Carolina Christofoletti
(last update on 8th May 2021)
- Best High School Student (2016)
- Bachelor of Laws with Honours by Faculty of Law of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (2016-2021). Final thesis on child sexual abuse material (CSAM) cartoons and the intersection between the Dark and the Open Web on CSAM crimes, approved with honours.
- PUB Scholarship holder on CSAM crimes (2017-2019)
- AUCANI Merit Research Scholarship on CSAM crimes. (2018)
- Research Fellow at University of Salamanca, Spain. Project on knowingly access to CSAM (Directive 92/2011 UE) and CSAM on the Darkweb. (2019-2020)
- Research Fellow at University of Freiburg, Germany. Project on CSAM club mechanics. (2018-2017)
- Master Candidate for the Cybercrime Program – Law Enforcement Section at University of Nebrija, Spain. Project on CSAM on BitTorrent. (2021-2023)
- Master Candidate for the Criminal Compliance Program at University of Castilla la Mancha, Spain. Project on Pornhub Compliance against CSAM. (2021-2022)
- Technical Writer at the Center for International Cyber Intelligence (2021- now).
- Sobre o que falamos quando falamos de detecção automática e privada de pornografia infantil na Internet: os hashes e o aparente conflito com as novas leis de privacidade; Christofoletti, C; Rodriguez, V. G; 2020
- Christofoletti, C; Rodríguez, V. G. A importância da delação premiada no combate à pornografia infantil, Conjur, 2020. Brazil);
- La ciberpornografia infantil y su combate: la ineficácia de los filtros de internet y la delación premiada como alternativa para la persecución penal. Libro Homenaje. Colombia. Enero 2021. (Christofoletti, C; Rodríguez, V. G., 2020)
- Commentary on a Spanish Criminal Sentence (first semester 2020) about child pornography clubs (Revista Ais, Spain); (Christofoletti, C; Rodríguez, V. G., 2020)
- Christofoletti, C; Rodríguez, V. G; Limites jurídicos da pornografia infantil: o caso do filme “Lindinhas” (Cuties). Genjurídico, 2020)
- A divulgação de cena de estupro de menor de 14 anos (218-C do CP): fronteira entre pornografia infantil e ofensa à honra. (Christofoletti, C; Rodríguez, V. G., 2020)
- Proteção de dados pessoais e cybercrimes: a proposta de um banco de dados de policiamento preventivo para a disseminação de conteúdos ilícitos na Internet com o exemplo da pornografia infantil (Lima et al., 2020; National Journal of Brazilian Federal Attorney).
- Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and Compliance (Comparative Law in Europe): (Christofoletti, C; Rodríguez, V. G, 2020); Colombia
- IOT in the Era of Privacy & Data Protection (World Cybersecurity Forum); Carolina Christofoletti
- 2020 Cybercrime Report- South and North America (World Cybersecurity Forum); Carolina Christofoletti
- A light in the end of the tunnel: Pornhub’s Trusted Flagger Program
- Do not trespass the border: Trespassers will be prosecuted under (the whole) national law
- Where things have gone wrong, put your Trust & Safety Team to analyse the data collected by your Privacy Policy
- The terminology you use informs your whistleblower: Why Adult Pornography Websites should not refer to CSAM as CSAM
- Where non-accuracy data could turn into something (very) odd: Electronic Service Providers CSAM Reports and Pornography Websites
- The Non-CSAM data: Where does it stay in the legal, ‘global supply chain’ of CSAM crimes
- A legal point of view: How EU proposed AI regulation and the CSAM technology debate come together
- Forget MasterCard: We need a Sectorial Compliance Standard for Pornography Industry as a whole
- Hotlines, Fragmented Databases and the -very special- Brazilian case
- Social Media Platforms and the to-the-hotlines reported & confirmed URLs
- Internal link-tree analysis: Why should Social Media Platforms care about that
- Keep the networks in sight: Reducing the legal complexity of “Knowingly access to CSAM”(Art. 5, 3,2011/92/EU Directive) adjudication on Instagram
- Inside the Battle for Internet Global Morals: Instagram Kids – A Commentary (Part 1)
- Facebook’s Tolerance Code: A Commentary
- Relying on Children to Protect Themselves: A Commentary
- How weak compliance polices of pornography websites are putting anyone under European Law paying for it at risk
- Do not remove it, prevent it from being published: How old hashes could help on the fight against new CSAM materials