Claudio Augusto Oller do Nascimento holds a B.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering (1975, Universidade de São Paulo), M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (1979, Universidade de São Paulo) and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (1982, University of Salford, UK). He is Full Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Universidade de São Paulo. He has experience in Industrial Processes and Chemical Engineering, focusing on the following subjects: neural networks, mathematical modeling, water treatment, photochemical process and biotechnology.
He is enrolled on the RCGI-Research Centre for Gas Innovation (Shell-FAPESP) as Deputy-Director of the Physical-Chemistry Programme and in the Project “Sustainable gas pathways for Brazil; from microcosm to macrocosm“ (NERC-FAPESP). He is also the Principal Investigator and the coordinator of the INCT-EMA (National Institute of Science and Technology on Environmental Studies).
Professor Oller is director of International Affairs, director of the Centre to Centre Program (C2C) and deputy director of the RCGI Decarbonization Program.