Phone: +55 11 99912-8331
+55 11 5549-1863/ 5081-5237
Responsible for relations with the press at RCGI, Angela Trabbold is a journalist and works as an account manager at Acadêmica Agência de Comunicação, a company specializing in science, technology, and innovation (S,T&I). She began her career as a reporter at Jornal da Tarde and Estadão, among others, and later moved to the area of institutional communications, working as a press officer at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) and later at the company Acadêmica, where she has worked for over 20 years. .
Angela has experience with institutions of different segments, sizes, and origins in the area: study, research, and development centers (RCGI, FoRC, Institut Pasteur de São Paulo, Sou Ciência/Unifesp); teaching and research institutions (Poli-USP, ICB-USP); national S,T&I entities (Anpei, São José dos Campos Technological Park); scientific societies (SBPC, Lares, SBU/SP); international S,T&I institutions (DWIH, CISB, British Council); public bodies and foundations (FDTE, Péter Murányi); innovative companies (NEGER Telecom, Natura Campus); in addition to large events (SBPC Annual Meeting, FEBRACE, Virada Científica da USP).