Reinaldo Giudici has a B.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering (1983, University of São Paulo), M.Sc. (1986) and D.Sc. (1990) in Chemical Engineering (University of São Paulo) and developed Post-Doctoral activities as a visiting researcher at McMaster University, Canadá (1992-1993). Since 1999 he is a Full Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (EPUSP). He holds a Senior Researcher Fellowship (level 1A) of the National Council of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq). Currently, he is the coordinator of the Committee of Engineering II of CAPES (since 2014) and member of the Engineering Area Panel of FAPESP (since 2016).
Since 2008, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering. His main research interests are: mathematical modeling, simulation and optimization of chemical processes, chemical reaction engineering, polymer reaction engineering, online monitoring of chemical processes. He is enrolled on the RCGI-Research Centre for Gas Innovation (Shell-FAPESP) as Director of the Physical-Chemistry Programme and is the Brazilian Principal Investigator of the Project “Sustainable gas pathways for Brazil; from microcosm to macrocosm“ (NERC-FAPESP).
Full Professor / PhD
RCGI Director of the Physical Chemistry Programme
University of São Paulo / Escola Politécnica / Dept. Chemical Engineering
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