas, S., Bastos, G. M., Silveira, B. H. M., Costa, H. K. M., Tassinari, C. C. G.
477Applying data mining techniques for the estimation of the CO2 storage capacity of the Irati Formation, Paraná Basin (Brazil)[Abstract].AAPG Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage – CCUS, Cartagena, Colômbia.APR 2022San Martín Cañas, S., Weber, N., Rocha, H.V., Abraham-A, R-M., Tassinari, C.C.G.
476Reservoir characterization and CO2 injectivity assessment for CCUS in Paraná Basin,
Brazil [Abstract].
AAPG Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage – CCUS, Huston, Texas,
United States.
29-31 MAR 2022Weber, N., San Martín Cañas, S., Rocha, H.V., Tassinari, C.C.G., Meneghini, J.R.
475Molecular Simulations of Boric Acid Filtration by Carbon Structures.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Junior, Carlos A. Martins; Holanda, Matheus S. de; Miranda, Caetano R.
474Molecular Simulations of Boric Acid Filtration by Carbon Structures.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Junior, Carlos A. Martins; Holanda, Matheus S. de; Miranda, Caetano R.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Santos, Marilin Mariano dos; Coelho, Suani Teixeira; Tassinari, Colombo Celso Gaeta.
472LCA study of the uses of vinasse produced in the sugar-energy sector.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Garcilasso, Vanessa Pecora; Coelho, Suani Teixeira; Lopes, Thiago.
471Electrochemical Technologies for Direct Lithium Extraction from
Geothermal Sources and their Industrial Processes.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Andressa Mota-Lima.
470Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials for application in nanofiltration membranes.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Holanda, Matheus S. de; Junior, Carlos A. Martins; Finamor, Matheus; Lana, Teresa Duarte; Miranda, Caetano R.
469A machine learning model for adsorption energies of chemical species applied to CO2 electroreduction.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Amaral, Paulo H. R.; Torrez-Baptista, Alvaro D.; Dionisio, Dawany; Lopes, Thiago; Miranda, Caetano R.
468Investigating the perfomance of molybdenum catalysts in the CO2 hydrogenation for higher alcohols production.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Santos, Dyovani Bruno Lima dos; Rossi, Liane Márcia.
467DFT Simulation of the CO2 Reduction Mechanism on the Mixed-Oxide Catalysts.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Alvim, Raphael da Silva; Giudici, Reinaldo; Alves, Rita Maria Brito; Assaf, José Mansur; Assaf, Elisabete Moreira.
466Rhenium-based catalysts for the conversion of CO2 to higher alcohols.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Gothe, Maitê; Figueredo, Adolfo; Rossi, Liane; Vidinha, Pedro.
465Introducing the Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU)-RCGI Programme.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Liane Marcia Rossi
464Computational study of homogeneous catalysts based on non-noble metals in the production of C2+ molecules using CO2 as the primary source of C1.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Santos, Daniel de Carvalho; Braga, ; Ataualpa Albert Carmo.
463Enhancing crop system models for C and N balances: long-term
scenarios to improve sustainable agricultural management practices.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Silva, Evandro Henrique Figueiredo Moura da; Cerri, Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino; Cherubin, Maurício Roberto.
462MOF’s to “Agrotechnology”: CO2 Capture and Nutrients delivery.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Rossi, Liane Marcia; Silva, Dagoberto de Oliveira; Júnior, José Marques; Fernandes, Katheleen; Siqueira, Diego Silva.
461Topology optimization of non-isothermal PEM fuel cell cathode flow
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Razmara, Fereshteh; Sá, Luís Fernando Nogueira de; Lopes, Thiago; Meneghini, Julio Romano; Silva, Emílio
Carlos Nelli.
460Structural Topology Optimization Including Smooth Boundaries
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Cortez, Rômulo Luz; Siqueira, Lucas Oliveira; Silva, Emílio Carlos Nelli; Sanches, Renato Picelli.
459Understanding and optimizing the functioning of selected locally
available oxygen carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC).
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Azeredo, Nathália F. B.; Lima, Irlan S.; Tenório, Jorge A. S.; Filho, Fernando L. S.
458Topology Optimization of Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
Considering Natural Frequency Constraints.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Siqueira, Lucas Oliveira; Silva, Emilio Carlos Nelli; Sanches, Renato Picelli.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Silva, Emilio Carlos Nelli; Picelli, Renato; Kiyono, Cesar; Rodriguez, Luis Fernando Garcia; Okubo, Carlos; Siqueira, Lucas; Cortez, Romulo; Maffei, Felipe; Yanagihara, Jurandir.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Ferreira, W.G.; Lima, D. Z.; Carvalho, A. M.; Dezan, D. J.; Almeida, S. F. M.; Yanagihara, J. I.
455Thermodynamic analysis of multistage carbon dioxide compressor: life
cycle condition.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Mello, Paulo Eduardo Batista de; Allahyarzadeh-Bidgoli, Ali; Yanagihara, Jurandir Itizo.
454Improving the industrial ethanol fermentation using metabolomics and
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Labate, Carlos Alberto; Labate,
Mônica T. Veneziano; Moraes,
Fabricio Edgar de; Budzinsk, Ilara Gabriela Frasson;
Domingues Junior, Adilson Pereira; Antonio,
Rafaele Kemyli da Silva; Cataldi, Thais Regiani;
Breda, Alexandre; Lopes, Mateus Schreiner Garcez.
453Low-carbon technologies and their association with sustainable development goals.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Ciotta, Mariana; Cachola, Celso; Azevedo Alex; Peyerl, Drielli.
452Science Diplomacy in the context of Climate Change: a bibliometric
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Brito, Thiago Luis Felipe; Pereira, Matheus Antônio de Souza.
451A Citizen Science Approach to improving public perception of low
carbon society.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Moreno, Miguel Vera; Miranda, Caetano Rodrigues.
450CO2 hydrogenation over Fe oxides catalyst: the effect of pretreatment
synthesis on hydrocarbons selectivity.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Borges, Lais Reis; Rossi, Liane Marcia.
449CO2 conversion into ethanol using catalyst based on combinations of
rhenium and noble metals.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Figueredo, Adolfo; Gothe, Maitê; Rossi, Liane; Vidinha, Pedro.
448Catalytic conversion of CO2 to higher alcohols.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Catuzo, Gabriel L.; Marcos, Francielle C. F.; Gomes, Janaina F.; Giudici, Reinaldo; Alves, Rita M. B.; Assaf, Jose M.; Assaf, Elisabete M.
447The role of the oxygen vacancies in the isobutene synthesis from ethanol .Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Pinheiro; Mariana G. S.; Chagas, Luciano H.; Zonetti, Priscila C.; Borges, Luiz E. P.; Rossi, Liane M.; Appel, Lucia G.
446Recovery of alkali metals using electrodialysis cell: a computer fluid dynamics analysis.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Bortolin, Vítor Augusto Andreghetto; Lemos , Bernardo Luiz Harry Diniz; Amaral, Rodrigo de Lima; Meneghini, Julio Romano.
445Multiscale modelling of reactive transport and CO2 mineral trapping mechanisms at the Rio Bonito geological formation.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Rego, Jessica Santos; Kirch, Alexsandro; Miranda, Caetano R.
444CO2 geological storage in Rio Bonito Formation coalbeds integrating a BECCS system.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Rocha, Haline V.; Sant'Anna, Lucy G.; Tassinari, Colombo C. G.
443The role of water for the CO2 uptake in clays.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Kirch, Alexsandro; Miranda, Caetano R.
442Topology optimization of compressible flows using TOBS-GT method.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Maffei, Felipe Silva; Sá, Luís Fernando Nogueira de; Moscatelli, Eduardo; Picelli, Renato; Meneghini, Julio Romano; Silva, Emilio Carlos Nelli.
441Design Strategy for Enhanced Oil Recovery Compression Systems Operating with S-CO2.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Salviano, Leandro Oliveira; Gasparin, Elóy; Mattos, Vitor; Yanagihara, Jurandir.
440Numerical structural analyses of centrifugal compressors operating with co2 in a supercritical state.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Lima, D. Z.; Carvalho, L. N.; Dezan, D. J.; Gasparin, E. E.; Mattos, V. C. N.; Salviano, L. O.; Mello, P. E. B. de; Saltara, Fabio; Ynagihara, J. I.; Ferreira, W. G.
439Impact of competitive adsorption of H2O and SO2 on CO2 capture by 13X zeolite.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Moreira, Fernanda Silva; Enrique, Vilarrasa-Garcia; Neto, Moises Bastos; Azevedo, Diana Cristina Silva de.
438Estoque de carbono orgânico do solo (C) em fitofisionomias campestres ou de savana não antropizadas nos biomas do Brasil, uma revisão sistemática de dados publicados.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Gamboa, Cristhian Hernandez; Tornquist; Carlos Gustavo; Cerri, Carlos Eduardo Pelegrino.
437Improving pasture management as NBS for soil carbon sequestration in Brazil.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Cerri, Carlos Eduardo; Oliveira, Dener; Andrade, Cristiano Alberto; Tornquist, Carlos Gustavo; Andreote, Fernando; La Scala Jr, Newton; Maia, Stoecio Malta Ferreira.
436Nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation: a literature overview.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Carvalho, Martha Lustosa; Cherubin, Maurício Roberto.
435Greenhouse gas emissions in crop-livestock and crop-livestock-forestry systems in Brazil: a bibliometric analysis.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Bieluczyk, Wanderlei; Camargo, Plínio Barbosa de; Cherubin, Maurício Roberto.
434A new protocol for the synthesis of carbamates and isocyanates from CO2.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Vargas, Jorge Andrés Mora; Burtoloso, Antonio C. B.
433BIOPROSPECTION AND IDENTIFICATION OF MICROALGAE FROM MANGROVES AS FEEDSTOCK FOR BIOETHANOL PRODUCTION.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Scheliga, C. G.; Borrego, B. B.; Gracioso, L. H.; Cardoso, L. O.; B.; Melo, L. B. U.; Procopio, D. P.; Freire, R. S.; Stevani, C.; Perpetuo, E. A.
432Unraveling the potential of blue-green algae biomass for bioethanol production.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Cardoso, Letícia Oliveira Bispo; Procopio, Dielle Pierotti; Borrego, Bruna Bacaro; Scheliga, Camylle; Gracioso, Louise Hase; Stevani, Cassius Vinicius; Freire, Renato Sanches; Nascimento, Claudio Augusto Oller do; Perpetuo, Elen Aquino.
431Conversion of CO2 into biopolymers by the regulation of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) biosynthetic pathway using the photosynthetic cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Procópio, Dielle Pierotti; Cardoso, Letícia Oliveira Bispo; Borrego, Bruna Bacaro; Cardoso, Louise Hase; Perpetuo, Elen Aquino; Stevani, Cassius Vinicius; Freire, Renato Sanches.
430CO2 storage efficiency considering the sandstone units of the Rio Bonito Formation within southwest São Paulo.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Abraham-A, Richardson M.; Tassinari, Colombo C. G.
429Development of materials for hydrogen production via ethanol reform.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Silva, Nelson Alexandre Galiote; Varela, Hamilton; Tremiliosi-Filho, Germano;
428Turbulent oxy-combustion flame stability diluted with CO2.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Villanueva, Helio Henrique Santomo; Santana, Paulo Henrique dos Santos.
427CO2 geological storage in Rio Bonito Formation: contribution for negative CO2 emissions through BECCS in southeast Brazil.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Tassinari, Colombo C. G.; Sant'Anna, Lucy G.; Rocha, Haline V.
426Green hydrogen production in ethanol-fed SOEC systems.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Ometto, Felipe Berto; Lo Faro, Massimiliano; Perez, Joelma; Ticianelli, Edson.
425Post-combustion CO2 capture from biomass flue-gas through adsorption process.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Beraldo, Cleiton de Souza; Azevedo, Diana Cristina Silva de; Prado, Diego Silva; Silva, Emílio Carlos Nelli; Garcia, Enrique Vilarrara; Sampronha, Enzo; Moreira, Fernanda; Alves, Gabriela Ferreira; Le Roux, Galo Antonio Carillo; Paiva, José Luís de; Seckler, Marcelo Martins; Neto, Moisés Bastos; Santos, Victor de Mello; Belelli, Yuri Souza.
424Topology Optimization for Temperature Swing Adsorption MultiStaged Fluidized Bed.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Prado, Diego Silva; Silva, Emilio Carlos Nelli; Seckler, Marcelo Martins; Paiva, José Luís de.
423Nature-based solutions: Sustainable development of Latin America.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Denny, Danielle M. T.; Cerri, Carlos E. P.; Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Burnquist, Heloisa L.; Cherubin, Mauricio R.
422Computational design of nanomaterials by coupling molecular simulations with topology optimization.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Damasceno, Daniela A.; Picelli, Renato; Rodriguez, Rene Q.; Meneghini, Julio R.; Nelli, Emilio C.; Miranda, Caetano R.
421Integrated Agricultural Systems: the solution to the global FEES challenges.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Nwaogu, Chukwudi; Cherubin, Mauricio R.; Lima, Renato Paiva de.
420Soil carbon sequestration through integrated agricultural systems in Brazil .Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Cherubin, Maurício Roberto; Carmargo, Plínio Barbosa de; Lapola, David; Dieckow, Jeferson; Rosolem, Ciro Antonio; Bayer, Cimelio; Bordonal, Ricardo de Oliveira; Carvalho, João Luis Nunes; Frazão, Leidivan Almeida.
419Restoration of native vegetation for carbon sequestration – Restore-C.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Rodrigues, Ricardo R.; Rodriguez, Luiz Carlos Estraviz; Oliveira, Rafael S.; Ometto, Jean; Aragão, Luiz; Guillemot, Joannès; Rowland, Lucy; Campoe, Otávio.
418Greenhouse gas-based microalgae bioproducts: A potential biotechnology strategy.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Gracioso, L. H.; Cardoso, L. O. B.; Melo, L. B. U.; Scheliga, C. G.; Procopio, D. P.; Freire, R. S.; Stevani, C.; Perpetuo, E. A.
417Electrochemical CO2 reduction on functional molecule-modified copper surfaces.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Roveda Jr., Antonio Carlos; Lima, Fabio H. B. de.
416Studying Supported Cu & Ag Nanoparticles on 2D MXenes to Enhance C2+ Products at CO2RR.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Mantovi, Primaggio Silva; Oliveira, Paulo Filho Marques de; Luiz, Rafael Romano; Lima, Fábio Henrique Barros de; Torresi, Roberto Manuel.
415Electrocatalysts for hydrogen production by ethanol electrochemical reforming.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Silva, Nelson Alexandre Galiote; Varela, Hamilton; Tremiliosi-Filho, Germano.
414Spontaneous conversion of CO2 and sulfite to energy using a photocatalytic fuel cell.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Gomes, Luiz Eduardo; Pereira, Márcio César; Wender, Herberton.
413Development of an Electrolytic Concentrator of Vinasse.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Lopes, Thiago; Campos, Alex da Cunha; Dionisio, Dawany.
412Protonic conductive electrolytes for high-temperature solid oxide electrochemical cells.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Graça, Alex Marchezini; Paganin, Valdecir A.; Ometto, Felipe Beto; Perez, Joelma; Lo Foro, Massimiliano; Ticianelli, Edson A.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Lemos, Bernardo Luiz Harry Diniz; Amaral, Rodrigo de Lima; Bortolin, Vítor Augusto Andreghetto; Moura, Helder Lima de; Lopes, Thiago; Meneghini, Julio Romano.
410Baseline and worn labyrinth seals geometry effect on the leakage evaluation using a numerical approach .Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Machado, Izabel Fernanda; Silva, Emilio Carlos Nelli; Ranjbarzadeh, Shahin.
409Towards Structural Topology Optimization of Rotating Machinery Considering Fluid-structure Interaction, Turbulence models and 2Dswirl Fluid Flow.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Sanches, Renato Picelli; Azevêdo, Anderson Soares da Costa; Siqueira, Lucas Oliveira; Moscatelli, Eduardo; Ranjbarzadeh, Shahin; Silva, Emilio Carlos Nelli.
408Design of Labyrinth Seals for Carbon Capturing Compressors: Topology Optimization and Experimental Approaches.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Ranjbarzadeh, Shahin; Picelli, Renato; Pinto, Fernando; Meneghini, Julio; Silva, Emilio Carlos Nelli.
407On the topology optimization of rotor and stator 2D-swirl labyrinth seal design considering forward and backward laminar fluid flow.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Azevêdo, S. C. A.; Moscatelli, E.; Sá, L. F. N.; Ranjbarzadeh, S.; Silva, E. C. N.; Picelli, R.
406Key factors of social perception and acceptance of energy low-carbon solutions.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Mascarenhas, Karen Louise; Malvezzi, Sigmar.
405Social Perception and Science Diplomacy on Technology Transitions towards a low carbon society (applications associated with NBS, CCU, GHG and BECCS).Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Mascarenhas, Karen Louise; Malvezzi, Sigmar.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Takamitsu, Helen Tatiana; Vasconcelos, Ana Paula Gomes; Mascarenhas, Karen Louise; Miranda, Caetano Rodrigues.
403Elaboração de propostas de normalização internacional e serviços de advocacia para implantação e consolidação de marcos legais, regulatórios e de normas para contribuir com os compromissos brasileiros vinculados com as NDCs (associados aos temas de Nature Based Solutions – NBS, Carbon Capture and Utilization – CCU, Green House Gases – GHG e Bioenergy with carbono capture and storage – BECCS.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos; Mouette, Dominique; Medeiros, Hirdan Katarina Costa de; Lemos, Geraldo Lavigne de; Seabra, Paulo Negrais; Vescovi, Thaiz; Silveira, Brenda; Liu, Jade; Santos, Pamela Ramos; Ferreira, Matheus; Brito, Thiago; Lima, Clarissa L.; Morbach, Isabela; Araujo, Israel Lacerda de; Deliberali, Lucas; Nunes, Romario de Carvalho; Kristensen, Karen.
402Light-driven Water Splitting to Produce Solar Fuels.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Gonçalves, Renato Vitalino; Rossi, Liane M.; Gouvea, Douglas; Souza, Flavio L; Wender, Heberton.
401Building a CCUS standardization observatory – First steps towards an insightful tool.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Liaw, Cylon; Gallo, Alexandre de Barros; Fossa, Alberto J.; Pereira, Eduardo G.; Toguedani, Bruna; Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos.
400Using MCDA techniques to organize standardization priorities: The hydrogel case study.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Gallo, Alexandre de Barros; Fossa, Alberto J.; Pereira, Eduardo G.; Liaw, Cylon; Toguedani, Bruna; Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos.
399Standardization of Carbon Dioxide Capture, Transportation, Utilization
and Storage (CCUS) – Current developments at ABNT and ISO.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Fossa, Alberto; Gallo, Alexandre de Barros; Pereira, Eduardo G.; Liaw, Cylon; Toguedani, Bruna; Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos.
398A vector toolbox for CRISPR-mediated genome editing in sugarcane.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Pinoti, Vitor Favaretto; Floreste, Bruno Spinassé; Neris, Daniel Moreira; Zani, Nicholas Camargo; Alves, Pamela Ingrid; Araujo, Pedro; Buckeridge, Marcos Silveira; Teixeira, Marcelo Menossi.
397Sugarcane and new bioenergy resources.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Navarro, B. V.; de Oliveira, L. P.; de Oliveira, L. F.; Pinoti, V. F.; Pagliuso, D.; Grandis, A.; Riaño-Pachón, D. M.; Floh, E. I.; Menossi, M.; Buckeridge, M.
396Strategies to improve the growth and yield of sugarcane plants: amino
acids and hormonal profile.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Oliveira, Lauana P. de; Oliveira, Leandro F. de; Navarro, Bruno V.; Soldi, Marina C. M. Martins; Macedo, Amanda F.; Buckeridge, Marcos; Floh, Eny I. S.
395Impact of the ScRAV1-mediated growth acceleration on sugar
accumulation and biomass production of sugarcane.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Navarro, B. V.; da Silveira, N. D.; Romim, G. H.; de Oliveira, L. P.; Grandis, A.; Cervantes, D. S.; de Oliveira, L. F.; Macedo, A. F.; Floh, E. I. S.; Buckeridge, M. S.
394Estimation of forest fire source term in the Brazilian Amazon.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Sato, Andre Kubagawa; Martins, Thiago Castro; Tsuzuki, Marcos Sales Guerra.
393Estimation of forest fire source term in the Brazilian Amazon.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Sato, Andre Kubagawa; Martins, Thiago Castro; Tsuzuki, Marcos Sales Guerra.
392An automated approach to generate 2D datasets for seismic data.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Targino, Jonas Mendonça; Zuniga, Nelson Ricardo Coelho Flores; Senger, Hermes; Gomi, Edson Satoshi.
391Towards the end of the project STMI: achievements and way forward.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Carmo, Bruno; Silva, Emilio; Peixoto, Pedro; Laurain, Antoine; Volpe, Ernani; Gioria, Rafael; Gomi, Edson; Senger, Hermes; Fancello, Eduardo.
390Topology optimization design considering the Wray-Agarwal
turbulence model.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Alonso, Diego Hayashi; Saenz, Juan Sergio Romero; Picelli, Renato; Silva, Emílio Carlos Nelli.
389CO2 Geological Storage in Rio Bonito Formation coal beds integrating a BECCS system.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Rocha, H.V., Sant’Anna, L.G., Tassinari, C.C.G.
388Avaliação do
potencial de armazenamento geológico de CO2 na ocorrência de gás de Cuiabá Paulista, Bacia
do Paraná, através de modelagem geológica implícita 3D.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Piedade, V.C.P., de Oliveira, S.B., Weber, N., and Tassianri, C.C.G.
387CO2 storage efficiency considering the southwest
São Paulo region of the Rio Bonito. Nature Based Solutions, Carbon Capture and Utilisation,
Bioenergy, Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Advocacy working together against climate change.
Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022Abraham-A. M. R and Tassinari C. C. G
386A vector toolbox for precision CRISPR-mediated genome editing in sugarcane..Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022PINOTI, V.F.; FLORESTE, B.S.; NERIS, D.M.; ZANI, N.C.; ALVES, P.I.; ARAUJO, P.;
385Impact of the ScRAV1-mediated growth acceleration on sugar accumulation and biomass production of sugarcane.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022NAVARRO, B.V.; DA SILVEIRA, N.D.; ROMIM, G.H.; DE OLIVEIRA, L.P.; GRANDIS, A.;
384Strategies to improve the growth and yield of sugarcane plants: amino acids and hormonal profile.Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022DE OLIVEIRA, L.P.; DE OLIVEIRA, L.F.; NAVARRO, B.V.; SOLDI, M.C.M.M.; MACEDO,
383Sugarcane and new bioenergy resources. Energy Transition Research & Innovation - ETRI 2022São Paulo, Brazil25 - 27 OCT 2022BUCKERIDGE, M.S.; FLOH, E.I.S.; MENOSSI, M.; RIAÑO-PACHÓN, D.M.; DE OLIVEIRA,
382Estimations of regional CO2 storage capacities for favorable areas of the Irati Formation in
São Paulo (Brazil) [Abstract].
1st Brazilian Congress on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
São Paulo, BrazilSEP 2022San Martín Cañas, S., Alzate Rubio, V., Costa, H. K. M., Tassinari, C. C. G.
381Identification and characterization of sugar sensors and signals in sugarcane: first steps towards biotechnological applications in bioethanol production.1st Brazilian Congress on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
380CO2 Geological Storage in Shale Gas Reservoirs: A Case Study of Irati Formation, Paraná Basin, Brazil..Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference 2022. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.September 26-29Rocha, H.V., Sant’Anna, L.G., Tassinari, C.C.G.
379Potential for soil carbon stock accumulation in agricultural areas in Brazil. 22nd World Congress of Soil Science Glasgow, Scotland. 2022 (in press)
Glasgow, Scotland 1th - 4th AUG 2022Villela, J.M., Júnior, D., Cherubin, M.R., Cerri, C.E.P.
378Soil carbon sequestration through integrated agricultural systems in Brazil “Ag4C”: toward a nationwide assessment.22nd World Congress of Soil Science Glasgow, Scotland. 2022 (in press)
Glasgow, Scotland 1th - 4th AUG 2022Cherubin, M.R., Cerri, C.E.P.
377Regulation of sugarcane aerenchyma formation and sugar accumulation mediated by sugar sensing and signaling.SPS - Summer School 2022, Plant sugar
metabolism, transport and signaling in a challenging environment.
Saint-Lambert-des-Bois, France.JUL 2022NAVARRO, B.V.; DA SILVEIRA, N.D.; DE OLIVEIRA, L.P.; GRANDIS, A.; CERVANTES,
376Environmental Challenges: Actions or Reaction to Save the Planet? Local and Global Strategies for Ecological and Societal Transitions.23rd World Hydrogen Energy ConferenceIstambul, Turkey26 - 30 JUN 2022COELHO, S. T.; STUCHI, A. ; PERECIN, DANILO ; MASCARENHAS, K. L. ; MENEGHINI,
J. R.
375Methodological development for climate change research: the case of the RCGI advocacy group. 11th IWACPFlorence, Italy15th JUN 2022ALMEIDA, J.L., SOUSA. A.S., CARDOSO, M.F.O., ARAUJO, L. I., LEMOS, G.L., PAES, R.F., SANTOS, J.F., COSTA, H.K.M., FAGÁ, M.F., SANTOS, E.M.
374Analysis of Brazilian regulatory policy in relation to the transport sector. 11th IWACPFlorence, Italy15th JUN 2022ALMEIDA, J.L., SOUSA. A.S., CARDOSO, M.F.O., ARAUJO, L. I., COSTA, H.K.M., MOUETTE, D., SANTOS, E.M.
373Environmental Challenges: Actions or Reaction to Save the Planet? Local and Global Strategies for Ecological and Societal Transitions.11th IWACPFlorence, Italy15th JUN 2022CARVALHO, Lucas Nunes de; LIMA, Diego Zilli; DEZAN, Daniel Jonas; GASPARIN, Elóy Esteves; MATTOS, Vitor Cesar Nogueira; SALVIANO, Leandro Oliveira; MELLO, Paulo Eduardo Batista de; SALTARA, Fabio; YNAGIHARA; Jurandir Itizo; FERREIRA, Wallace Gusmão.
372LCA study of the uses of vinasse produced in the sugar-energy sector.30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Marseille, France9-12 MAY 2022GARCILASSO, V. P.; COELHO, S. T.; LOPES, T.
371Sustainable ways forward from COP26: social perception and opportunities for bioenergy in Brazil. 30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Marseille, France9-12 MAY 2022Mascarenhas KL, Meneghini JR, Coelho ST, Perecin D.
370CO2 capture potential in the sugar and ethanol sector in the Sao Paulo State..30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Marseille, France9-12 MAY 2022S. T. COELHO; M. M. DOS SANTOS, C. C. G.TASSINARI, T. LOPES.
369Forest Residues Consumption by Households in Large Urban Centers in Brazil: an Overview.30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Marseille, France9-12 MAY 2022A. P. SILVA, M. J. N. ANATER, D. H. AMARAL, S. A. NEIVA, S.T COELHO.
368Opportunities for Hydrogen Production in Brazil's Sugarcane Sector.30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Marseille, France9-12 MAY 2022COELHO, S. T.; MASCARENHAS, K. L. ; PERECIN, D. ; MENEGHINI, J. R.
Political-Economic Analysis of the Impact of LPG Prices on Energy Transition of Low-Income Families in Brazil.
30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Marseille, France9-12 MAY 2022AMARAL, D.H., NEIVA, S.A., ANATER, M.J.N., SILVA, A.P.S., COELHO, S.T.
366Domestic Accidents in Cooking as a Reflection of Transversality Among Gender, Justice, and Energy Poverty.30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Marseille, France9-12 MAY 2022NEIVA, S.A., AMARAL, D.H., SILVA, A.P.S., ANATER, M.J.N., BERMANN, C., COELHO,
365Firewood and Charcoal for Domestic use in Brazil: Technologies and Public Policies.30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Marseille, France9-12 MAY 2022ANATER, M.J.N., SILVA, A.P.S., NEIVA, S.A., AMARAL, D.H., COELHO, S.T.
364CASE STUDIES OF MODELLING, STRUCTURAL AND VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR IMPELLERS.26º International Congress of Mechanical Engineering - COBEM Virtual NOV 2021CARVALHO, Lucas Nunes de; LIMA, Diego Zilli; DEZAN, Daniel Jonas; GASPARIN, Elóy Esteves; MATTOS, Vitor Cesar Nogueira; SALVIANO, Leandro Oliveira; MELLO, Paulo Eduardo Batista de; SALTARA, Fabio; YNAGIHARA; Jurandir Itizo; FERREIRA, Wallace Gusmão.
363 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF FLOW IN A SUPERSONIC SEPARATOR NOZZLE WITH CENTRAL BODY.26º International Congress of Mechanical Engineering - COBEM Virtual NOV 2021FACCIOLI, Thomaz Garcia; ORSELLI, Reinaldo Marcondes; SILVA, Ricardo Galdino da; CARMO, Bruno Souza.
26º International Congress of Mechanical Engineering - COBEM Virtual NOV 2021GASTALDO, Rodrigo Fazioli; LOZANO, Julián Camilo Restrepo; SILVA, Ricardo Galdino da; ORSELLI, Reinaldo Marcondes; MOREIRA, José Roberto Simões; CARMO, Bruno Souza.
361 Sharp-interface imaging in full waveform inversion using finite elements.82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition OCT 2021ROBERTS, K.; LAURAIN, A.; ALBUQUERQUE, Y.
360 Comparação entre Métodos Ótico e Ultrassônico para Quantificar Vazamentos de Gás Submersos. 14th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), São Paulo, BrazilSEP 2021, pp. 1519-1524Rogério Y. Takimoto; Agesinaldo M. Silva; Marcelo Y. Matuda; Timoteo F. Oliveira; Guilherme C. Duran; Julio C. Adamowski; Marcos S. G. Tsuzuki.
359 Influence of the simplifications applied to the surrounding gas composition of evaporating droplets in air-blown and oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres
15th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2021)Edinburgh, ScotlandAUG 2021SACOMANO FILHO, Fernando Luiz; OIJEN, Jeroen A. Van; CARVALHO, Luís Eduardo de; KRIEGER, Guenther.
358 Experimental Investigation of VSS in Virtual Red Blood Cells and Platelets in the Flow of a PVAD Using Pseudo-Tracking Analysis.7th World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech'21)VirtualAUG 2021Lemos, Bernardo Luiz Harry Diniz; Bortolin, Vítor Augusto Andreghetto; Amaral, Rodrigo de Lima; Mazzeto, Marcelo; Cestari, Idágene Aparecida; Meneghini, Júlio Romano.
357 Shear and Stress in the Walls of a Paediatric Ventricular Assist Device.7th World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech'21)VirtualAUG 2021Bortolin, Vítor Augusto Andreghetto; Lemos, Bernardo Luiz Harry Diniz; Amaral, Rodrigo de Lima; Mazzeto, Marcelo; Cestari, Idágene Aparecida; Meneghini, Júlio Romano.
356 CCS PUBLIC PERCEPTION LEARNINGS APPLIED TO BRAZIL.TCCS-11 - Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and StorageTrondheim, Norway June 21-23, 2021MASCARENHAS, Karen Louise; MENEGHINI, Julio Romano.
355 SYSTEMATIC SCREENING OF IONIC LIQUIDS FOR HYDROGENATION OF CO2 TO FORMIC ACID.8th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass ValorisationGuelph, CanadaMay 2021BELLO, T.; PESSÔA FILHO, P. de A.; BRESCIANI, A. E; ALVES, R. M. B.Project 32
354 Impacts of particulate matter emissions from a highway on the neighboring population. 2020 SAE Brasil Congress & Exhibition (SAE Technical Paper 2020-36-0235)2021Teixeira, A., Borges, R., Machado, P., Mouette, D. et al.Project 25
ECCOMAS Congress 2020
Paris, France11-15/01/2021LIMA, João S. Brasil; CHIEREGATTI, Bruno; VOLPE, Ernani V.; HAYASHI, Marcelo T.Project 6
352Os desafios do acesso à energia no ambiente doméstico sob a perspectiva da divisão sexual do trabalhoXII CBPEVirtual09-11/09/2020AMARAL, Daniela Higgin; QUEIROZ, Camila Savastano de; BERMANN, Célio; COELHO, Suani TeixeiraProject 27
351Biomass Residues from Sustainable Forest Management in Brazile-EUBCE 2020 - 28th European Biomass Conference and ExhibitionVirtual06-09/07/2020SILVA, A. P. de S.; COELHO, S. T.Project 27
350Integration of Vinasse Biogas in the Energy Matrix of Ribeirão Preto, State of São Pauloe-EUBCE 2020 - 28th European Biomass Conference and ExhibitionVirtual06-09/07/2020POVEDA, M. M. R.; COELHO, S. T.Project 27
349Energy Utilization of Biomass Residues in Underdeveloped Communities: Study Brazil and Mexicoe-EUBCE 2020 - 28th European Biomass Conference and ExhibitionVirtual06-09/07/2020ROCHA, C. M. T.; FUENTES, T. A. G.; GHILARDI, A.; COELHO, S. T. Project 27
348Technological frontiers and natural gas culture in Brazil: An energy source in transition in the electric matrix.Energy and Society in Transition: 2nd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science.Tempe, United States28-31/05/2020SANTOS, Dorival; PEYERL, Drielli; FRAGA, Denis; SANTOS, Edmilson M. dosProject 26
347Challenges for the Impact Assessment of Geological Storage of CO 2 in Brazil (Poster)Proceedings of the International Conference of International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA)Seville, Spain26-29/05/2020MORETTO, E. M.; PEYERL, D.; ZACHARIAS, L. G. L. Project 42
346Sustainable energy transition in Brazil: Historical, perspective, present strategies and future challenges (Oral Presentation)Tokyo ForumTokyo, Japan06-08/12/2019PEYERL, DrielliProject 42
345Confinement effects on natural gas within carbon nanotubesThe 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD)Seattle, United States23-26/11/2019KIRCH, Alexsandro; LANNA, Teresa; RAZMARA, Naiyer; MENEGHINI, JulioProject 41
344Natural gas supercritical properties: a multiscale molecular simulations study (Poster Presentation)The 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) Seattle, United States23-26/11/2019KIRCH, Alexsandro; LANNA, Teresa; RAZMARA, Naiyer; MENEGHINI, Julio; MIRANDA, CaetanoProject 41
343Thermal behavior of slip length in connection with fluid- solid chemical affinity (Oral Presentation)72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid DynamicsSeattle, United States23-26/11/2019GRIGOLO, Adriano; VISCONDI, Thiago; MENEGHINI, Julio Romano; CALDAS, IberêProject 41
342Geometric parameter optimization of a liquid jet liquid ejector (Oral Presentation)APS DFD 2019 United States23-26/11/2019KORKISCHKO, Ivan; MAFFEI, Felipe Silva; GIORIA, Rafael; MENEGHINI, JulioProject 38
341Performance of Devito on HPC-Optimised ARM Processors (Poster)The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (Supercomputing) Denver, United States17-21/11/2019SENGER, Hermes; GOMI, Edson Satoshi; SOUZA, Jaime Freire de; LUPORINI, Fabio; GORMAN, Gerard J.Project 46
340Projeto de um reator para a realização da reação de reforma a vapor de gás natural usando como fonte um simulador solar de alto fluxoXIV CIBIM - Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenería MecánicaCartagena, Colômbia12-15/11/2019CARDONA, Lina M.; SOBRAL, Larissa C.; CANTO, Luma; SIMÕES-MOREIRA, José R. Project 16
339A topology optimization approach for the 2D acoustic inverse problem in time domain (Oral Presentation)XL CILAMCE, Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in EngineeringNatal, RN, Brazil11-14/11/2019GHORBANI, Mohammad M.; SALAS, Ruben A.; GONÇALVES, Juliano F.; SILVA, Emílio C. N.Project 46
338Dinâmica molecular do gás natural confinado em nanotubos de carbono (Poster) 27º Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica da USPSão Paulo, SP, Brazil05/11/2019LANNA, Teresa; KIRCH, Alexsandro; MIRANDA, Caetano RodriguesProject 41
337Automatic detection of estuarine dolphin vocalizations in spectrogram images (Oral Presentation)Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica da USPSão Paulo, SP, Brazil05/11/2019SERRA, Otavio Moro; PADOVESE; LinilsonProject 33
336Modelling CO2 solubility in polar solvents with CPA EoS (Poster) Congresso Brasileiro de Termodinâmica - CBTERMO 2019Nova Friburgo, RJ, Brazil03-11/11/2019FOLLEGATTI-ROMERO, Luis A.; NASCIMENTO, Claudio A. Oller do; KONTOGEORGIS, Georgios M.; LIANG, XiaodongProject 43
335A comparison between displacement and stress-velocity formulations for the elastic wave equation (Poster)1st Annual STMI WorkshopSão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/10/2019SILVA, Felipe A. G.; BARROS, Saulo R. M.; PEIXOTO, Pedro S.Project 46
334Análise comparativa de custos de plantas fotovoltaicas com armazenamento por usinas hidrelétricas reversíveis (Oral Presentation)20º Seminário de Planejamento Econômico-Financeiro do Setor ElétricoRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil23-24/10/2019SILVA, Luciano José da; CALDEIRA, Rinaldo; PARENTE, VirginiaProject 24
333Condensation and normal shock wave location in supersonic nozzles (Oral Presentation)25th International Congress of Mechanical EngineeringUberlândia, MG, Brazil20-25/10/2019BOLAÑOS-ACOSTA, Andrés F.; T-RODRIGUES, Claudio; RESTREPO-LOZANO, Julián C.; SIMÕES-MOREIRA, José R.Project 39
332Analysis of the acoustic emission of a bubble in liquid medium (Poster)25º International Congress of Mechanical EngineeringUberlândia, MG, Brazil 20-25/10/2019JUNGH, A. de; MARTINS, F. P. S.; PADOVESE, LinilsonProject 33
331Passive Acoustic monitoring of underwater Bubbles Plumes (Poster)25º International Congress of Mechanical EngineeringUberlândia, MG, Brazil 20-25/10/2019LOPES, G. S. V.; PADOVESE, LinilsonProject 33
330Comparison of two thermochemical routes for the production of syngas using as high flow solar simulator source (HFSS) (Oral Presentation)25th COBEM - International Congress of Mechanical EngineeringUberlândia, MG, Brazil20-25/10/2019CARDONA, Lina Maria Varon; SOBRAL, Larissa Costa; CANTO, Luma; SIMÕES-MOREIRA, José RobertoProject 16
329PIV measurement of the non-reacting flow field in a flameless combustion chamber (Poster)25th International Congress of Mechanical EngineeringUberlândia, MG, Brazil20-25/10/2019VILLANUEVA, H. H. S.; FILHO, G. C. Krieger Project 11
328Energy transition, technology development and natural resources: the participation of Brazil in the World Energy Conferences (Poster)International Conference on Energy Research and Social ScienceArizona, United States05/10/2019PEYERL, Direlli; MORETTO, Evandro; MOUETTE, Dominique; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, EdmilsonProject 25
327Thermodynamics of Carbon Dioxide Related Compounds (Oral Presentation)14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment SystemsDubrovnik, Croatia01-06/10/2019PACHECO, Kelvin Andre; BRESCIANI, Antonio E.; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller do; ALVES, Rita Maria BritoProject 32
326Natural gas use in the transport sector of São Paulo State: environmental benefits in 2035 (Oral Presentation)14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)Dubrovnik; Croatia01-06/10/2019MACHADO, Pedro Gerber; COLLAÇO, Flávia Mendes de Almeida; LEITE, Bruno Mendes; MOUETTE, DominiqueProject 23
325Modelling Brazilian food demand for 2035: insights and implications for sustainable development14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)Dubrovnik, Croatia 01-06/10/2019 MACHADO, P.G.; TOMEI, J.; RATHMANN, R.; HAWKES, A.; RIBEIRO, C.O. Project 8
324High-order discontinuous Galerkin method for acoustic and elastic wave equations (Poster)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019ISLER, João A.; CARMO, Bruno S.Project 46
323Computational analysis of high-order continuous Galerkin implementation of the acoustic wave equation (Oral Presentation)ETRI 2019 – Energy Transition Research & InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019OLENDER, A. F. G.; ISLER, João A.; CARMO, B. S.Project 46
322Carbon Capture and Storage and jurisdiction distribution in Brazilian institutional framework (Poster)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019ARAÚJO, Israel Lacerda de; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de MedeirosProject 42
321Offshore Salt Cavern Case and its Legal Aspects (Poster)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019COSTA, Hirdan K. M.; MUSARRA, Raíssa M. L. M.; SILVA, Isabela M. Machado; NUNES, Romário de Carvalho; Araújo, Israel Lacerda de Project 42
320Operation and decommissioning of storage facilities for CCS activities in Brazil (Poster)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019NUNES, Romário de Carvalho; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de MedeirosProject 42
319The strategies of Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) and the role of Brazil and its New Biofuel Policy, RenovaBio (Oral Presentation)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019RAMOS, Karina N; PETRY, Paola; COSTA, Hirdan K. M.; MASCARENHAS, K. L.; TOMÉ, FernandaProject 42
318Carbon Storage and its property rights in the Brazilian legal system (Poster)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019SILVA, Isabela M. M.; COSTA, Hirdan K. M.Project 42
317Compliance of CCS Activities in Climate Change Policies in Brazil (Poster)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019MUSARRA, Raíssa M. L. M.; COSTA, Hirdan K. M.Project 42
316CO2 Injection Monitoring Methods in Offshore Geological Warehouse (Poster)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI 2019)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019SILVA, A. S. A.; KONRAD, M. R.; MORETTO, E. M. Project 42
315Civil and Environmental Liability in CCS activities: scenarios under Brazilian law (Poster)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019MUSARRA, Raíssa M. L. M.; COSTA, Hirdan K. M. Project 42
314Environmental impacts limited to waste disposal in offshore environment (Poster)ETRI 2019 – Energy Transition Research and InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019KONRAD, M. R.; SILVA, A. S. A.; MORETTO, E. M.Project 42
313General principles of Law: applicability in CCS activities (Poster)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019COSTA, Hirdan K. M.; MUSARRA, Raíssa M. L. M.Project 42
312Innovative Actions of the Research Centre for Gas Innovation building the path towards Sustainability Goals in Brazil (Oral Presentation)ETRI 2019 – Energy Transition Research and InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019MASCARENHAS, Karen; MENEGHINI, Julio Romano; PEYERL, Drielli; CUELLAR, Oscar Serrate; VASCONCELOS, Ana Paula Gomes; ASSI, Gustavo Roque da SilvaProject 42
311Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Brazil: a comprehensive analysis of the challenges for implementation through a Socio-Technical Framework (Oral Presentation)ETRI 2019 – Energy Transition Research and InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019MASCARENHAS, Karen; PEYERL, Drielli; MORETTO, Evandro Mateus; MENEGHINI, Julio RomanoProject 42
310The Brazilian energy transition pathways: an emerging field of research (Oral Presentation)ETRI 2019 – Energy Transition Research and Innovation São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019PEYERL, Drielli; MASCARENHAS, Karen; MORETTO, Evandro Mateus; MENEGHINI, Julio Romano; FAAIJ, AndreProject 42
309The screening and scoping of Environmental Impact Assessment of CO2 Storage in BrazilETRI 2019 – Energy Transition Research and Innovation BrasilSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019MORETTO, Evandro Mateus; PEYERL, Drielli; MASCARENHAS, Karen Project 42
308Comparative International Law: the scope and management of public participation rights related to CCS activities (Poster) Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019MUSARRA, Raíssa M. L. M.; COSTA, Hirdan K. M.Project 42
307Gas properties within Carbon Nanotubes (Oral Presentation)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019KIRCH, Alexsandro; LANNA, Teresa Duarte; RAZMARA, Naiyer; MENEGHINI, Julio Romano; MIRANDA, Caetano Rodrigues Project 41
306Transport properties of CH4/CO2 gas mixtures in oil and gas industry (Oral Presentation)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/201901-02/10/2019Project 41
305Numerical investigation of supersonic nozzle for gas separation (Poster)Energy Transition Research & Innovation (ETRI)Curitiba, PR, Brazil01-02/10/2019ORSELLI, Reinaldo Marcondes; SILVA, Ricardo Galdino da; COSTA, Raphael Minari da; BAXMANN, Igor Longhi; CARMO, Bruno SouzaProject 39
304Monitoring Gas Leakages in CCS Operations - Passive Acoustic (Oral Presentation)ENERGY TRANSITION RESEARCH & INNNOVATIONSão Paulo, SP, Brazil 01-02/10/2019HUBERT, Paulo; CHUNG, A.; LOPES, Guilherme Sá Valadão; JONGH, A. de; PADOVESE, LinilsonProject 33
303Deep learning architectures for underwater leakage detection (Oral Presentation)ENERGY TRANSITION RESEARCH & INNNOVATIONSão Paulo, SP, Brazil 01-02/10/2019HUBERT, Paulo; CHUNG, A.; LOPES, G. S. V.; JOHGH, A. de; PADOVESE, LinilsonProject 33
302Gold Hybrid Catalyst for CO2 conversionEnergy Transition Research & InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019GARCIA, Tomaz Neves; BRAGA, Adriano H.; GOMES, Pedro M. V.; ROSSI, Liane M. Project 30
301N-doped carbon embedded with Ni-Zn carbide derived from ZIF-8 for selective CO2 to CO reduction (Poster)Energy Transition Research and Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019MALUF, Nágila E-C.; BRAGA, Adriano H.; GONÇALVES, Renato V.; SANTOS, T. C.; RONCONI, Celia M. Project 30
300Tuning Nickel Catalyst selectivity in RWGS by N-doped carbon coating (Oral Presentation)Energy Transition Research and Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019ARPINI, Bruno H.; BRAGA, Adriano H.; ROSSI, Liane M. Project 30
299Fischer Tropsch synthesis using hybrid iron catalysts (Poster)Energy Transition Research and Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019BORGES, Laís R.; ZANONI, Guilherme R.; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
298Addressing selectivity on classical Ni/SiO2 catalysts towards CO from reverse water-gas shift reaction (Oral Presentation)Energy Transition Research and Innovation (ETRI)São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019BRAGA, Adriano H.; GALHARDO, Thalita S.; SZANYI, János; ROSSI, Liane M. Project 30
297Social effects of a probable growth of household gas use (Poster)ETRI – Energy Transition, Research and InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019VENTURI, Luis Antonio Bittar; MELO, Alexandre Vastella F. de; TSAI, David Shiling; MACHADO, Felipe Ferraz; AZEVEDO, Gabriel José Mendonça; SILVA, Pedro Paulo F. da; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, EdmilsonProject 28
296Incentives Impact on the Diffusion of Alternative Fuel Vehicles in BrazilETRI - Energy Transitions Reserch and InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019BRITO, Thiago Luis Felipe; TOWHIDUL, Islam; STETTLER, Marc; MOUETTE, Dominique; DOS SANTOS, Edmilson Moutinho dos; MEADE, NigelProject 25
295Estimating thermoelectric dispatch for the Brazilian Electricity Sector 2019-2030 from the 2027 Ten Year Expansion Plan: a stochastic dual dynamic programming (SDDP) approach (Poster)Energy Transition Research and Innovation - ETRISão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019JAVIER, Toro; LUCIANO, Silva; PARENTE, VirginaProject 24
294Analysis of natural gas reforming to hydrogen production in association with CCS and carbon market in the Pre-Salt region (Poster)ETRI 2019São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019SILVA, Luciano José da; PARENTE, VirginiaProject 24
293Microbial Production of Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) from Methane (Oral Presentation)Energy Transition Research & Innovation 2019São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019CARDOSO, Letícia Oliveira Bispo; KAROLSKI, Bruno; GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; BORREGO, Bruna Bacaro; NASCIMENTO, Cláudio Augusto Oller do; PERPETUO, ElenProject 18
292Lipid production by Didymogenes sp.: a microalgae isolated from mangrove– ENERGY TRANSITION RESEARCH AND INNOVATIONSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-02/10/2019GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; CARDOSO, Letícia Bispo Oliveira; KAROLSKI, Bruno; PERPETUO, Elen Aquino; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller do; GIUDICI, Reinaldo; BELLAN, Alessandra; MOROSINOTTOProject 17
291Mapping Energy Vulnerability (Oral Presentation)Conference on Sustainable Gas Research InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil27-28/09/2019VENTURI, Luis Antonio Bittar; MELO, Alexandre Vastella F. de; SANTOS, Greta Yale Lima dos; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, Edmilson; MACHADO, Felipe Ferraz; SILVA, Pedro Paulo F. da Project 28
290Energia como bem público: uma abordagem sobre o armazenamento de grande porte no sistema elétrico brasileiroX Congresso Brasileiro de RegulaçãoFlorianópolis, SC, Brazil27-29/09/2019SILVA, Luciano José da; PARENTE, VirginiaProject 24
289A comparison between displacement and stress-velocity formulations for the elastic wave equation1st Annual STMI WorkshopSão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2019SILVA, Felipe A. G.; BARROS, Saulo R. M.; PEIXOTO, Pedro S.Project 46
288Reconstruction of sharp interfaces in time-domain full waveform inversion (Poster)São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2019ALBUQUERQUE, Yuri; LAURAIN, AntoineProject 46
287Comparison of absorbing boundary conditions for acoustic wave equations (Poster)STMI 2019 WORKSHOP ON SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY FOR MODELING AND INVERSIONSão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2019ARAÚJO, Paula Neves de; BARROS, Saulo R. M.Project 46
286Urban planning and management system (Oral Presentation)Sustainable Gas Research and Innovation Conference São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2019VENTURI, Luis Antonio Bittar; MELO, Alexandre Vastela F. de; TSAI, David Shiling; MACHADO, Felipe Ferraz; AZEVEDO, Gabriel José Mendonça; SANTOS, Greta Yale Lima dos; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, Edmilson; SILVA, Pedro Paulo F. daProject 28
285Role of competent regulatory authority on CCS activities in Brazil (Poster)Rio Oil and GasRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil24/09/2019ARAÚJO, Israel Lacerda de; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MUSARRA, Raíssa M. L. M. Project 42
284Topology Optimization of Fluid-structure Interaction Problems: the TOBS Method Approach (Oral Presentation)72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid DynamicsSeattle, United States23-26/09/2019RANJBARZADEH, Shahin; SILVA, Emilio C NProject 10
283TiO2 surface engineering for stable nanocatalysts: the role of interface segregation (Poster)XVIII Brazilian MRS Meeting Balneário Camburiú, SC, Brazil22-26/09/2019SILVA, Andre Luiz da; CASTRO, Ricardo; GOUVÊA, DouglasProject 31
282CO2 and H2O Adsorption on Nanocrystalline TiO2 Anatase for Artificial Photosynthesis Application (Poster)XVIII Brazilian MRS MeetingBalneário Camburiú, SC, Brazil22-26/09/2019SILVA, André Luiz da; WU, Lili; CASTRO, Ricardo; GOUVÊA, DouglasProject 31
281Numerical Simulation of Hybrid Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) Fuel Consumption for the Pre-salt Layer in Brazil (Oral Presentation)The 14th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating StructuresYokohama, Japan22-26/09/2019SAMPAIO, Claudio M. P.; NISHIMOTO, Kazuo; DO VALE, Rodrigo J.; RUGGERI, Felipe Project 4
280Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production by methanotrophic consortia under high methane atmosphere (Poster)The 5 th EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGYFlorence, Italy15-19/09/2019PERPETUO, Elen Aquino; CARDOSO, Letícia Oliveira Bispo; KAROLSKI, Bruno; GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; BORREGO, Bruna Bacaro; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller doProject 18
279Two-dimensional (2D) Topology Optimization of IPMC integrated Fluidic Diodes (Oral Presentation)II International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing - Sim-AM Pavia, Italy11-13/09/2019RANJBARZADEH, Shahin; SILVA, Emilio C NProject 10
278Mimetic finite volume schemes and parallel-in-time integration techniques (Oral Presentation)Workshop on Variational Discretization for Geophysical Fluid DynamicsToronto, Canadá09-13/09/2019PEIXOTO, PedroProject 46
277Correlation between two different real time data acquisition systems: lidar Raman and cavity ringdown laser spectroscopy, for CH4 as a fugitive gas, in Sao Paulo metropolitan area
Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing (Poster 111521-1115213)
Strasburg, France09-12/09/2019MACEDO, Fernanda M.; CORREA, Thais; ARAUJO, Elaine; ANDRADE, Izabel; ARLEQUES, Antônio G.; MIRANDA, Juliana Tavares de Melo; SILVA, Jonatan da; GUARDANI, Roberto; VESELOVSKII, IGOR; LANDULFO, EduardoProject 9
276PIV measurement of the non-reacting flow field in a flameless combustion chamber (Poster)14th International Conference on Energy for a Clean EnvironmentFunchal, Portugal08-12/09/2019VILLANUEVA, H. H. S.; FILHO, G. C. Krieger Project 11
275Performance analysis of a water ejector using computational fluid dynamics simulations and mathematical modeling (Oral presentation)ICCHMT2019 - Internatioon Conference on Computational Heat and Mass TransferItaly03/09/2019REIS, Lívia B.; MAFFEI, Felipe S.; RANJBARZADEH, Shahin; KORKSCHKO, Ivan; GIORIA, Rafael S.; MENEGHINI, Julio R.Projeto 38
274Modelling Acid Gas Mixtures Containing CO2 + Polar Aprotic Solvents with CPA EoS (Poster)V PROSCIBACampinas, SP, Brazil02-06/09/2019FOLLEGATTI-ROMERO, Luis A.; NASCIMENTO, Claudio A. Oller do; LIANG, Xiaodong; KONTOGEORGIS, Georgios M. Project 43
273Development of a one-pot concept for the production and impregnation of starch aerogels with green coffee oil in supercritical carbon dioxide (Poster)V PROSCIBACampinas, SP, Brazil02-06/09/2019VILLEGAS, Maria; OLIVEIRA, Alessandra L. de; BAZITO, Reinaldo C.; VIDINHA, PedroProject 43
272Carboxylation of lignin derivatives under supercritical conditions (Poster)V PROSCIBACampinas, SP, Brazil02/06/09/2019PÉREZ-SANZ, Fernando J.; BAZITO, Reinaldo C.; VIDINHA, Pedro M.Project 43
271Carbon dioxide valorization under supercritical conditions (Oral Presentation)V Iberoamerican Conference on Supercritical Fluids (PROSCIBA)Campinas, SP, Brazil02-06/09/2019GOMES, Pedro M. V.; ROZENDO, Jennifer; BRAGA, Atualpa; Project 30
270Supported Au and Pd Catalysts for CO2 Hydrogenation (Poster)20º Congresso Brasileiro de Catálise BrasilSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-05/09/2019GARCIA, Tomaz Neves; GOMES, Pedro M. V.; ROSSI, Liane M. Project 30
269Estudo da influência da morfologia da céria na oxidação preferencial do CO na presença de H2 (Oral Presentation)20º Congresso Brasileiro de CatáliseSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-05/09/2019BORGES, Laís R.; GARCIA, Marco A. S.; ROSSI, Liane M.; GOMES, Pedro M. V.Project 30
268Catalisadores de Níquel revestidos com Carbono e seu controle na seletividade na RWGS (Poster)20º Congresso Brasileiro de CatáliseBrazil01-05/09/2019ARPINI, Bruno H.; BRAGA, Adriano H.; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
267Carbeto de Ni-Zn embebido em carbono dopado com N derivados de ZIF-8 para a hidrogenação seletiva de CO2 a CO (Poster)20º Congresso Brasileiro de Catálise São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-05/09/2019MALUF, Nágila E-C; BRAGA, Adriano H.; SANTOS, T. C.; RONCONI, Celia M.; ROSSI, Liane M. Project 30
266Addressing selectivity on classical Ni/SiO2 catalysts towards CO from reverse water-gas shift reaction (Oral Presentation)20º Congresso Brasileiro de CatáliseSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-05/09/2019BRAGA, Adriano H.; GALHARDO, Thalita S.; SZANYI, János; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
265Preparação de catalisadores Pt/CeO2 promovidos por Fe e Sn via método de redução por álcool para a oxidação preferencial de CO em misturas ricas em hidrogênio (PROX-CO) (Oral)20 CBCat - Congresso Brasileiro de CatáliseSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-05/09/2019QUEIROZ, Carla Moreira Santos; MACHADO, Arthur Pignataro; PAIVA, Ana Rita Noborikawa; VAZ, Jorge Moreira; SPINACÉ, Estevam VitorioProject 20
264CO-PROX sobre catalisadores de CuO/CeO2 com 1 a 3% de cobre (Poster)20 CBCat 2019São Paulo, SP, Brazil01-05/09/2019CRUZ, Aline R. M.; ASSAF, Elisabete; GOMES, Janaina F.; ASSAF, José M.Project 20
263Preparação de nanopartículas de cobre e ouro suportadas em TiO2 para uso como catalisador na oxidação preferencial de CO em misturas ricas em hidrogênio (CO-PROX) (Poster)20 CBCat - Congresso Brasileiro de CatáliseSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-05/09/2019ALENCAR, Catarina Santos Lopes; PAIVA, Ana Rita Noborikawa; VAZ, Jorge Moreira; SPINACÉ, Estevam VitorinoProject 20
262Estudo da liga Ni-Ga suportada em SiO2, ZrO2 e CeO2 como catalisadores para a hidrogenação do CO2 a metanol (Poster, p. 66)XX Congresso Brasileiro de CatáliseSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-05/09/2019RASTEIRO, Letícia F.; ASSAF, José M.; ASSAF, Elisabete M. Project 14
261Produção de H2 a partir da tri-reforma do metano utilizando catalisadores Ni/CeO2 (Oral Presentation, p. 1-12)20º Congresso Brasileiro de CatáliseSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01-05/09/2019ANCHIETA, Chayene Gonçalves; ASSAF, Elisabete Moreira; ASSAF, José MansurProject 13
260Theoretical analysis of supersonic phase change for carbon dioxide in a de Laval nozzle (Oral Presentation) 25th IIR International Congress of RefrigerationMontreal, Canadá24-30/08/2019RESTREPO, Julian; BOLAÑOS-ACOSTA, Andrés F.; SIMÕES-MOREIRA, José R.Project 39
259Nonsmooth shape optimization and application to inverse problems (Oral Presentation)Berlin, Germany05-08/08/2019LAURAIN, Antoine; ALBUQUERQUE, Yuri Flores; STURM, KevinProject 46
258Engenharia de superfície de nanopartículas de TiO2 para uso em fotossíntese artificial63° Congresso Brasileiro de CerâmicaBonito, MS, Brazil04-07/08/2019SILVA, Andre Luiz da; GANDELMAN, Henry; BERNARDES, Andre Avancini; GOUVÊA, DouglasProject 31
257Effects of continuous and non-continuous aeration on scenedesmus sp. cultivation in photobioreactor (Poster)XXII Simpósio Nacional de BioprocessosSão Paulo, SP, Brazil28-31/07/2019JESUS, Priscila da Costa Carvalho de; PEÑARADA, Anne; BASSO; PERPETUO, Elen Aquino; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller do Project 17
256Exploration and Technique in the Search for Oil in the Amazon Basin (Poster)3rd World Congress of Environmental HistoryFlorianópolis, SC, Brazil22-27/07/2019PEYERL, Drielli; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, Edmilson; MORETTO, Evandro MProject 42
255A shape optimization approach for electrical impedance tomography with point measurements (Oral Presentation)Valencia, Spain15-19/07/2019LAURAIN, Antoine; ALBUQUERQUE, Yuri Flores; STURM, KevinProject 46
254Catalisadores com 1 a 3% CuO/CeO2 aplicados à reação de oxidação preferencial de CO (Poster)EBS 2019Campinas, SP, Brazil15-26/07/2019CRUZ, Aline R. M.; ASSAF, Elisabete; GOMES, Janaina F.; ASSAF, José M.Project 20
253Study of Ni/SiO₂ catalyst structural modifications in reverse water gas shift (RWGS) reaction (Oral Presentation)47th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress Paris, France05-12/07/2019GALHARDO, Thalita S.; BRAGA, Adriano H.; SZANYI, János; GONÇALVES, Renato V.; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
252CO2 Emission and Fuel Consumption Evaluation for Variable‐Speed Diesel Generators and DC grids for Ship Power Systems (Poster)7th International Conference on CLEAN ELECTRICAL POWEROtranto, Italy02-04/07/2019VIEIRA, G. T. T.; SALLES, M. B. C.; MONARO, R. M.; CARMO, B. S. Project 7
251Reduction of CO2 to methanol using a supercritical flow process (Oral Presentation)17th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide UtilizationAachen, Germany23-27/06/2019GOTHE, Maitê L.; FIGUEIREDO, Adolfo L.; VILLEGAS, Maria; ROSSI, Liane M.; GOMES, Pedro M. V. Project 30, 43
250Mechanistic studies of CO2 reduction to hydrogenation using homogenous catalysis (Oral Presentation)17th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide UtilisationAachen, Germany23-27/06/2019ROZENDO, Jennifer D.; GOTHE, Maitê L.; BRAGA, Ataualpa; ROSSI, Liane M.; GOMES, Pedro M. V.Project 30
249Development of different hybrid catalytic strategies for the valorisation CO2 (Oral Presentation)17th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide UtilisationAachen, Germany23-27/06/2019GOMES, Pedro M. V.; ROZENDO, Jennifer; FIGUEIREDO, Adolfo; VILLEGAS, Maria; INFANTE, Miguel; VELOSO, João; PEREZ, Fernando; GAMBINI, Camila; OLLER, Claudio; ROSSI, Liane M.; BAZITO, Reinaldo Project 30
248Hybrid Catalysts for the Direct Conversion of CO2 to Higher Alcohols (Poster)26th North American Catalysis Society MeetingChicago, United States23-27/06/2019GARCIA, Tomaz Neves; GOMES, Pedro M. V.; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
247Effect of ageing of Ni/SiO2 catalysts in selectivity towards reverse water-gas shift reaction (Poster)26th North American Catalysis Society MeetingChicago, United States23-28/06/2019BRAGA, Adriano H.; GALHARDO, Thalita S.; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
246Naked vs N-Doped Carbon Coated Nickel Catalysts on CO2 hydrogenation (Oral Presentation)26th North American Catalysis Society MeetingChicago, United States23-28/06/2019ARPINI, Bruno H.; BRAGA, Adriano H.; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
245In situ DRIFTS study of Ni-Ga catalyst for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol at low pressure (Poster)26th North American Catalysis Society MeetingChicago, United States23-28/06/2019RASTEIRO, Letícia F.; VIEIRA, Luiz H.; ASSAF, José M.; ASSAF, Elisabete M. Project 14
244Bioprospecting the biotechnological potential of mangrove microalgae strains (Poster)9th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and BioproductsBoulder, United States17-19/06/2019PERPETUO, Elen Aquino; GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; KAROLSKI, Bruno; CARDOSO, Letícia Oliveira Bispo; Borrego, Bruna; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller do Project 17
243Bioprospection of high CO2-tolerant microalgae to produce high value bioproducts (Poster)9th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and BioproductsBoulder, United States17-19/06/2019JESUS, Priscila da Costa Carvalho de; GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; MENDES, Maria Anita; PERPÉTUO, Elen Aquino; BASSO, Thiago Olitta; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller doProject 17
242Co-production of bioproducts by Chlamydomonas sp (Poster)The 9th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and BioproductsBoulder, United States17-19/06/2019BISPO, Letícia Oliveira; GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; KAROLSKI, Bruno; BORREGO, Bruna Bacaro; NASCIMENTO, Project 17
241Operational behaviour of supersonic separators for real gas mixtures of methane and carbon dioxide, from the homogeneous nucleation point of view (Oral Presentation)Proceedings of the ASME 2019 - 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE Glassgow, United Kingdom09-14/06/2019RESTREPO, Julian; SIMÕES-MOREIRA, José R.; Project 39
240The flow field of a Flameless combustion chamber using PIV (Poster)7th Combustion schoolCachoeira Paulista, SP, Brazil03-07/06/2019VILLANUEVA, H. H. S.; FILHO, G. C. Krieger Project 11
239Dispersion analysis of different basis functions applied to high-order discontinuous Galerkin method for the acoustic wave equation (Oral Presentation)North American High Order Methods ConferenceSan Diego, United States02-05/06/2019ISLER, João A.; OLENDER, Alexandre F. G.; CARMO, Bruno S.Project 46
238CAPTAÇÃO, ARMAZENAMENTO E USOS DE CARBONO: Perspectivas regulatórias de implantação no Brasil e experiências internacionais (Oral Presentation)CONIBEN2019Lisbon, Portugal30-31/05/2019SILVA, I. M. M. E.; COSTA, H. K. M.Project 42
237Principais aspectos do licenciamento ambiental para captura e estocagem de dióxido de carbono no BrasilCONIBEN 2019 Lisbon, Portugal30-31/05/2019COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MUSARRA, Raissa M. L. M.Project 42
236Au/TiO2 Catalyst for conversion of CO2 in Ethanol (Oral Presentation)Au/TiO2 Catalyst to CO2 Conversion to Higher Alcohols BrasilJoinville, SC, Brazil27-30/05/2019GARCIA, Tomaz Nevez; GOMES, Pedro M. V.; ROSSI, Liane M. Project 30
235Designing Hybrid Nickel Catalysts for CO2 Hydrogenation (Poster)42a Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira de QuímicaJoinville, SC, Brazil27-30/05/2019ARPINI, Bruno H.; BRAGA, Adriano H.; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
234Evaluation of acetic acid production from CO2 through thermodynamic equilibrium (Poster)1 Congresso Brasileiro em Engenharia de Sistemas em Processos (PSE-BR 2019)Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil20-22/05/2019PACHECO, Kelvin A.; BRESCIANI, Antonio E.; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller do; ALVES, Rita Maria Brito Project 32
233New Approaches and Contents for a Brazilian Atlas of Carbon Capture and StorageAmerican Association of American Geologist – AAPGTexas, United States19-22/05/2019CIOTTA, M.; PEYERL, D.; BARROZO, L.; SANT'ANNA, L.; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.; BERMANN, C.; GROHMANN, C; MORETTO, E. M.; TASSINARI, C.Project 42
232Semi-Lagrangian Exponential Integration with application to the rotating shallow water equations (Oral Presentation)PDEs on the sphereMontreal, Quebec, Canadá29/04-03/05/2019PEIXOTO, Pedro S.; SCHREIBER, MartinProject 46
231Modifier-Adaptation Schemes Employing Gaussian Processes and Trust Regions for Real-Time Optimization (Poster p. 52-57)12th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems DYCOPSFlorianópolis, SC, Brazil23-26/04/2019CHANONA, E. A. Del Rio; GRACIANO, J. E. Alvez; BRADFORD, E.; CHACHUAT, B.Project 32
230Development of aerogels based on starches for the impregnation of green coffee oil (Oral Presentation)17th European meeting on supercritical fluidsCiudad Real, Spain08-11/04/2019VILLEGAS, Maria; OLIVEIRA, Alessandra L.; BAZITO, Reinaldo C.; VIDINHA, PedroProject 43
229Development of different hybrid catalytic strategies for the valorisation CO2 (Oral Presentation)17th European meeting on supercritical fluidsCiudad Real, Spain08-11/04/2019GOMES, Pedro M. V.; GOTHE, Maitê; ROZENDO, Jennifer; FIGUEIREDO, Adolfo; VILLEGAS, Maria; INFANTE, Miguel; PELOSO, João; PEREZ, Fernando; GAMBINI, Camila; OLLER, Claudio; ROSSI, Liane M.; BAZITO, ReinaldoProject 30, 43
228Design of a Secondary Concentrator for High Flux Solar Simulator (Oral Presentation)1st Franco-AMSUD Energy and Environment MeetingMarseille, France18-21/03/2019CANTO, Luma; VANON, Lina Maria; SIMÕES-MOREIRA, José RobertoProject 16
227Comparison of Concentrators for an Off the Shelf High Flux Solar Simulator (Oral Presentation)IAPE '19 - International Conference on Innovative Applied EnergyOxford, United Kingdom14-15/03/2019CANTO, Luma; VARON, Lina; BARRETO, Gustavo A.; SIMÕES-MOREIRA, José R.Project 16
226O acesso de terceiros a terminais de GNL no Brasil e as alterações propostas à Lei do Gás (PL 6.407/2013 e PL 10.985/2018): perspectivas para a próxima legislatura (Poster)7th LATIN AMERICAN ENERGY ECONOMICSBuenos Aires, Argentina10-12/03/2019RAMOS, K. N.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; ARAUJO, I. L.; SANTOS, E. M.Project 21
225Legal and regulatory barriers to CO2 geological storage in Brazil (Poster)7th LATIN AMERICAN ENERGY ECONOMICSBuenos Aires, Argentina10-12/03/2019ROCHA, H. V.; SANTOS, V. E. S.; COSTA, H. K. M.Project 42
224The supply of peak demand by pumped hydro storage in Brazil (Oral Presentation)7th ELAEE/IAEE Latin American ConferenceBuenos Aires, Argentina10-12/03/2019SILVA, Luciano José da; PARENTE, VirginiaProject 24
223Economic and regulatory aspects preventing the operation of natural gas thermoelectric plants at the base of brazilian electrical system (Poster)7th Latin American Energy Economics Meeting (ELAEE)Buenos Aires, Argentina10-12/03/2019JAVIER, Toro; PARENTE, VirginaProject 24
222Small-scale natural gas liquefaction for trucks: the use of LNG in the transport sector in Brazil (Oral Presentation)7th Latin American Energy Economics MeetingBuenos Aires, Argentina10-12/03/2019MACHADO, Pedro Gerber; MOUETTE, Dominique; FRAGA, Denis; PEYERL, Drielli; ICHIGE, Eduardo N.A. Project 23
221National climate policies in Brazil: Commitments and competences (Poster)7th LATIN AMERICAN ENERGY ECONOMICSBuenos Aires, Argentina10-12/03/2019RIBEIRO, G.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; SIMOES, A. F.Project 21
220Non-conventional gases regulation: an assessment of Brazilian regulatory framework and experiences (Poster)7th LATIN AMERICAN ENERGY ECONOMICSBuenos Aires, Argentina10-12/03/2019VITOR JUNIOR, E. J.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.; FARNOOSH, A. Project 21
219The role of energy in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 in Brazil: How much energy will we need to meet food demands in 2030? (Oral Presentation)7th Latin American Energy Economics MeetingBuenos Aires, Argentina10-12/03/2019MACHADO, P.G.; KERDAN, I.G.; RIBEIRO, C. O.; MOUETTE, D.; RATHMANN, R.; HAWKES, A.; MOUTINHO. E.Project 8, 23
218Políticas Públicas e desenvolvimento técnico: transições históricas do setor do gás natural no estado de São Paulo (Oral Presentation)2º Congresso de História da Ciência e da Técnica: Desafios ContemporâneosSão Paulo, SP, Brazil03/03/2019PEYERL, Drielli; SHIMOABERA, Lena; ANTUNES, Ana ClaraProject 25
217Energy Transition in the Transport Sector: the strategic role of natural gas in São Paulo State, BrazilEnergy and Decentralization Conference. Delft University of TechnologyDelft, Netherlands23-25/01/2019PEYERL, D.; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E., MORETTO, E. M.; MOUETTE, D.Project 42
216Environmental Impact Assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage in Brazil (Poster)Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social SustainabilityCanadá17-19/01/2019MORETTO, E.; PEYERL, D.; MOUETTE, D.; WEBER, N.; SILVA, F.; GRANZINOLI, T.Project 42
215The Strategic Role of Natural Gas in The Brazilian Energy Transition (Oral Presentation)15th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social SustainabilityVancouver, Canadá01/01/2019PEYERL, Drielli; MOUETTE, Dominique; MORETTO, Evandro; MACHADO, Pedro Gerber; BRITO, Thiago Luis FelipeProject 26
214Population Benefit of PM10 Reduction by the Implementation of a Blue Corridor Between São Paulo and Campinas (Oral Presentation)15th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social SustainabilityVancouver, Canadá01/01/2019BRITO, Thiago Luis Felipe; MACHADO, Pedro GerberProject 26
213Market Share Elasticities of Alternative Fuel Vehicles in Brazil (Oral Presentation)3rd Symposium Sustainable Development in Latin AmericaLondon, United Kingdom01/01/2019BRITO, Thiago Luis Felipe; MEADE, Islam; STETTLER, Marc; DOS SANTOS, Edmilson Moutinho Project 25
212Influence of turbulence on the flameless combustion flow field (Oral Presentation)17th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and EngineeringÁguas de Lindoia, SP, Brazil25-28/11/2018VILLANUEVA, H. H. S.; SILVA, F. M. F.; FILHO, G. C. Krieger Project 11
211Adjoint Formulation and Sensitivity Analysis for Flows through Porous Media with Adsorption (Poster, p. 1-11)71st Annual Meeting of The American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Dynamics APS DFD Atlanta, United States18-22/11/2018LIMA, João S. B.; CHIEREGATTI, Bruno G.; VOLPE, Ernani V.; HAYASHI, Marcelo T. Project 6
210The main environmental permitting requirements on CCS activities in Brazil (Oral Presentation)Sustainability and Development ConferenceAnn Arbor, MI, United States09-11/11/2018COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MUSARRA, R. M. L. M.; MIRANDA, M. F. Project 42
209The main environmental permitting requirements on CCS activities in Brazil (Oral Presentation)IFRS Conference Frankfurt, Germany08-12/11/2018COSTA, Hirdan Katarina Medeiros; MUSARRA, Raíssa Moreira Lima Mendes; MIRANDA, Mariana FernandesProject 42
208Nano ZnO como Fotocatalizador para Produzir Moléculas Orgânicas a partir de CO2 e H2O (Oral Presentation)Simpósio MetMat - USPSão Paulo, SP, Brazil05-09/11/2018FORTES, Gustavo Mattos; FERNANDES, Matheus Horstmann; CALIMAN, Lorena Batista; GOUVÊA, Douglas Project 31
207O papel da segregação de superfície na estabilidade de nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio (Oral Presentation)Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia de MateriaisFoz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil04-08/11/2018SILVA, Andre Luiz da; GOUVÊA, DouglasProject 31
206Use of high CO2 -tolerant microalgae for conversion of CO2 and CH4 to high value bioproducts (Poster)XXIX Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering Incorporating the 68th Canadian Chemical Engineering ConferenceToronto, Canada28-31/10/2018CARVALHO, Pricila Costa; BASSO, Thiago Olitta; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Oller do; Project 17
205Síntese de catalisadores do tipo Ni-Ga aplicados na hidrogenação do CO2 a metanol em baixa pressão (Poster)XIII Encontro Regional de CatáliseSão Carlos, SP, Brazil26-27/10/2018RASTEIRO, Letícia F.; ASSAF, José M.; ASSAF, Elisabete M. Project 14
204Perspectivas e desafios para a Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental de atividades de CCS no Brasil (Poster)Anais do 4o Congresso Brasileiro de Avaliação de ImpactoFortaleza, CE, Brazil22-26/10/2018MORETTO, E. M.; PEYERL, D.; KONRAD, M.; SIMÃO, A. S. A.; COSTA, H. K. M.Project 42
203BaO-doped TiO2 Nanostability: The Role of Surface Segregation on Phase Transition (Oral Presentation)MS&T18 - Materials Science Technology Columbus, Ohio, United States14-18/10/2018SILVA, Andre Luiz da; CASTRO, Ricardo; GOUVÊA, DouglasProject 31
202The Use of Advanced Storage Systems for Voltage, Frequency and CO2 Emission Control in Ship Power Systems (Oral Presentation)7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA). Série de livros: International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Páginas: 637-642 Paris, France14-17/10/2018: Vieira, G. T. T.; Salles, M. B. C.; Monaro, R. M.Project 7
201Assessment of CO2 Emissions on Platform Supply Vessels for Distinct Battery Dispatch (Oral Presentation)7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA). Série de livros: International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Páginas: 1287-1291 Publicado: 2018 Paris, France14-17/10/2018VALE, R. J.; PERALTA, C. O.; VIEIRA, G. T. T.; et al.Project 7
200Brazilian Market Forecast for Carbon Dioxide Utilization (Oral Presentation)13th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment SystemsPalermo, Italy30/09/2018 - 04/10/2018REIS, Alessandra C.; PACHECO, Kelvin A.; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller do; ALVES, Rita M. B.Project 32
199Direct Conversion of CO2 and H2 to Ethanol Catalyzed by Au/TiO2 (Oral Presentation)Sustainable Gas Research InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018GARCIA, T. N.; VIDINHA, P.; ROSSI, L. Project 43
198Hybrid catalysts for CO2 conversion (Oral Presentation)Sustainable Gas Research Innovation São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018ROSSI, L. M.; FIORIO, J. L.; VIDINHA, P. Project 43
197Different catalytical strategies for CO2 Hydrogenation at low temperature (Oral Presentation)Sustainable Gas Research and Innovation - SGRISão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018VIDINHA, P. Project 43
196Synthesis of ethanol from the reduction of carbon dioxide under supercritical conditions (Poster)Sustainable Gas Research and Innovation - SGRISão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018ROZENDO, J. D.; GOTHE, M. L.; BAZITO, R. C.; ROSSI, L. M.; VIDINHA, P. Project 43
195The main environmental permitting requirements on CCS activities in Brazil (Poster)Sustainable Gas Research and Innovation - SGRISão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018MIRANDA, Mariana FernandesProject 42
194Diffused losses and concentrated revenues: why CCS activity doesn´t grow in Brazil? (Poster)Sustainable Gas Research and Innovation - SGRISão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018ARAÚJO, ISRAEL LACERDA de; COSTA, HIRDAN K. de M.; MUSARRA, RAÍSSA M. L. M. Project 42
193Discussões sobre o processo Regulatório de Carbon Capture And Storage (CCS) no Brasil (Poster)Sustainable Gas Research and Innovation - SGRISão Paulo, SP, Brazil 25-26/09/2018COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MUSARRA, Raíssa M. L. M.Project 42
192Proposal for environmental risk assessment of CO2 storage activities in salt caves in the Pre-salt layer of Brazil (Oral Presentation)Sustainable Gas Research and Innovation - SGRISão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018MORETTO, E. M.; PEYERL, D.; KONRAD, M. R.; SIMÃO, A. S. A.; SILVA, F. M.Project 42
191Current issues the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) activities in Brazil (Poster)Sustainable Gas Research and Innovation - SGRISão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018MORETTO, E. M.; PEYERL, D.; GRANZINOLI, T.; KONRAD, M. R.; SIMÃO, A.; MACHADO, F. Project 42
190Influence of methane on algae growth (Poster)Sustainable Gas Research & InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; CARDOSO, Letícia Bispo Oliveira; BORREGO, Bruna Baccaro; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Oller do; GIUDICI, Reinaldo; PERPETUO, Elen AquinoProject 17
189An exploratory survey of the methods of automatic detection in underwater acoustic events (Poster)SGRI 2018 - SUSTAINABLE GAS RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CONFERENCESão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018CHUNG, A. et alProject 33
188Study of different models of acoustic bubble emission for passive acoustic monitoring for leakage detection (Poster)SGRI 2018 - SUSTAINABLE GAS RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CONFERENCESão Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018JONGH, A. de; PADOVESE, LinilsonProject 33
187Development of an acoustic monitoring device for underwater gas leakage – Controlled emission experimental set-upSGRI 2018 - SUSTAINABLE GAS RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CONFERENCE São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018LOPES, Guilherme de Sá Valadão; PADOVESE, LinilsonProject 33
186Synthesis of ethanol from the reduction of carbon dioxide under supercritical conditions (Oral Presentation)Sustainable Gas Research & Innovation São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018ROZENDO, Jennifer D.; GOTHE, Maitê L.; BAZITO, Reinaldo; ROSSI, Liane M.; GOMES, Pedro M. V.Projects 30, 43
185Biochemical conversion of carbon dioxide to methanol (Poster)Sustainable Gas Research & Innovation São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018GOTHE, Maitê L.; GOMES, Pedro M. V.; ROSSI, Liane M.Projects 30, 43
184Effect of Ni/Pd ratio on fine-tuning nanoparticle size for conversion of CO2 into CO (Oral Presentation)Sustainable Gas Research & Innovation São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018BRAGA, Adriano H.; COSTA, Natália J. S.; PHILLIPOT, Karine; GONÇALVES, Renato V.; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
183Direct Conversion of CO2 and H2 to Ethanol Catalyzed by Au/TiO2 (Oral Presentation)Sustainable Gas Research & Innovation São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018GARCIA, Tomaz N.; GOMES, Pedro M. V.; ROSSI, Liane M. Projects 30, 43
182The use of Nickel N-doped catalysts on CO2 hydrogenation (Oral Presentation)Sustainable Gas Research & Innovation São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018ARPINI, Bruno H.; BRAGA, Adriano H.; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
181CO2 conversion by reverse water gas shift reaction (rwgs) using nanocatalysts based on nickel supported in different solids prepared via magnetron sputtering methodology (Poster)Sustainable Gas Research & Innovation São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018GALHARDO, Thalita S.; GONÇALVES, Renato V.; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
180Hybrid Catalysts for CO2 conversion (Oral Presentation)Sustainable Gas Research & Innovation São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30, 43
179TOWARDS METHANE MITIGATION THROUGH BIOPOLYMER PRODUCTIONSustainable Gas Research Innovation 2018São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018CARDOSO, Letícia Oliveira Bispo; KAROLSKI, Bruno; GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; BORREGO, Bruna Bacaro; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller do; PERPETUO, Elen Aquino Project 18
178Regulatory and Economic Barriers for Natural Gas Thermoelectric Plants at the Base of Brazilian Electrical System”, “Regulatory and Economic Barriers for Natural Gas Thermoelectric Plants at the Base of Brazilian Electrical System (Poster)Sustainable Gas Research and Innovation Conference 2018 São Paulo, SP, Brazil25-26/09/2018TORO, Javier; PARENTE, VirginiaProject 23
177O gás natural do pré-sal como potencial substituto do gás importado boliviano: implicações e desafiosRio Oil & GasRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil24-27/09/2018JUNIOR, Dorival Suriano dos Santos; SANTOS, Edmilson Moutinho dosProject 26
176O acordo de paris e a geração termelétrica a gás natural no Brasil Rio Oil & GasRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil24-27/09/2018JUNIOR, Dorival Suriano dos Santos; RELVA, Stefania Gomes; GIMENES, André Luiz Veiga; UDAETA, Miguel Edgar Morales; SANTOS, Edmilson Moutinho dosProject 26
175A institucionalização do gás natural enquanto elemento de ampliação da matriz energética Brasileira (Oral Presentation)Rio Oil & Gas 2018Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil24-27/09/2018SILVA, A. S. A.; KONRAD, M.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de MedeirosProject 21
174As cláusulas de conteúdo local e seus efeitos em contratos na área do pré-sal: Precisa-se de um Novo Marco Legal? (Oral Presentation)Rio Oil & Gas 2018Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil24-27/09/2018ARAUJO, I. L.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MUSARRA, R. M. L. M.Project 21
173Monetizando gás natural associado através de gnl em pequena escala: um estudo de caso para aumento de receita de um campo petrolífero Brasileiro Rio Oil & GasRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil24-27/09/2018SILVA, Roberto Ignacio da; SANTOS, Edmilson Moutinho dosProject 26
172Modeling of the melting of stearic acid as phase change material for natural gas adsorption (Article)XXII CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA QUÍMICASão Paulo, SP, Brazil23-26/09/2018DE MARTINO, V. R.; COSTA, A. B.; LAZARI, J. P.; PANTOJA, C. E.; DE PAIVA, J. L.; SECKLER, M. M.Project 5
171Modeling of paraffin crystallization as phase change material for methane adsorption (Article)XXII CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA QUÍMICASão Paulo, SP, Brazil23-26/09/2018DE MARTINO, V. R.; PANTOJA. C. E.; DE PAIVA, J. L.; SECKLER, M. M.Project 5
170Avaliação da cinética de crescimento e perfil lipídico de microalgas sob diferentes concentrações de CO2 (Oral Presentation)XXII CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA QUÍMICASão Paulo, SP, Brazil23-26/09/2018JESUS, Priscila da Costa Carvalho de; LENZI, Mariana; BASSO, Thiago Olitta; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Oller doProject 17
169PRODUÇÃO DE GÁS DE SÍNTESE A PARTIR DA REFORMA TRIPLA DO METANO EMPREGANDO CATALISADORES Ni/CeZrO2/MgAl2O4: INFLUÊNCIA DA PROPORÇÃO MOLAR Ce/Zr (Poster, p. 1-4)XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia QuímicaSão Paulo, SP, Brazil23-26/09/2018PALADINO LINO, Ananda Vallezi; ASSAF, Elisabete Moreira; ASSAF, José MansurProject 13
168CATALISADORES Ni/ZrO2 PELA ROTA IONOTÉRMICA APLICADOS NA TRI-REFORMA DO METANO (Oral Presentation, p. 1-4)XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química - COBEQ 2018São Paulo, SP, Brazil23-26/09/2018ANCHIETE, Chayene Gonçalves; ASSAF, Elisabete Moreira; ASSAF, José MansurProject 13
167Topology Optimization for Adsorbed System with condensed PCM Bodies 6th International Conference on Engineering OptimizationLisbon, Portugal17-19/09/2018 PRADO, D. S.; SILVA, E. C. N. Project 5
166Fluid Diodes Design in Pulsating Heat Pipes using Topology Optimization (Oral Presentation)6th International Conference on Engineering OptimizationLisbon, Portugal17-19/09/2018 SOUZA, Bruno C.; SILVA, Emilio C. N.Project 10
165Captação, armazenamento e usos de carbono perspectivas regulatórias de implantação no Brasil e experiências internacionais (Oral Presentation)CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PLANEJAMENTO ENERGÉTICO - XI CBPECuiabá, MT, Brazil11-14/09/2018SILVA, I. M. M. E.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de MedeirosProject 42
164As usinas hidrelétricas reversíveis fazem sentido no Brasil? (Oral Presentation)XI Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoCuiabá, MT, Brazil11-14/09/2018SILVA, Luciano José da; PARENTE, VirginiaProject 24
163Evolução do regime legal para exploração e produção de hidrocarbonetos e o impacto no government take: uma comparação entre a 1ª e a 3ª rodadas de licitação sob partilha de produção (Oral Presentation)CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PLANEJAMENTO ENERGÉTICO - XI CBPECuritiba, PR, Brazil11-14/09/2018ARAUJO, I. L.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MASULINO, N. W.; SILVA, I. M. M. E. Project 21
162Evolução do regime legal para exploração e produção de hidrocarbonetos e o impacto no government take: uma comparação entre a 1ª e a 3ª rodadas de licitação sob partilha de produção (Oral Presentation)CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PLANEJAMENTO ENERGÉTICO - XI CBPECuritiba, PR, Brazil11-14/09/2018ARAUJO, I. L.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MASULINO, N. W.; SILVA, I. M. M. E. Project 21
161Arranjo institucional do setor de E&P de petróleo no Brasil: transição de competências dos agentes públicos (Oral Presentation)CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PLANEJAMENTO ENERGÉTICO - XI CBPECuritiba, PR, Brazil11-14/09/2018MASULINO, N. W.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.Project 21
160A novel lidar system for CH4 and VOC's detection of fugitive emissions and environmental monitoringConference on Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing XIV Berlin, Germany11-12/09/2018LANDULFO, Eduardo; GUARDANI, Roberto; MACEDO, Fernanda M.; et al.Project 9
159Iniciativa “Gás para Crescer” e o Compartilhamento de Infraestruturas Essenciais ao Setor do Gás Natural Brasileiro (Poster)XI Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento Energético (CBPE) Cuiabá, MT, Brazil11-14/09/2018SILVA, A. S. A.; KONRAD, M. R.; CUPERTINO, S. A.; COSTA, H. K. M.; MORETO, E. M. Project 42
157Reforma tripla do metano usando catalisadores de níquel suportados em espinélio MgAl2O4: Efeito da adição de X-ZrO2 (X=Ce, La, Sm e Y) ao suporte (Poster, p. 1059-1069)XXVI CONGRESSO IBERO-AMERICANO DE CATÁLISECoimbra, Portugal09-14/09/2018PALADINO LINO, Ananda Vallezi; ASSAF, Elisabete Moreira; ASSAF, José Mansur Project 13
156Robust Fault Detection H-infinity Filter for Markovian Jump Linear Systems with Partial Information on the Jump ParameterJoint Meeting of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems (LPVS) / 9th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND). Volume: 51 Edição: 25 Páginas: 202-207 Publicado: 2018Florianópolis, SC, Brazil03-05/09/2018CARVALHO, Leonardo de Paula; DE OLIVEIRA, Andre Marcorin; DO VALLE COSTA, Oswaldo Luiz
155Development of NADH regeneration system for the biochemical conversion of carbon dioxide to methanol (Poster)16th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide UtilisationRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil27-30/08/2018GOTHE, Maitê; BARONE, Matheus; MARQUES, Lucas; CARICATTI, Vitor; BAZITO, Reinaldo; ROSSI, Liane; VIDINHA, Pedro Project 43
154CO2 hydrogenation using N-doped Ni and Co catalysts: effect of metal type and loading (Oral Presentation)16th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide UtilisationRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil27-30/08/2018ARPINI, Bruno H.; BRAGA, Adriano H.; ROSSI, Liane M. Project 30
153Selective hydrogenation of CO2 into CO on a highly dispersed nickel catalyst: effect of pre-treatment and ageing16th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilisation Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil27-30/08/2018ROSSI, Liane M.; GALHARDO, Thalita S.; BRAGA, Adriano H.; GONÇALVES, Renato V. Project 30
152Effect of Ni/Pd ratio on fine-tuning nanoparticle size for conversion of CO2 into CO (Poster)16th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide UtilisationRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil27-30/08/2018BRAGA, Adriano H.; COSTA, Natália J. S.; GONÇALVES, Renato V.; PHILLIPOT, Karine; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
151Development of NADH regeneration system for the biochemical conversion of carbon dioxide to methanol16th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide UtilisationRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil27-30/08/2018GOTHE, Maitê L.; BARONE, Matheus; CARICATTI, Lucas; BAZITO, Reinaldo; ROSSI, Liane M.; GOMES, Pedro M. V.Project 30
150CO2 conversion using organic-inorganic hybrids Fe catalysts: effect of N- and P-doping (Poster)16th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide UtilisationRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil27-30/08/2018ZANONI, Guilherme R.; BRAGA, Adriano H.; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
149Assessment of the Brazilian market for products by conversion of CO2 from thermal power plants (Oral Presentation)16th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide UtilizationRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil27-30/08/2018PACHECO, Kelvin A.; REIS, Alessandra C.; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller; ALVES, Rita M. B.Project 32
148Study of pH influence in Ni-Ga alloy preparation for CO2 hydrogenation to metanol (Poster)16th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide UtilizationRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil27-30/08/2018RASTEIRO, Letícia F.; MARCOS, Francielle C. F.; ROSSI, MARCO A.L.S.; ASSAF, Elisabete MoreiraProject 14
147Tri-reforming of methane for syngas production using Ni/X-ZrO2/MgAl2O4 catalysts (X= Ce, La, Sm and Y) (Poster, p. 1-2)TOCAT 8Yokohama, Japan05-10/08/2018PALADINO LINO, Ananda Vallezi; ASSAF, Elisabete Moreira; ASSAF, José MansurProject 13
146Topology Optimisation of Metallic Fins in Adsorbed Natural Gas Tanks (Abstract)13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIII)New York, NY, United States22-27/07/2018AMIGO, R. C. R.; HEWSON, R. W.; SILVA, E. C. N.Project 5
145Optimized Phase Change Material Distribution for Adsorption Systems Using Topology Optimization Method in Axisymmetric Model (Abstract)13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIII)New York, NY, United States22-27/07/2018PRADO, D. S.; SILVA, E. C. N.Project 5
144Comparison between numerical approaches to simulate a supersonic nozzle (Oral Presentation)13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIII)New York, NY, United States22-27/07/2018YAMABE, Paulo V. M.; SILVA, Emilio C. N.; SOUZA, Bruno C.; VOLPE, Ernani V.; MENEGHINI, Julio R.; MOREIRA, José R. S. Moreira; ORSELLI, Reinaldo M.; RESTREPO, Julián; FILHO, Jairo P. Cavalcante; COSTA, Ulisses A. S.; AVANCINI, Breno A.; SERSON, Douglas; HAYASHI, Marcelo T. Project 39
143Design of Fixed-Geometry Fluid Diodes Considering 2D-Swirl by using Topology Optimization (Oral Presentation)13th World Congress in Computational MechanicsNew York, United States22-27/07/2018SOUZA, Bruno C.; SILVA, Emilio C. N.Project 10
142On the Use of the Adjoint Method to Evaluate Sensitivities in Adsorbed Natural Gas Storage Systems (Oral Presentation, p. 1-12)13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIII) and the 2nd Panamerican Congress on Computational MechanicsNew York, United States22-28/07/2018CHIEREGATTI, Bruno G.; LIMA, João S. B.; HAYASHI, Marcelo T.; VOLPE, Ernani V. Project 6
141Hydrogenation on gold catalysts made easy: activation of H2 via frustrated Lewis pairs (Oral Presentation)Conference GOLD Paris, France15-18/07/2018ROSSI, Liane M.; LOPEZ, Núria; SILVA, R. J. M.; FIORIO, Jhonatan L.Project 30
140Design of gold nanoparticle catalysts for chemoselective hydrogenations: N-doped carbon as support (Oral Presentation)Conference GOLD Paris, France15-18/07/2018FIORIO, Jhonatan L.; GONÇALVES, Renato V.; TEIXEIRA-NETO, Érico; LOPES, Núria; ROSSI, Liane M.Project 30
139Heterolytic H2 splitting-driven hydrogenations: lesson from nature and homogeneous catalysts (Oral Presentation)21st International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISHC XXI) Amsterdam, Netherlands
08-13/07/2018ROSSI, LianeProject 30
138Insertion of Renewable Sources in the Brazilian Electricity Matrix: an Analysis through Portfolio Theory (Poster, p. 1-10)13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering - PSE 2018San Diego, United States01-05/07/2018LYRIO, L.; RIBEIRO, Celma O.; TOMEI, Julia; REGO, Erik EduardoProject 8
137Relation between CH4 and CO2 conversion and the production of bioproducts by consortium (algae and bacteria) (Poster)18 th European Congress on BiotechnologyGeneva, Switzerland01-04/07/2018GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; CARDOSO, Letícia Oliveira Bispo; BORREGO, Bruna; KAROLSKI, Bruno; PERPETUO, Elen Aquino; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Oller do; GIUDICI, ReinaldoProject 17
136Modeling of paraffin melting as phase change material as adjuvant in CO2 adsorption4th Brazilian Congress on CO2 in the oil, gas and biofuels industriesRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil28-29/06/2018DE MARTINO, V. R.; SECKLER, M. M.Project 5
135Simulation of the heat exchange in carboxylic acid as phase change material as aid in CO2 adsorption4th Brazilian Congress on CO2 in the oil, gas and biofuels industriesRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil28-29/06/2018COSTA, A. B.; SECKLER, M. M.Project 5
134Supply chain management and environmental risks for CCUS activities (Poster)4º Congresso Brasileiro de CO2 na Indústria de Petróleo, Gás e BiocombustíveisRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil28-29/06/2018SILVA, A. S. A.; KONRAD, M. R.; CUPERTINO, S. A.; COSTA, HIRDAN KATARINA DE MEDEIROS; MORETTO, E. M.Project 42
133A utilização de tecnologias Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) no Brasil (Poster)4º Congresso Brasileiro de CO2Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil28-29/06/2018KONRAD, M. R.; SILVA, A. S. A.; CUPERTINO, S. A.; COSTA, H. K. M.; MORETO, E. M. Project 42
132Processo histórico-regulatório de CCS no Brasil e planejamento setorial (Poster)4º Congresso Brasileiro de CO2 na Indústria de Petróleo, Gás e BiocombustíveisRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil28-29/06/2018COSTA, HIRDAN KATARINA DE MEDEIROS; ARAUJO, I. L.; PEYERL, D.; MORETTO, E. M.; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, EDMILSONProject 42
131Environmental programs for licensing of carbon capture and storage activities (CCS)4o Congresso Brasileiro de CO2Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil28-29/06/2018MORETTO, E. M.; COSTA, H. K. de M.; PEYERL, D.; KONRAD, M. R.; SILVA, A. S. A. Project 42
130Integration Analysis of Thermal Power Plants with CO2 Conversion Processes (Poster)4° Congresso Brasileiro de CO2Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil28-29/06/2018MOURA, Igor P.; REIS, Alessandra C.; BRESCIANI, Antonio E.; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller do; ALVES, Rita M. B.Project 32
129Programa de certificação da bioeletricidade: a importância do controle de emissões de gases do efeito estufa e o uso energético da biomassa (Poster)4º Congresso Brasileiro de CO2 na Indústria de Petróleo, Gás e BiocombustíveisRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil28-29/06/2018CANUTO, F.; COSTA, HIRDAN KATARINA DE MEDEIROS Project 42
128Processo histórico-regulatório de CCS no Brasil e planejamento setorial (Poster)4º Congresso Brasileiro de CO2 na Indústria de Petróleo, Gás e BiocombustíveisRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil28-29/06/2018COSTA, HIRDAN KATARINA DE MEDEIROS; ARAUJO, I. L.; PEYERL, D.; MORETTO, E. M.; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, EDMILSONProject 42
127Supply Chain Management e riscos ambientais para atividades (Poster)4o Congresso Brasileiro de CO2 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil28-29/06/2018KONRAD, M. R.; SILVA, A. S. A.; CUPERTINO, S. A.; COSTA, H. K. M.; MORETO, E. M. Project 42
126Opportunities Identification for CCU in Brazil (Poster)4° Congresso Brasileiro de CO2 BrasilRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil28-29/06/2018PACHECO, Kelvin A.; BRESCIANI, Antonio E.; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller do; ALVES, Rita Maria Brito Project 32
125Monitoring the industrial sources of aerosol in Cubatao, Brazil, using a scanning elastic lidar and a lidar doppler (Poster p. 1-4)The 28th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC 28)Bucharest, Romenia25-30/06/2018 DA COSTA, Renata F.; MARQUES, Marcia T. A.; MACEDO, Fernanda de M.; ANDRADE, Izabel da Silva; ARAUJO, Elaine Cristina; CORREA, Thais; DE ANDRADE SALANI, Maria Helena Gonçalves; LOPES, Daniel Silveira; GONCALVES GUARDANI, Maria Lucia; LANDULFO, Eduardo; GUARDANI, RobertoProject 9
124Surface segregation of BaO-doped TiO2 and its relationship with nanostability7th International Congress on Ceramics - ICC7Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil21/06/2018SILVA, Andre Luiz da; GOUVÊA, DouglasProject 31
123Modeling, simulation and shape optimization of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell using computational fluid dynamics (Oral Presentation)22nd World Hydrogen Energy Conference - WHEC 2018Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil17-22/06/2018KORKISCHKO, I.; SANTIAGO, E. I.; CARMO, B. S.; FONSECA, F. C. Project 8
122Voltage and Frequency Regulation in Marine Vessel's Electrical Power SystemIEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) / IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (I&CPS Europe) Palermo, Italy12-15/06/2018VIEIRA, G. T. T.; SALLES, M. B. C.; MONARO, R. M.Project 7
121A suboptimal LMI formulation for the H-2 static output feedback control of hidden Markov jump linear systemsEuropean Control Conference (ECC) Limassol, CYPRUS 12-15/06/2018DE OLIVEIRA, A. M.; COSTA, O. L. V.; DAAFOUZ, Jamal
120Fault Detection H-infinity Filter for Markovian Jump Linear SystemsEuropean Control Conference (ECC). P. 709-714/2018Limassol, CYPRUS 12-15/06/2018CARVALHO, LEONARDO DE PAULA; DE OLIVEIRA, ANDRE MARCORIN; DO VALLE COSTA, OSWALDO LUIZ
119ISOLAMENTO DE BACTÉRIAS TOLERANTES A ALTAS CONCENTRAÇÕES DE METANO (CH4) (Oral Presentation)IV Congresso Academico da Unifesp - Universidade e Sociedade: Saberes em Diálogo no ano de 2018Santos, SP, Brazil11-12/06/2018BORREGO, Bruna Bacaro; GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; CARDOSO, Letícia Oliveira Bispo; KAROLSKI, Bruno; PERPETUO, Elen Aquino; GIUDICI, ReinaldoProject 18
118Surrogate-based Optimization Approach to Membrane Network Synthesis in Gas Separation28th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE). Série de livros: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering Volume: 43 Páginas: 597-602 Publicado: 2018Graz, Austria10-13/06/2018Graciano, Jos E. A.; Alves, Rita M. B.; Chachuat, Benot
117The main environmental permitting requirements on CCS activities in Brazil (Poster)Conferencia Ibero Brasileira de EnergiaLisbon, Portugal29/05-01/06/2018COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MIRANDA, M. F.; MUSARRA, R. M. L. M.Project 42
116Pushing the boundaries of gold catalysis (Oral Presentation) 41th Annual Meeting of Brazilian Chemical Society (RASBQ)Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil21-24/05/2018ROSSI, Liane M.; FIORIO, Jhonatan L.; GONÇALVES, Renato V; TEIXEIRA-NETO, Érico; LOPEZ, NúriaProject 30
115Catalytic reduction of CO2 to alcohols (Poster) 41th Annual Meeting of Brazilian Chemical Society (RASBQ)Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil21-24/05/2018ROZENDO, Jennifer; GOTHE, Maitê L.; ROSSI, Liane M.; BAZITO, Reinaldo; GOMES, Pedro M. V.Project 30
114Hybrid catalysis in carbon dioxide valorization (Poster)41th Annual Meeting of Brazilian Chemical Society (RASBQ)Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil21-24/05/2018GOTHE, Maitê L.; BARONE, Matheus; MARQUES, Lucas; CARICATTI, Vitor; BAZITO, Reinaldo; ROSSI, Liane M.; GOMES, Pedro M. V.Projects 30, 43
113M/SiO2 (M = Co, Cu or Ni) catalysts prepared by magnetron sputtering deposition method for CO2 valorization by reverse water gas shift reaction (Poster)41th Annual Meeting of Brazilian Chemical Society (RASBQ)Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil21-24/05/2018GALHARDO, Thalita S.; GONÇALVES, Renato V.; ROSSI, Liane M. Project 30
112Environmental Impact Assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage: Social Perspectives and Environmental Restrictions for Natural Gas in Brazil (Poster)ACE 2018. Annual Convention & Exhibition. American Association of Petroleum GeologistsSalt Lake City, Utah, United States20-23/05/2018COSTA, H. K. M.; MORETO, E. M.. PEYERL, D.; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.; MOUNETTE, D.; KONRAD, M. R.; PULICE, S. M. Project 42
111Brazil and the problem of domestic supply of fossil fuels (Oral Presentation)History of Oil SymposiumSalt Lake, United States08-12/05/2018PEYERL, Drielli; FIGUEIRÔA, Silvia F. de M.; MORETO, Evandro M.; MOUETTE, Dominique; SANTOS, Edmilson Moutinho dosProject 25
110Environmental Impact Assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage: Social Perspectives and Environmental Restrictions for Natural Gas in Brazil (Poster)AAAPGSalt Lake, United States08-12/05/2018MORETTO, Evandro M.; COSTA, Hirdan C.; PEYERL, Drielli; MOUETTE, Dominique; SANTOS, Edmilson Moutinho dos; KONRAD, Marcia; PULICE, S. Project 25
109Topology Optimisation of Adsorbed Natural Gas Tanks using FEniCS and Dolfin-Adjoint (Abstract)FEniCS‘18Oxford, United Kingdom21-23/03/2018AMIGO, R. C. R.; HEWSON, R. W.; SILVA, E. C. N. Project 5
108Bioprospecção de bactérias produtoras de biopolímeros pela técnica de MALDI-TOF (Oral Presentation)I Simpósio de Biotecnologia MarinhaArraial do Cabo, RJ, Brazil14-16/03/2018KAROLSKI, Bruno; CARDOSO, Letícia Oliveira Bispo; GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; BORREGO, Bruna Baccaro; PERPETUO, Elen Aquino; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller do Project 18
107Efeito do pH na Produção de PHB por M. extorquens Isolada de Ambiente Estuarino (Poster)I Simpósio de Biotecnologia MarinhaArraial do Cabo, RJ, Brazil14-16/03/2018CARDOSO, Letícia Oliveira Bispo; KAROLSKI, Bruno; PERPETUO, Elen Aquino; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller doProject 18
106INFLUÊNCIA DO METANO NO CRESCIMENTO DE ALGASSimpósio Biotecnologia MarinhaArraial do Cabo, RJ, Brazil14-16/03/2018GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; CARDOSO, Letícia; BACCARO, Bruna; KAROLSKI, Bruno; PERPETUO, Elen Aquino; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller do; GIUDICI, ReinaldoProject 17
105ISOLAMENTO DE ALGAS DE MANGUEZAIS DA BAIXADA SANTISTA TOLERANTES A ALTAS CONCENTRAÇÕES DE CO2 (Poster)Simpósio de Biotecnologia MarinhaArraial do Cabo, RJ, Brazil14-16/03/2018PERPETUO, Elen Aquino; BORREGO, Bruna Baccaro; GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; KAROLSKI, Bruno; CARDOSO, Leticia Bispo de Oliveira; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Oller doProject 17
104Isolamento de Bactérias Tolerantes a Altas Concentrações de CH4 (Poster)I Simpósio de Biotecnologia MarinhaArraial do Cabo, RJ, Brazil14-16/03/2018BORREGO, Bruna Baccaro; GRACIOSO, Louise Hase; KAROLSKI, Bruno; CARDOSO, Leticia Oliveira Bispo; PERPETUO, Elen Aquino; GIUDICI, ReinaldoProject 18
103Impact of the preparation method on the synthesis of CuO/CeO2 catalysts for the CO-PROX reactionSDEWES 2018Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil28-31/01/2018MIRANDA, Aline Rodrigues L.; ASSAF, Elisabete; GOMES, Janaina Fernandes; ASSAF, José MansurProject 20
102Capacity 2030: the roadmap for cleaner energy.. In: Sustainable Gas Research & Innovation (Oral Presentation)Sustainable Gas Research & InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil10/01/2018WEBER, Natalia; MASCARENHAS, Karen; PEYERL, Drielli; MOUETTE, Dominique; MORETTO, Evandro M.; SERRATE, Oscar; MENEGHINI, JulioProject 25
101Main issues and debates of the Public Perception Group in Carbon Capture Stirage (CCS) linked to RCGI, Shell and USP (Poster)Sustainable Gas Research & InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil10/01/2018PEYERL, Drielli; WEBER, Natalia; MASCARENHAS, Karen; PENNA, Gabriel; MOUETTE, Dominique; MORETTO, Evandro M.; SERRATE, OscarProject 25
100Natural Gas as a viable fuel for heavy vehicles: the perspectives of implementation of Blue Corridors in São Paulo State (Oral Presentation)Sustainable Gas Research & InnovationSão Paulo, SP, Brazil10/01/2018MOUETTE, Dominique; MACHADO, Pedro Gerber; PEYERL, Drielli; BRITO, Thiago Luis Felipe; SHIMOMAEBARA, Lena; BORGES, RaquelProject 25
99Natural Gas Trucks: A Blue Corridor Project for the São Paulo State (Oral Presentation)XI Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoCuiabá, MT, Brazil01/01/2018MOUETTE, Dominique; SHIMOMAEBARA; Lena Ayano; BORGES, Raquel Rocha; BRITO, Thiago Luis Felipe; PEYERL, Drielli; MACHADO, Pedro GerberProject 25
98Parameter Estimation for the Diffusion of Ethanol and Flex Vehicle in Brazil (Oral Presentation)XI Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoCuiabá, MT, Brazil01/01/2018BRITO, Thiago Luis Felipe; STETTLER, Marc; MOUETTE, Dominique; SANTOS, Edmilson Moutinho dosProject 25
97Localização de postos de abastecimento de veículos movidos a gás natural liquefeito através de ferramentas de geoprocessamento e SIG (Oral Presentation)26th SIICUSP - Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica da USPSão Paulo, SP, Brazil01/01/2018BORGES, Raquel Rocha; MOUETTE, Dominique; MACHADO, Pedro Gerber; BRITO, Thiago Luis Felipe Project 25
96Challenges for biogas production and use in Brazil and lessons to learn from DenmarkEuropean Union Biomass Conference & ExhibitionCopenhagen, Denmark2018COELHO, Suani Teixeira; CARMO, Bruno Souza; HOLM‐NIELSEN, Jens Bo; LYBAEK, Rikke; GARCILASSO, Vanessa Pécora; SANTOS, Marilin Mariano; ESCOBAR, Javier FaragoProject 27
95Can Provide Negative Emissions from Woody Biomass? 26th European Union Biomass Conference & ExhibitionCopenhagen, Denmark2018Escobar, Javier Farago; Coelho, Suani Teixeira; Diaz-Chavez, Rocio
94The Perspectives of Biomethane to Contribute to Increase the Natural Gas Supply in the State of São Paulo26th European Union Biomass Conference & ExhibitionCopenhagen, Denmark2018JOPPERT, Caio Luca; GARCILASSO, Vanessa Pécora; SANTOS, Marilin Mariano; SANCHES-PEREIRA, Alessandro; PERECIN, Danilo; POVEDA, Manuel Moreno; COELHO, Suani Teixeira, ESCOBAR, Javier Farago Project 27
93Power-to gas integration to biogas generation from vinasse in sugarcane ethanol industry26th European Union Biomass Conference & ExhibitionCopenhagen, Denmark2018GALLO, Alexandre de Barros; SANTOS, Marilin Mariano dos; JOPPERT, Caio Luca; SUANI, Coelho Teixeira; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, Edmilson. Project 27
92Charcoal Quality in the Household Consumption in Brazil26th European Union Biomass Conference & ExhibitionCopenhagen, Denmark2018ANATER, Mônica Joelma do Nascimento ; ESCOBAR, Javier Farago; COELHO, Suani TeixeiraProject 27
91Organic Waste to Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean (Lac); State-of-the-Art Literature Review. 26th European Union Biomass Conference & ExhibitionCopenhagen, Denmark2018MARTINEZ, Rodolfo Daniel Silva; SANCHES-PEREIRA, AlessandroProject 27
90Traditional Biomass for Biogas in Rural Communities in Nepal: Lessons Learned from the Chinese Model26th European Union Biomass Conference & ExhibitionCopenhagen, Denmark2018SANCHES-PEREIRA, Alessandro; JOWITT, Lydia; KHAPUNG, Paribesh; ONG, Ellie; COELHO, Suani Teixeira Project 27
89Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced VibrationsProceedings of the 7th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations - BBVIV-7 Marseille, France2018ASSI, G. R. S.
88Sensitivity analysis applied to the flow around the water line of a ship at low and high Reynolds numbersProceedings of the 7th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced VibrationsMarseille, France2018PATINO, G.; GIORIA, R. S.; ASSI, G.R.S.; MENEGHINI, J. R.
87Experimental and numeric study of the control of flow over a circular cylinder using control rodsBBVIV-7 7th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced VibrationsMarseille, France2018CICOLIN, M. M. ; SERSON, D. ; MENEGHINI, J. R. ; ASSI, G. R. S.
86Control of vortex shedding from a circular cylinder by rotating wake-control cylinders at a moderate Reynolds numberFIV2018 - 9th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions, Flow-Induced Vibration & NoiseToronto, Canada2018ASSI, G. R. S.; ORSELLI, R. M. ; SILVA-ORTEGA, M.
85Suppression of vortex shedding with rotating wake-control cylinders: numerical investigation at a moderate Reynolds numberOMAE2018 - 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic EngineeringMadrid, Spain2018ASSI, G. R. S.; ORSELLI, R. M. ; SILVA-ORTEGA, M.
84Design of Adsorbed Natural Gas Tanks with Metal Inclusions by Topology OptimisationWorld Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation (WCSMO)Braunschweig, Germany06/12/2017AMIGO, R. C. R.; HEWSON, R. W.; SILVA, E. C. N.Project 5
83Ethanol and Flex-Fuel Vehicle Diffusion in BrazilIX Jornada Científica da Associação Brasileira de Estudos em Energia (AB3E)São Paulo, SP, Brazil06/12/2017BRITO, Thiago Luis Felipe; STETTLER, Marc; MOUETTE, Dominique; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, EdmilsonProject 25
82Smart Grid: A tool to mitigate Environmental Impacts and its Importance in the Future of Brazilian Electric Sector (Oral Presentation)International Seminar on Policies, Incentives and Technology and Regulation of SmartgridRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil04/12/2017CUPERTINO, S. A.; QUEIROZ, L. F. M.; KONRAD, M.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, EdmilsonProject 21
81Thermal Modeling of Cavity-receiver for Concentrated Solar Energy (Oral Presentation, p. 1-10)24th COBEM - ABCM International Congress of Mechanical EngineeringCuritiba, PR, Brazil03-08/12/2017CANTO, Luma Fonseca do; SIMÕES-MOREIRA, José R. Project 16
80NUMERICAL STUDY OF FLOW INSIDE SUPERSONIC SEPARATORSInternational Congress of Mechanical EngineeringCuritiba, PR, Brazil03-08/12/2017AVANCINI, Breno de Almeida; PIRES, Matheus Augusto Campos; ORSELLI, Reinaldo Marcondes; CARMO, Bruno SouzaProject 39
79Computational simulation of flow in a supersonic gas separator (Oral Presentation)24th COBEM - International Congress of Mechanical EngineeringCuritiba, PR, Brazil03-08/12/2017AVANCINI, Breno de Almeida; PIRES, Matheus Augusto Campos; CARMO, Bruno Souza; ORSELLI, Reinaldo MarcondesProject 39
78On the use of heat exchange devices in order to improve adsorption and desorption process of ANG tanks (Oral Presentation)24th ABCM International Congress of Mechanical EngineeringCuritiba, PR, Brazil03-08/12/2017CHIEREGATTI, Bruno G.; LIMA, João S. B.; HAYASHI, Marcelo T.; VOLPE, Ernani V. Project 6
77Evaluation of the Production of Fischer-Tropsch Liquids Using Microalgae Biomass through Process Simulation (Oral p.1-10)12th Conference on Sustainable Vevelopment of Energy, Water and Environment SystemsDubrovnik, Croácia08-11/10/2017GRACIANO, José Eduardo Alves; YASUNAKA, Leonardo; GIUDICI, Reinaldo; ALVES, Rita Maria de BritoProject 15
76GHG Mitigation due to the Introduction of Natural Gas and EE Measures in Cargo Transportation in Brazil (Oral Presentation)International Gas Union Research Conference - IGRCRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil1º/10/2017GALBIERI, Rodrigo; BRITO, Thiago Luis Felipe; MOUETTE, Dominique; SIMÕES, André Felipe; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, EdmilsonProject 25
75Catalisadores de níquel suportados em aluminato de magnésio promovidos com Zr e Ce-Zr aplicados à reação de tri-reforma do metano (Oral Presentation, p. 1-6)19 Congresso Brasileiro de Catálise e IX Congresso Mercosul de CatáliseOuro Preto, MG, Brazil17-21/09/2017PALADINO LINO, Ananda Vallezi; ASSAF, Elisabete Moreira; ASSAF, José MansurProject 13
74Síntese de Ni/ZrO2 pela rota ionotérmica aplicada a tri-reformado metano (Poster, p. 1-4)19 Congresso Brasileiro de Catálise - IX Congresso Mercosul de CatáliseOuro Preto, MG, Brazil17-21/09/2017ANCHIETA, Chayene Gonçalves; ASSAF, Elisabete Moreira; ASSAF, José Mansur Project 13
73Small-Scale System Development for Selection and Cultivation of CO2 Tolerant Microalgae for Gas Upgrading (Poster)XXI Simpósio Nacional de BioprocessosAracaju, SE, Brazil03-06/09/2017JESUS, Priscila da Costa Carvalho de; KAROLSKI, Bruno; PERPÉTUO, Elen Aquino; BASSO, Thiago Olitta; NASCIMENTO, Claudio Augusto Oller doProject 17
72MgAl2O4 spinel based catalysts applied to methane tri-reforming (Poster, p. 1-2)EuropaCat 2017Florence, Italy27-31/08/2017PALADINO LINO, Anada Vallezi; ASSAF, Elisabete Moreira; ASSAF, José MansurProject 13
71Impact of the precipitant agent on the preparation of CuO/CeO2 catalysts by the deposition-precipitation method for the CO-PROX reaction (Oral Presentation)EuropaCat 2017Florence, Italy27-31/08/2017MIRANDA, A. R. L.; ASSAF, E. M.; GOMES, J. F.; ASSAF, J. M.Project 20
70ARIMA Modeling Applied to Wind Speed Records from SONDA (Oral Presentation)Anais do XLIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa OperacionalBlumenau, SC, Brazil27-30/08/2017 FIGUEIREDO, D. Z.; COSTA, O.L.V Project 8
69Modelos regulatórios para comercialização de energia armazenada por usinas reversíveis (Oral Presentation)XI Conferência de Pequenas Centrais HidrelétricasSão Paulo, SP, Brazil09/08/2017SILVA, Luciano José da; PARENTE, VirginiaProject 24
68Topology Optimization of an Axisymmetric Adsorbed Natural Gas Vessel with Phase Change Materials (Abstract)14th UNSCCMMontréal, Canada17-20/07/2017PRADO, D. S.; AMIGO R. C. R.; SILVA, E. C. N. Project 5
67Full bayesian approach for signal detection with an application to boat detection on underwater soundscape data (Poster)37th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (MaxEnt 2017)Jarinu, SP, Brazil09-14/07/2017HUBERT, Paulo; PADOVESE, Linilson; STERN, J. M.Project 33
66Production of Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) by Methylotrophic Bacteria46th World Chemistry CongressSão Paulo, SP, Brazil07-13/07/2017CARDOSO, Letícia Oliveira Bispo; KAROLSKI, Bruno; PERPETUO, Elen Aquino; NASCIMENTO, Cláudio Augusto Oller do Project 18
65Reduction of CO2 emissions in ships with advanced Energy Storage Systems (Article)6th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP)Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy
27-29/06/2017VIEIRA, G. T. T.; PERALTA, C. Q.; SALLES, M. B. C.; CARMO, B. S. Project 7
64A preliminary hazards identification of the ship hybrid power system (Article)27th International European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL)Portorož, Slovenia18-22/06/2017CARDOSO, T. L.; SCHLEDER, A. M.; MARTINS, M. R.Project 7
63Ni-ZrO2 catalyst prepared with ionic liquids for methane reforming (Poster)North American Catalysis Society Meeting - NAM25Denver, United States4-9/06/2017ANCHIETA, Chayene Gonçalves; MARCOS, Francielle C. F.; ASSAF, Elisabete Moreira; ASSAF, José Mansur Project 13
62Power-to-Gas integration to the sugarcane ethanol industry: Potential for biomethane generation and CO2 emission mitigationProceedings of International Gas Union Research Conference IGRC 2017Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil24-26/05/2017GALLO, Alexandre de Barros; DOS SANTOS, Marilin Maria; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; FAGA, Murilo Tadeu Werneck; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, Edmilson Projects 22, 27
61Comparing the fiscal regime in the exploration and production of Hydrocarbons in Brazil and Venezuela6th Latin American Energy Economics Meeting. New Energy Landscape: Impacts for Latin AmericaRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil02-05/04/2017FRAGA, Denis; VILLARROEL, Ivette S.; SANTOS, Vitor Emanoel Siqueira; COSTA, Hidran Katarina de Medeiros; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, EdmilsonProject 26
60Mapping Energy Vulnerability (Oral Presentation)International Conference on Science and Technology Ankara, Turkey04-08/10/2016VENTURI, Luis Antonio Bittar; MELO, Alexandre Vastella F. de; SANTOS, Greta Yale Lima dos; MACHADO, Felipe Ferraz; SANTOS, Edmilson Moutinho dos; SILVA, Pedro Paulo F. da
59Monitoring the environmental impact of aerosol loading and dispersion from distinct industrial sources in Cubatao, Brazil, using a scanning lidar (Oral Presentation)Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote SensingEdinburgh, UK26-29/09/2016DA COSTA, R. F; MARQUES, M. T. A.; LOPES, D. S.; GUARDANI, M. L. G.; MACEDO, F. D. M.; LANDULFO, E.; GUARDANI, R. Project 9
58Proposta de inserção de sistemas de armazenamento de energia de grande porte no Sistema Elétrico Brasileiro (Oral Presentation)X Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoGramado, RS, Brazil26-28/09/2016SILVA, Luciano José da; PARENTE, Virgínia
57Isolamento de bactérias consumidoras de C1 para produção de biopolímeros (Poster)XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia QuímicaFortaleza, CE, Brazil25-29/09/2016CARDOSO, L. O. B.; NASCIMENTO, C. O. do; PERPETUO, H. A.
56Haphazard Intentional Allocation and Rerandomization to Improve Covariate Balance in Experiments - BAYESIAN INFERENCE AND MAXIMUM ENTROPY METHODS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (MAXENT 2016) Série de livros: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 1853 Número do artigo: 050003 Publicado: 201736th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (MaxEnt)Ghent Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Fus Data Sci Grp, Ghent, BELGIUM JUL 10-15, 2016LAURETTO, Marcelo S.; Stern, Rafael B.; MORGAN, Kari L.; et al.
55On Portfolio Risk Diversification - BAYESIAN INFERENCE AND MAXIMUM ENTROPY METHODS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (MAXENT 2016) Série de livros: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 1853 Número do artigo: 070002 36th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (MaxEnt) Ghent Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Fus Data Sci Grp, Ghent, BELGIUM JUL 10-15, 2016TAKADA, Hellinton H.; STERN, Julio M.
54Topology Optimization Applied to Adsorption Systems with Phase Change MaterialsENGOPT2016Foz do Iguaçu, BrazilJUN 19-23, 2016PRADO, D. S.; SILVA, E. C. N.5
53Relação Entre as Contribuições Nacionalmente Determinadas Pretendidas para Redução de Emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa no Brasil e a Indústria do PetróleoRio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference/Proceedings of Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference. Rio de Janeiro: IBP, 2016. v. 1. p. 1-10Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil2016IOST, C. S. ; DIAS, E. R. ; MICHALISCHEN, F. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; ESTURBA, T. S.
52. Análise Econômica do Business Case do Campo de Libra Considerando Cenário Atual de Queda do Preço do Petróleo e a Importância da Monetização do Gás AssociadoRio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference/Proceedings of Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference. Rio de Janeiro: IBP, 2016. v. 1. p. 1-10Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil2016SILVA, R. I. ; COSTA, HIRDAN KATARINA DE MEDEIROS ; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
51Shale Gas: os Novos Rumos do Gás Natural na América do SulRio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference/Proceedings of Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference. Rio de Janeiro: IBP, 2016. v. 1. p. 1-10Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil2016ARAUJO, R. R. ; ALAMADA, L. ; COSTA, H. K. M.
50Reflexões sobre o conceito de sustentabilidade, sua adjetivação e a unicidade humanaII SICAM - II Simpósio Interdisciplinar de Ciência Ambiental, 2016, SP. Anais do II Simpósio Interdisciplinar de Ciência Ambiental. São Paulo: PROCAM, 2016. v. 2. p. 1-12São Paulo, SP, Brazil2016COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; BRASIL, N. W. ; BERMANN, C.
49Mitigação e compensação de emissões de gases de efeito estufa no Brasil: o caso do rejeito de gás natural (flaring/venting)II SICAM - II Simpósio Interdisciplinar de Ciência Ambiental/ Anais do II Simpósio Interdisciplinar de Ciência Ambiental. SP: PROCAM, 2016. v. 2. p. 1-10São Paulo, SP, Brazil2016MIRANDA, M. F. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
48Aspectos políticos e regulatórios da implantação das redes inteligentes no Brasil: análise a partir do método SWOTAnais do X Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento Energético/ Sociedade Brasileira de Planejamento Energético, 2016. v. 1. p. 1-11Itajubá, MG, Brazil2016SILVA, L. ; COLLACO, F. M. A. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; BERMANN, C.
47A expansão do gás natural na região metropolitana de São Paulo através da Rota 4X Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento Energético / Sociedade Brasileira de Planejamento Energético, 2016. v. 1. p. 1-12. Itajubá, MG, Brazil2016ROSA, T. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
46Queima Zero em Flare - A Força Normativa da ANPAnais do X Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoItajubá, MG, Brazil 2016LIMA, F. P. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
45Evolução da Geração Distribuída no BrasilAnais do X Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento Energético/Sociedade Brasileira de Planejamento Energético, 2016. v. 1. p. 1-12Itajubá, MG, Brazil2016COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E. ; SILVA, L. A. H.
44Panorama regulatório da comercialização de gás canalizado nos estados brasileiros após a vigência da lei do gásAnais do X Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento Energético / Sociedade Brasileira de Planejamento Energético, 2016. v. 1. p. 1-12. Itajubá, MG, Brazil2016TEIXEIRA, M. B. F. C. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
43Gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos: o potencial energético do biometano associado ao perfil socioeconômico paulistaAnais do X Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento Energético/ Sociedade Brasileira de Planejamento Energético, 2016. v. 1. p. 1-12. Itajubá, MG, Brazil2016FAZZI, L. R. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
42Destinação das rendas petrolíferas e sustentabilidade integral: o caso dos municípios paulistas confrontantesAnais do X Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento Energético/ Sociedade Brasileira de Planejamento Energético, 2016. v. 1. p. 1-12Itajubá, MG, Brazil2016COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; SIMÕES, A. F. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
41A oferta e demanda do gás natural da Bacia do AmazonasX Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoItajubá, MG, Brazil2016ZANETI, E. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
40Avaliação da intensidade energética na indústria mineral de ferro no BrasilX Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoItajubá, MG, Brazil2016ZANETI, E. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
39Aspectos políticos e regulatórios da implantação das redes inteligentes no Brasil: análise a partir do método SWOTX Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoGramado, RS, Brazil2016SILVA, L. ; COLLACO, F. M. A. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; BERMANN, C.
38A expansão do gás natural na região metropolitana de São Paulo através da Rota 4X Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoGramado, RS, Brazil2016ROSA, T. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
37Queima Zero em Flare - A Força Normativa da ANPX Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoGramado, RS, Brazil2016LIMA, F. P. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
36Evolução da Geração Distribuída no BrasilX Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoGramado, RS, Brazil2016COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E. ; SILVA, L. A. H.
35Panorama regulatório da comercialização de gás canalizado nos estados brasileiros após a vigência da lei do gásX Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoGramado, RS, Brazil2016TEIXEIRA, M. B. F. C. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
34Gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos: o potencial energético do biometano associado ao perfil socioeconômico paulistaX Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoGramado, RS, Brazil 2016FAZZI, L. R. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
33Destinação das rendas petrolíferas e sustentabilidade integral: o caso dos municípios paulistas confrontantesX Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoGramado, RS, Brazil2016COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; SIMÕES, A. F. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
32A oferta e demanda do gás natural da Bacia do AmazonasX Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoGramado, RS, Brazil2016SCOMPARIN, T. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros ; SANTOS, M. M. ; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
31Avaliação da intensidade energética na indústria mineral de ferro no BrasilX Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento EnergéticoGramado, RS, Brazil2016ZANETI, E. ; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
30Análise econômica do business case do campo de Libra considerando cenário atual de queda do preço do petróleo e a importância da monetização do gás associadoRIO OIL & GAS 2016 EXPO AND CONFERENCERio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil2016R. I. DA SILVA; H. K. M. COSTA; M. M. DOS SANTOS; E. M. DOS SANTOSProject 26
29Optimization of Adsorption Systems with Phase Change Materials using Topology Optimization5th International Conference on Engineering Optimization - ENGOPTFoz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil2016PRADO, D. S.; SILVA, E. C. N.
28Optimization of an Adsorbed Natural Gas System with Phase Change Material using the Topology Optimization MethodXXXVII Iberian Latin America Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering - CILAMCE Brasília, DF, Brazil2016PRADO, D. S. ; SILVA, E. C. N.
27Topology Optimization of Adsorption Gas Storage Systems12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics - WCCM Seoul, South Korea2016AMIGO, R. C. R.; HEWSON, R.; SILVA, E. C. N.
26Impactos de Medidas de Eficiência Energética na Emissão de CO2 no Transporte de Cargas no Brasil (Oral Presentation)XXX Congresso da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transporte (ANPET)Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil2016GALBIERI, Rodrigo; MOUETTE, Dominique; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, Edmilson; BRITO, Thiago Luis Felipe; SIMÕES, André Felipe
25O impacto do preço do petróleo e gás na tarifa de energia elétrica (Oral Presentation)10º Congresso sobre Geração Distribuída e Energia no Meio Rural - X AGRENER GD 2015São Paulo, SP, Brazil11-12/11/2015AMARAL, T. B.; COSTA, H. K. M.; SANTOS, M. M.; SANTOS, E. M.
24Gás LP e o desenvolvimento rural (Oral Presentation)10º Congresso sobre Geração Distribuída e Energia no Meio Rural - X AGRENER GD 2015São Paulo, SP, Brazil11-12/11/2015CROSO, T.; COSTA, H. K. M.; SANTOS, E. M.; BURANI, G.
23Biogás produzido a partir de vinhaça: estudo técnico e normativo Oral Presentation)10º Congresso sobre Geração Distribuída e Energia no Meio Rural - X AGRENER GD 2015São Paulo, SP, Brazil11-13/11/2015SANTOS, M. M.; COSTA, H. K. M.; SANTOS, E. M.; MIURA, F.
22Inovações em energia e eficiência no meio rural (Oral Presentation)10º Congresso sobre Geração Distribuída e Energia no Meio Rural - X AGRENER GD 2015São Paulo, SP, Brazil11-13/11/2015CROSO, T.; COSTA, H. K. M.; SANTOS, E. M.; BURANI, G.
21Alternativas Energética para secagem de grãos (Oral Presentation)10º Congresso sobre Geração Distribuída e Energia no Meio Rural - X AGRENER GD 2015São Paulo, SP, Brazil11-13/11/2015MIURA, F.; SANTOS, M. M.; COSTA, H. K. M.; SANTOS, E. M.
20A inserção do automóvel elétrico para a redução da dependência energética do petróleo no setor dos transportes (Oral Presentation)10º Congresso sobre Geração Distribuída e Energia no Meio Rural - X AGRENER GD 2015São Paulo, SP, Brazil11-13/11/2015MACHADO, F. F.; BERMANN, C.; COSTA, H. K. M.; SANTOS, M. M.; SANTOS, E. M.
19O Impacto da tributação sobre os combustíveis leves (Oral Presentation)10º Congresso sobre Geração Distribuída e Energia no Meio Rural - X AGRENER GD 2015São Paulo, SP, Brazil11-13/11/2015BARBOSA, L. G. N.; COSTA, H. K. M.; CESCA, I. G.; MOREIRA, J. R.; SANTOS, E. M.
18Redução da alíquota da CIDE: o dilema dos preços da gasolina e do etanol (Oral Presentation)10º Congresso sobre Geração Distribuída e Energia no Meio Rural - X AGRENER GD 2015São Paulo, SP, Brazil11-13/11/2015FAZZI, L. R.; COSTA, H. K. M.; BARBOSA, L. G. N.; SANTOS, M. M.; SANTOS, E. M.
17Desenvolvimento sustentável, meio ambiente e a indústria do petróleo: proposta para campos marginais e maduros (Oral Presentation)10º Congresso sobre Geração Distribuída e Energia no Meio Rural - X AGRENER GD 2015São Paulo, SP, Brazil11-13/11/2015BATISTA, P. B. M.; COSTA, H. K. M.; SILVA, E.; SANTOS, E. M.
16Desenvolvimento sustentável, meio ambiente e a indústria do petróleo: proposta para campos marginais e maduros (Oral Presentation)10º Congresso sobre Geração Distribuída e Energia no Meio Rural - X AGRENER GD 2015São Paulo, SP, Brazil11-13/11/2015BATISTA, P. B. M.; COSTA, H. K. M.; SILVA, E.; SANTOS, E. M.
15Estimativas de emissões veiculares oriundas de um corredor azul no estado de São Paulo (Oral Presentation)10º Congresso sobre Geração Distribuída e Energia no Meio Rural - X AGRENER GD 2015São Paulo, SP, Brazil11-13/11/2015BRITO, T. L. F.; GALBIERI, R.; COSTA, H. K. M.; MOUETTE, D.; SANTOS, E. M.
14Promoting Sustainable Transportation by the Introduction of Natural Gas as a Substitute to Diesel Oil into Brazilian's Heavy Vehicles Fleet (Oral Presentation)International Youth Forum on Science and Innovation; The BRICS and EAEUMoscow, Russia27/10/2015Thiago Luis Felipe Brito
13Avaliação da substituição do óleo combustível por gás natural nas usinas térmicas do sistema elétrico brasileiro (Oral Presentation)XVI CBE CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENERGIARio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil26-28/10/2015J. SILVA, L.; MEIRA JUNIOR, R.; COSTA, H. K. M.; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.; SANTOS, M. M.
12O impulso à oferta de gás natural através da expansão da malha ferroviária em território brasileiro (Oral Presentation)XVI CBE CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENERGIARio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil26-28/10/2015MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.; COSTA, H. K. M.; SANTOS, M. M.
11Simulação de um corredor azul entre as cidades de Campinas e São P aulo: estimativas de emissões veiculares (Oral Presentation)XVI CBE CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENERGIARio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil26-28/10/2015BRITO, T. L. F.; GALBIERI, R.; COSTA, H. K. M.; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.; MOUETTE, D.
10Desafios da indústria nacional associados à eletrotermia (Oral Presentation)XVI CBE CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENERGIARio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil26-28/10/2015MIURA, F.; SANTOS, M. M.; COSTA, H. K. M.; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
9Breve análise do mercado brasileiro de combustíveis leves e sua influência na balança de pagamentos do Brasil (Oral Presentation)8ª edição do Congresso Brasileiro de P&D em Petróleo e Gás - PDPETROCuritiba, PR, Brazil20-22/10/2015BARBOSA, L. G. N.; COSTA, H. K. M.; MOREIRA, J. R.; CESCA, I. G.; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
8Projeções de oferta de gás natural e o quadro de infraestrutura (Oral Presentation)8ª edição do Congresso Brasileiro de P&D em Petróleo e Gás - PDPETROCuritiba, PR, Brazil20-22/10/2015ASSIS, L. M.; COSTA, H. K. M.; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
7Breve análise do mercado brasileiro de combustíveis leves e sua influência na balança de pagamentos do Brasil (Oral Presentation)8ª edição do Congresso Brasileiro de P&D em Petróleo e Gás - PDPETRO. Anais da 8ª edição do Congresso Brasileiro de P&D em Petróleo e Gás - PDPETROCuritiba, PR, Brazil20-22/10/2015BARBOSA, L. G. N.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MOREIRA, J. R.; CESCA, I. G.; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
6Projeções de oferta de gás natural brasileiro e quadro de infraestrutura (Oral Presentation)8ª edição do Congresso Brasileiro de P&D em Petróleo e Gás - PDPETROCuritiba, PR, Brazil20-22/10/2015ASSIS, L. M.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
5Analysis of Bordering Counties in Sao Paulo State and Oil Exploration from the Perspective of Integral Sustainability (Oral Presentation)5th International Workshop Advances in Cleaner ProductionSão Paulo, SP, Brazil20-22/05/2015COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; BARBOSA, L. G. N.; SIMOES, A. F.; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.
4A Qualitative Comparative Analisys (QCA) in Bus Fuel Shifting: Cities that Adopted Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) (Oral Presentation)5th Latin American Energy Economics MeetingMedellín, Colombia15-18/03/2015BRITO, T. L. F.; SANTOS, Edmilson Moutinho dos; GALBIERI, R.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros
3A Technological challenges and regulation for unconventional gas exploration in Brazil (Oral Presentation) 5th Latin American Energy Economics MeetingMedellín, Colombia15-18/03/2015SANTOS, V. E. S.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; SANTOS, E. M.
2Applying the Institutional Economics to Understand the Transactions-Cost Economics Theory in Oil Exploration Agreements: a Brazilian case study (Oral Presentation)5th Latin American Energy Economics MeetingMedellín, Colombia15-18/03/2015COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; SANTOS, Edmilson Moutinho dos; ARAUJO, R. R.
1Perspectivas del shale en Argentina: potencial y barreras para el desarrollo de no convencionales (Oral Presentation)5th Latin American Energy Economics MeetingMedellín, Colombia15-18/03/2015BERKENWALD, M.; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros; SANTOS, E. M.





EMS Alberto Fossa – Maurício Salles

Andre Luis Ferreira MarquesSolar energy and GHG: a Data Science case study in the Manaus-Parintins Axle – EMS126
João Fegadolli Nunes da SilvaAssessment of Biomethane Potential for Urban Agriculture – EMS127
Letícia Souza de JesusEnhancing Predictive Maintenance and Diagnostic Techniques for Stator Fault Detection Using Mathematical Models and Python Simulations – EMS128
Stevan Henrique Ramon de GóesUsing Artificial Intelligence for Image Analysis in Monitoring the Condition of Wind Generator Blades – EMS129

BECCUS André Dourado – Marcos Buckeridge

Thiago Vasconcelos de Barros FerrazEnabling ethanol electro-oxidation in seawater-like electrolytes for energy conversion and CO2
Paula Barione PerroniStainless Steel as Catalyst for Ethanol Oxidation Reaction
Naiza Vilas BôasThe electro-oxidation of ethanol under oscillatory regime on platinum-tin electrodes
Murilo Gomes de OliveiraStudy of Ethanol Electrooxidation in Oscillatory Regime for Gaining Mechanistic Insights.
Marilin Mariano dos SantosPerspectives of BECCUS technologies in Brazilian sugarcane sector
Leandro Francisco de OliveiraHormonal signaling network can contribute to design strategies to improve sugarcane growth and yield
André Henrique Baraldi DoruadoLignin Oxidation on CuO: (Electro)chemical Approaches
Gustavo Charles Peixoto de OliveiraComputational Engineering Approaches for Geologic Carbon Storage Site Qualification in the Brazilian
Gabriel Godinho CapistranoCarbon Capture Utilization and Sequestration in Basaltic Rocks from the Serra Geral Formation: A Petrographic Characterization Before and after the Co2 Injection
Carolina S CostaSolvent-Free Hydrogenation of Succinic Acid into Tetrahydrofuran

GHG Renato Picelli – Marcelo Sekler

Fernanda de Marco de SouzaGHG emissions in wastewater treatment plants: nitrous oxide and the importance of data collection and monitoring
Felipe Silva MaffeiDesign of smart labyrinth seals for mitigation of GHG emissions in pneumatic machines
Emiio carlos Nelli SilvaDesign of smart labyrinth seals for mitigation of GHG emissions in pneumatic machines (compressors and turbines)
Renato PicelliEfficient Turbulent Fluid-Structure Topology Optimization with Smooth Boundaries Using Sequential Integer Linear Programming
Diego Silva PradoVirtual Analysis Tools for Enhancing Residence Time and Bubble Characteristics in Fluidized Beds
Jurandir Itizo YanagiharaDesign Optimization and Experimental Analysis of Supercritical CO2 Centrifugal Compressors– GHG2013
Daniel Jonas DezanMetamodel-Assisted Structural Design Optimization of CO2 Centrifugal Compressor – CCUS215
Maurício Silva FerreiraExperimental setup for testing supercritical CO2 centrifugal compressors – GHG2014

CCUS Lucy Gomes Sant Anna – Renato Gonçalves

Mariana CiottaCreating an offshore CCS HUB: challenges and opportunities
Marielle de OliveiraDesign Methodology for Gas-Liquid Separators in Methanol Production from CO2
Daniela Costa 178The Importance of Reservoir Rocks and Fluids Characterization for Ccs Projects: An Experimental Study With Brazilian Rocks and Fluids
Diego Miranda de Souza Costa 179Evaluation of the influence of the use of different amino acids and superbases in the preparation of deep eutectic solvents for CO2 capture
Aleksandro Kirch 180Potential of Clay Minerals for CO2 Capture and Storage: Advances from an Atomistic Perspective
Allan Cavalari Telles Ferreira 181Challenges to evaluate CO2 storage potential in Saline Aquifers in Brazil
Jose Mateo Martinez SaavedraStudying the kinetics of CO2 hydrogenation into methanol over commercial copper-based catalysts
Leandro Augusto FaustinoFine-tuning of electrocatalyst/electrolyte interface for efficient reduction of CO2 and N2 towards added-value chemicals



ETE Virginia Parente – Suani Coelho

Thiago Giancoli BertoGreen and Yellow Hydrogen: from the federal fiscal war to global value chains – ETE119
Melodie Kern Sarubo Dorth SinegaliaMethodology Proposal for Control Point Surveys: Considerations in the Context of Remote Forest Monitoring with Emphasis on Carbon Stock – ETE120
Mateus CastagnetCarbon Footprint Reduction through the Replacement of LPG with Biodigesters: A Case Study – ETE121
Leonardo de FreitasEconomic viability of hydrogen – ETE122
Lauron ArendBusiness Models for the Brazilian Natural Gas Market in Times of Energy Transition and National Deregulation – ETE123
Jose Roberto MoreiraNew Technologies for Cars – Costs, Impacts and Advantages – ETE101
Jhonathan Fernandes Torres de SouzaHow much would the energy transition cost for steel and cement industries in Brazil? – ETE124
Felipe Nasser ArmondThe Crucial Role of Energy Storage Technologies in the Global Energy Transition – ETE125

CCUS Lucy Gomes Sant Anna – Pedro Vidinha

Leonardo Domenico De AngelisMechanistic insights of the plasmon-enhanced CO2 reduction reaction
Lorenzo Kesikowski FolladorScreening of Ionic Liquids for CO2RR using Molecular Dynamics
Louise Hase GraciosoUtilizing Microalgae for Sustainable Biorefinery: A Path to Carbon Mitigation and Bioeconomic Prosperity
Luana do Nascimento Rocha de PaulaEffect of the catalyst copper loading on the ethanol production in the CO2 hydrogenation over Cu-UiO-67
Lucas Rodrigues da SilvaSynthesis and Characterization of CuFeZn-based Materials as Catalysts for CO2 Hydrogenation
Maitê Lippel GotheScale up of a ReOx/TiO2 catalyst for the CO2 hydrogenation to methanol
Primaggio Silva MantoviControlling the Role of Water with Ionic Liquids in CO2RR Aiming C2+ Products
Renato Vitalino GonçalvesGreen Hydrogen Production via Photo(electro)catalysis: BiVO4 as case of study

SRS Edmilson M. dos Santos – Karen Mascarenhas

Dindara SIlva GalvãoFuture literacy towards climate changes using theater of the oppressed – SRS205
Cylon LiawCCUS standardization mapping – The steps towards this strategic tool – SRS206
Celso da Silveira CacholaGeospatial Analysis and Clustering of Green Hydrogen Production and Consumption for Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation: A Case Study of Brazil – SRS207
André dos Santos Alonso PereiraScience Diplomacy and the Sustainable Development Goals: How RCGI may use it – SRS208
Alberto J. FossaStandardization of Carbon Dioxide Capture, Transportation, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) – Recent developments at ABNT and ISO – SRS209
Maxiane CardosoBrazilian climate targets and the analysis of their alignment with Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – SRS211
Alexandre de Barros GalloGHG mitigation through energy management – Current standardization approaches – SRS212

GHG Renato Picelli – Guenther Krieger Filho

Glycon Pena de Souza BarrosDevelopment of labyrinth seal applied to pneumatic machines using the concept of intelligent materials
to minimize leakage
Rômulo Luz CortezCompressor’s Impeller Designs: Topology Optimization for Resonance Mitigation
Shahin RanjbarzadehMulti-objective function topology optimization design of labyrinth seal
Elóy Esteves GasparinGas-like behavior constraint for s-CO2 Compression Train Optimization
Alberto Lemos DuranTopology optimization method applied to the design of compressor impellers for supercritical CO2
José Guedes Fernandes NetoSoil carbon stocks dynamics during tropical forest restoration in Atlantic Forest
Jonatan Ismael EisermannLarge eddy simulation of a dimethyl ether turbulent jet diffusion flame
João Baptista Dias MoreiraInteger Variable Topology Optimization applied to Full Waveform Inversion for salt reconstruction
Icaro Amorim de CarvalhoTopology optimisation of a rotor subjected to a transient and compressible fluid flow
Teresa Duarte LannaLi separation from production water using ZIF-67 – ETE188



NBS Carlos Cerri – Maurício Cherubin

Bruna Emanuele Schiebelbein

Danielle Mendes Thame Denny 2

Status of soil health in agricultural soils in Brazil using the Soil Management Assessment Framework

Nature-based solutions: Sustainable development of Latin America

Mara Regina MoitinhoSpectral signature of synthetic Fe-rich nanoparticle in an agricultural soil
Marcelo Laranjeira PimentelIntegrated crop-livestock systems and well-managed pasture promote biological activity, aggregates stability and the increase of soil organic carbon in southern Amazon, Brazil
Márcio José TeixeiraDeforestation Patterns Evolution of the Amazon Basin from 1985 to 2021
Melida del Pilar Anzola RojasPotential of Hydrogen Production in Aa Microbial Electrolysis Cell From Sugarcane Vinnasse
Victória Santos SouzaNature based solution: cover crops in the Cerrado and their role in greenhouse gas emissions and soil carbon distribution
Wanderlei BieluczykOn-field measurements of greenhouse gas fluxes in Brazilian low-carbon agriculture: a meta-analysis and critical insights
Danielle Mendes Thame DenyConnecting carbon farming in Brazil and its implications for food (in)security in África
Dener OliveiraMake the data available: an analysis of the soil C research for the Brazilian Cerrado
João Luis Nunes CarvalhoLand use intensification as a strategy to increase soil carbon storage and stabilization in tropical conditions

PS Maurício Salles – Renato Monaro

Antônio Carlos Bastos de GodoiCyber Defense System for Smart Grid Communications – PS130
Beatriz Aline Riga RochaInvestigation of Ni and Cu doping effects on the sintering and proton conducting behavior of BaZr0.7Ce0.2Y0.1O3-δ – PS131
Demetrio Cornilios ZachariadisWind potential improvement through the study and mitigation of generation deviations and failures – PS132
Carlos Andre Persiani FilhoUAV-Assisted Fault Detection in Electrical Distribution Systems – PS133
Eduardo Coelho Marques da CostaParameter estimation of power transmission systems by using least square methods and optimum filtering theory – PS134
Emanuel Percinio Gonçalves de OliveiraMethodology for Obtaining an Intelligent Tool for Classifying Faults in Overhead and Underground Distribution Lines with High Penetration of Wind Sources Interfaced by Inverters – PS135
Enrique Adalberto Paredes SalazarUnderstanding Electrocatalytic Reactions trough Microkinetic Modeling Approaches – PS136
Fátima Eduarda do Nascimento MoraisMethods for the analysis of resonance in distribution systems with high DER penetration – PS137
Felipe Berto OmettoCatalysts for hydrogen production in ethanol-fed SOEC systems – PS138
Giancarlo Carvalho PrezottoMethods for analysis and mitigation of resonances in wind farms – PS201

CCUS Cristina Fernanda Alves Rodrigues – Pedro Vidinha

Ana Carolina Borges SilvaParticle resolved CFD simulations of fixed bed reactors in co2 hydrogenation
Priscilla J ZambiaziEngineering porous materials MOFs-Based – Technological Applications and Dynamic Crystals
Andressa Mota Lima 170Assessment of Non-Aqueous Electrolytes for CO2 Electro-reduction via updated Walden Plot
Bryan Alberto Laura Larico 171Development of a technical catalyst for the conversion of CO2 into methanol
Alberto Riera JLattice Boltzmann methods applied to the solution of Digital Rock problems
Alvaro David Torrez BaptistaGeochemical CO2-basaltic rocks interactions: a first principles approach
Lais Reis BorgesEvaluation of intrinsic catalytic activity of rhenium catalysts at CO2 hydrogenation in a fixed bed reactor during a scale-up process
Lázara Hernández FerrerNH3 Production via N2 electroreduction in Water-in-Salt Electrolyte with a MOF Catalyst

GHG Renato Picelli – Fernando Sacomano

Enzo SampronhaModeling of Temperature-Swing Adsorption in Fluidized Bed Systems for CO2 Capture
Caroline Silva MatosExperimental investigations of Brazilian oxygen carriers for the chemical looping combustion
technology: from micro- to macroscale
Lucas Neves Braga Soares RibeiroLabyrinth Diode Designed by Topology Optimization of Binary Structures using Laminar Flow and Real Gas Properties with Experimental Validation
Juliano Fagundes GonçalvesSolid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) channel design using the Topology Optimization Method
Marcel Augusto Alvarenga ViegasDigital Transformation Process Based on Automation and Data Service: a case study in sustainability
Thomás C. MirandaUse of Automated Low-Cost Sensors for Methane (Ch4) Emissions Monitoring
Lucas O. SiqueiraTopology optimization of Turbulent 2D swirl Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems Applied to Labyrinth
Seals Design Considering Natural Frequency Constraints
Lucas Ramos Deliberali BarbosaDecarbonization policies in the industrial sector: a systematic review
Yuri Souza BeleliOptimization of a continuous temperature swing adsorption system for gases originated from biomass



EnvSG Suani Coelho – Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos

Alberto Torres Riera JuniorA Machine Learning Force Field for Boric Acid and Water – EnvSG108
Ana Paula Alves DiboAddressing Cumulative Impact Assessment into the planning and development of offshore wind farms (…) – EnvSG109
Alexander TurraAssessment of the environmental and social impact of offshore wind energy (“EnvSoOff”) – EnvSG117
Andrea Carolina Gutierrez GomezMunicipal Solid Waste Potential for Hydrogen Production in the Sao Paulo State – EnvSG110
Carlos Alberto Martins JuniorAdsorption study of H3BO3 in graphene: a computational approach – EnvSG111
Daniela Higgin AmaralPotential for electricity generation from sustainable forest management residues in Brazilian isolated systems – EnvSG112
Geovanna Paulino PereiraWinds of the Future: Multidimensional Assessment of Socio-Environmental Impacts in Offshore Wind Farms – EnvSG113
Guilherme de Aquino Fernandes SousaHow far has the low-carbon energy transition contributed to energy poverty and social exclusion? – EnvSG114
Ricardo Bastos CalabreseIntegration Of Photovoltaic Energy In Urban Planning – Promoting resilience and decarbonization (…) – EnvSG115
Thalles Moreira de OliveiraOptimization study of blue hydrogen distribution as an alternative fuel to diesel in the State of São Paulo – EnvSG116
Vanessa Pecora GarcilassoLife Cycle Assessment (LCA) evaluation of the uses of vinasse produced in the Brazilian sugar sector – EnvSG118

NBS Carlos Cerri – Maurício Cherubin

Lucas Tadeu GreschukSoil carbon storage in Brazilian drylands: status, opportunities and challenges
Thamirys Suelle da SilvaSoil Aggregates and Soil Organic Carbon as Quality Indicators in Crop-Livestock- Forest Integration Systems in The Brazilian Semi-Arid Region
Diego Silva SiqueiraSoil regeneration as a climate strategy and regenerative agriculture
Geraldo Lavigne de LemosBrazilian regulation on Nature-Based Solutions: relevance, references and gaps.
Giovanna Pereira CorreiaNanotechnology for hydroponic applications: Development of Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for nutrient releasing
Henrique Medeiros VignatiTwo worlds, One Goal: A comparative Analysis of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) from the Oil Sector and the Global perspective
José Igor Almeida CastroEffects of improved pasture and integrated systemas on soil carbon sequestration in Brasil
Laudelino Vieira da Mota NetoSoil aggregates and carbon sycling in maize-forage intercropped systems fertilized with nitrogen
Daniel Aquino de BordaImpact of Converting Pasture Areas into Sustainable Agriculture on Soil Organic Matter Dynamics
Letícia Oliveira Bispo CardosoComparison of microalgal and cyanobacterial hydrolysate for 3G bioethanol production

CCUS Cristina Fernanda Alves Rodrigues – Renato Gonçalves

Renata de Toledo CintraArtificial photosynthesis reactions exploring mesoscale 3D printed reactors
Rodolfo Lopes CoppoCu-loaded Fe2TiO5 catalysts on CO2 reduction
Rosembergue Gabriel Lima GonçalvesEvaluation of catalysts derived from MgFe-pyroaurite structure impregnated with potassium in the hydrogenation of CO2
Saulo de Tarso Alves dos PassosEnhancing Carbonate Formation in Basalts of the Serra Geral Formation
Sergio BrochsztainNaphthalenediimide-containing metal-organic frameworks for mixed matrix membranes designed for CO2 separation
Tamara Ramalho MignoliScale-up study of a pressurized reactor for converting CO2 to methanol
Vinicio SimizuTailoring Pd and Fe Catalysts for Ethanol Synthesis in CO2 Hydrogenation
Vinícius da Costa SantosSynthesis of ammonium perrhenate supported catalyst

PS Maurício Salles – Renato Monaro

Marcel Augusto Alvarenga ViegasSmart and Sustainable Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Station – PS139
Matheus Batista Cordeiro de SouzaParametric study of an ethanol-based solid oxide fuel cell – PS140
Muhammad ZubairCost Modelling of LFAC Transformers: Insights and Implications – PS141
Rafael Braghieri MenilloThemes and perspectives in Agri-PV research: a global bibliometric analysis showcasing its relevance and importance to energy transition – PS142
Rafael dos Santos DominguesLi+/Na+ Separation on Production Water using 2D Materials – PS143
Rooney Ribeiro Albuquerque CoelhoReal time monitoring of submarine transmission systems in offshore applications – PS144
Sergio Luciano AvilaWind turbine diagnostics based on current signatures: a review – PS145
Thiago de Melo AugustoSOFC – The future of Ethanol in the Transport sector – PS146
Vinícius Soares de Mello CerqueiraPython Tool for Cost and Loss Analysis in Offshore Energy Transmission – ´S147
Washington Santa RosaProcessing of ceria-based oxides for use as electrolyte in a solid oxide fuel cell – PS148
Yuri Dionisio de SouzaAlgorithm for Fault location of onshore wind farm collector network based on artificial intelligence (“faultAIfinder”) – PS149



SRS Edilmilson Moutinho dos Santos – Sigmar Malvezzi

Allan Yu IwamaEcosystem-based management as an approach to assessing the social-environmental impacts of offshore wind energy – SRS107
Guilherme Porfirio Baccari 08/11Risk perception associated with Carbon Capture and Storage technology in Brazil: a comparison between experts and non-experts – SRS102
Gustavo Chagas de Morais

Molecularium: Immersive Experiences for Scientific Dissemination – SRS103

Ricardo Pagio Betini 08/11How can personality influence perception and behavior towards climate change? An exploratory study – SRS104
Miguel Vera MorenoA Citizen Science Approach to improving public perception of low-carbon society: A Sentiment Analysis – SRS105
Nelber Ximenes MeloA Philosophical Framework for Sustainable Energy Planning – SRS106
Bruna Eloy de Amorim 08/11Congress and Energy Transition: How the interests of the oil and gas sector are represented in the Brazilian Legislative – SRS202
Eduardo Guedes PereiraCCUS: Legal Developments, Policies and Challenges – SRS203
Giovana Ribeiro Turquetti 08/11Analysing “O Estado de São Paulo’s” perspective on Bioenergy & BECCS – SRS204
Karen MascarenhasSocial Perception and Science Diplomacy on technology transitions towards a low carbon society – SRS205

BECCUS Hamilton Varela – Marcos Buckeridge

Andrieza de Aquino EslabãoBrazilian Regulation On Beccs: Gaps, References And Relevance
Leandro Francisco de OliveiraHormonal signaling network can contribute to design strategies to improve sugarcane growth and yield
Dawany DionisioElectrochemical conversion of CO2 into oxalate with negative carbon footprint
Débora PagliusoFingerprinting agro-industrial wastes: a promise for biomaterials
Haline RochaCO2 geological storage in the Paraná Basin, Brazil: an integrated assessment of unconventional
reservoirs and caprocks
Jessica Santos RegoCO2 adsorption on representative feldspar mineral surfaces by first-principles calculations
João Vicotr Vilela CassianoWater confined by silica Slits
Sabrina Domingues MirandaThe feasibility of carbon capture technologies in wastewater treatment plants in Brazil
Vitor Favaretto PinotiDevelopment of CRISPR-based gene editing tools and identification of herbicide resistance endowing target mutations in sugarcane
Verena Mandorino KaminagakuraEnergy generation in microbial fuel cell in the treatment of vinasse, removal of organic matter and
Pedro Henrique de Britto CostaHigh power density Solid Oxide Fuel Cells on the temperature range of 400-700 oC, an overview – ETE189

CCUS Lucy Gomes Sant Anna – Renato Gonçalves

Dielle Pierotti ProcópioConversion of CO2 into biopolymers by the regulation of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biosynthetic pathway using the photosynthetic cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp.
Gabriel Liscia CatuzoCO2 hydrogenation to higher alcohols using K-promoted Cu-Fe/UiO-66 catalysts
Antonio Carlos Roveda Junior 175Surface modification of copper electrodes for electrochemical CO2 reduction
Bruna Bacaro Borrego 176Micractinium sp., mangroves, and biorefineries: A sustainable trio for third-generation ethanol
Aluizio José Salvador 177Development of a microfluidic device (rock on a chip) compatible with synchrotron techniques for in-situ monitoring of CO2 storage by rocks
Natalia Lima VergilioGeochemical Modeling Of Alteration In Pre-Salt Carbonate Reservoir Rocks In Response To Co2 Injection
Paulo Henrique dos Santos SantanaStability of turbulent oxy-methane flames in an internal recirculation combustion chamber
Pedro Henrique de Paula SabanayA spectroscopic study of Superbase-based Deep Eutectic Solvents for CO2 Capture
Iago William ZapeliniContributions to the lifetime widening of ZSM-5 zeolites in the ETH reaction – ETE191

PS Maurício Salles – Renato Monaro

Beethoven Narváez-RomoCarbon Emission Reductions In The University Of Sao Paulo’s Transportation – Ps196
Felipe Moreira SallazarUAV-Assisted Fault Detection in Electrical Distribution Systems: Computational Simulation – PS157
Gabriel de Castro BiageCable Parameter Calculation Through the Finite Element Method – PS158
Giovani Giulio Tristão Thibes VieiraFlexible Solutions to increase the hosting capacity of distributed energy resources – PS159
Guilherme Broslavschi Pereira da SilvaAnalyze of the impact of distributed generation capacity for voltage and reactive support in distribution system – PS160
Guilherme Fidelis PeixerPerformance Assessment of Commercial and Innovative Technologies for Hydrogen Liquefaction – PS197
Joelma PerezEfficient Use Of Ethanol For Producing Hydrogen And Electricity – Ps198
Julio Cesar Camilo Albornoz DiazInfluence of NiO content on the Morphological and Electrical Properties of GDC-NiO – PS199
Leandro Oliveira MartinsOptimized RED allocation to increase distributed renewable generation hosting capacity – PS161
Luís Felipe Normandia LourençoInvestigation of offshore transmission technologies on the Brazilian coast applied in oil and gas exploration and (…) – PS162
Maria Laura Viana BastosAutomated Circuit Construction for Resonance Analysis in Distributed Energy Resource Integration – PS163



NBS Aldo Cerri – Mauricio Cherubin

Alisson Luiz Rocha BalbinoExploring Metal Organic Frameworks Synthesis: A Comparative Analysis of Hydrothermal and
Ana Paula Cervi FerezNovel field-based models to monitor carbon stocks of forest under restoration in
Antonio Yan Viana LimaGrazing exclusion: a nature-based solution to increase microbial activity in Brazilian desertified drylands
Beatriz da Silva VanolliCarbon stock dynamics in short-term integrated agricultural systems on sandy soils
Bruna Emanuele SchiebelbeinStatus of soil health in agricultural soils in Brazil using the Soil Management Assessment Framework
Bruna Gonçalves de Oliveira CarvalhoDistinguishing microbial pathways responsible for n2o emissions in soils under
Catharina Weber Neiva MasulinoNature-Based Solutions (NBS) and the Integration of Local Communities: A Sustainable Path for Socio-
Crislany Canuto dos SantosIntegration crop-livestock-forest systems influence soil c stock in the semi-arid of Ceara
Daniela Higgin AmaralProjections of sustainable forest biomass demand as energy source in Mato Grosso
Letícia Beatriz Ueda MeloFrom Vinasse Pollution to Green Resource: Microalgae-Assisted Biomolecule Accumulation and Toxic Compound Removal

CCUS Colombo Tassinari – Renato Gonçalves

Fagner Rodrigues TodãoThe Role of N-Doped Carbon Structures in the Thermocatalytic CO2 Hydrogenation over Co/SiO2 Catalysts
Jean Castro da CruzDevelopment of catalytic pathways for CO2 transformation into chemicals and materials
Giliandro FariasA combined DFT and machine learning study to understand catalyst and solvent effects on the conversion of CO2 into ethanol
Dyovani Bruno Lima dos SantosExploring the Impact of Various Supports on K-Promoted Molybdenum-Based Catalysts for CO2 Hydrogenation Reaction
Adolfo Lopes de FigueredoTuning catalytic hydrogenation of fumaric acid with supercritical CO2 for GBL and THF production
Jorge Andrés Mora VargasSynthesis of New Polyurethanes from Biomass-derived Monomers
Giovanni Rodrigues MorselliInteractions between CO2 and superbase in ionic liquids probed by vibrational spectroscopy
Gabriel Silveira dos SantosDevelopment of new deep eutectic solvents from low molecular mass hyperbranched polyglycerolsassociated with superbase for carbon dioxide absorption.

CCUS Colombo – Renato Gonçalves

Kalisye Rodrigues Gilini

Optimization Methodology for Local Control for Efficient Integration of Distributed Energy Resources – PS156
Lucas Santos FigueiredoDevelopment of a Type III generator model for electrical resonance studies in wind farms – PS150
Luís Fernando Nogueira de SáOptimizing PEM Fuel Cell Performance with a Pseudo-3D Approach – PS151
Luiza BuscariolliMethodologies for Resonance Analysis in Power Systems with Wind Generation – PS152
Maria Paula de Souza RodriguesUtilizing MnO2 Nanowires as Cathodes in Sodium-Ion Batteries Employing Water-in-Salt Electrolytes – PS153
Mário OleskoviczFault location of onshore wind farm collector network based on artificial intelligence and drone supervision (“faultAIfinder”) – PS154
Marilin Mariano dos SantosStrategic route for CO2 transportation in the state of Rio de Janeiro – PS155
Marilin Mariano dos SantosLong-term offshore systems based on large floating structures: Challenges and Opportunities for Brazil – PS192
Isabela Corrêa HillalA survey of subsea equipment for offshore transmission systems – PS193
Helena Marques Almeida SilvaSimulation of Power Inverters and Controls in Grid-Connected Wind Systems – PS194
Giancarlo Carvalho PrezottoMethods for analysis and mitigation of resonances in DER-rich distribution systems – PS195
GHG Emilio – Luis Fernando Sá
Anderson Soares da Costa Azevêdo the topology optimization of CO2 labyrinth seal design considering forward and backward incompressible laminar fluid flow regime
André Dantas Freire Numerical prediction of erosion in labyrinth seals: A Lifespan approach
Ben-hur Martins Portella Numerical modeling of sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in the Amazon during the CAFE-Brazil experiment
Carlos Eduardo Lino Topology Optimization Method Applied to the Design of Radial Compressors Considering Turbulent Real Gas Flow Through Fluid-Structure Interaction and Mechanical Fatigue Analysis
Daniela Andrade Damasceno Computational Design of Nanostructures and Nanofluidic Systems by Coupling Molecular Simulations with Topology Optimization
Diego Hayashi Alonso Rotating resonance under low density flow for machine rotor topology optimization
Eduardo Moscatelli de Souza Design of stepped labyrinth seals by topology optimization
Enrique Vilarrasa Garcia Influence of the SO2 adsorption on CO2 capture from flue gas using 13X zeolite
Jeann César Rodrigues de Araújo Synthesis and characterisation of nanomaterials for application in nanofiltration membranes and recovery of lithium from produced water – ETE190
Francisco Hélio Alencar Oliveira GHG reduction through Topology Optimization and Additive Manufacturing