Director of the RCGI Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage Programme (BECCS)
Marcos Buckeridge is plant biologist who has spent 20 years working at the Botanical Institute of São Paulo with native Neotropical species. During his masters and Ph.D. he worked with cell wall polysaccharides in plants and in 1995 established a line of research focused on the comprehension of the physiological and cellular mechanisms involved in seedling establishment in tropical biomes as well as the development of biotechnological tools to help the sustainable use of biodiversity. More than 80 publications were produced following these lines of research.
With the increasing importance of the impact of Global Climatic Changes in the world, Dr. Buckeridge pioneered studies that try to understand how the rain forest, including Atlantic and Amazonian species, are responding to the increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.
More recently, his research group added another focus, which is to understand how the sugar cane plant will respond to the climatic changes. This is important because sugarcane is now one of the most important crops in Brazil, being responsible for the production of ethanol as a fuel. Dr. Buckeridge moved to the University of São Paulo in 2006 and from 2009 to 2012 shared this position with the Scientific Directory of the Brazilian Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory at Campinas.
He is also the actual coordinator of the National Institute of Science and Technology of Bioethanol (INCT do Bioetanol) a virtual organization that congregates 31 laboratories from 6 states of Brazil working on bioenergy. He has been president of the Botanical Society of São Paulo from 2001 to 2005 and is one of the lead authors for the next report of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climatic Changes (IPCC) to be presented in 2014. Presently, Dr. Buckeridge is a communicating editor for Trees:structure and function (Springer), Bioenergy Research (Springer), Global Change Biology Bioenergy and the Australian Journal of Botany.
Buckeridge has been President of the Academy of Sciences of the State of São Paulo from 2015 to 2019.