Departamento de Parasitologia – ICB


Fone: (11) 3091-7746
Sala: 29/33 – Andar térreo
Currículo Lattes

Site Pessoal:

Laboratório de Epidemiologia Molecular da Malária


Pablo Secato Fontoura

Priscila Thihara Rodrigues

Susana do Carmo Pinto Barbosa

Laís Camonese Salla

Maria José Menezes

Nathália Ferreira Lima

Raquel Müller Gonçalves Lopes

Thaís Crippa de Oliveira

Vanessa Cristina Nicolete


  • Genética de populações de plasmódios
  • Epidemiologia e controle de doenças infecciosas e parasitárias
  • Imunorregulação na malária humana


Our long-term goal is to provide scientific evidence that can be translated into effective public health interventions for malaria control in Amazonia. We aim to determine whether asymptomatic parasite carriage is a major contributor to malaria transmission across the region by: (a) estimating the prevalence, incidence and risk factors for asymptomatic malaria parasite carriage in rural Amazonia; (b) estimating the prevalence, incidence, average duration and risk factors for gametocyte carriage; (c) comparing prospectively the risk of subsequent clinical malaria among asymptomatic parasite carriers and non-infected controls living in the same communities and determining whether these episodes are due to persistent parasite lineages or to new infections; and (d) testing whether intra-host competition of genetically distinct parasite clones contributes to increased parasite virulence, greater risk of disease, and increased gametocyte production. These aims have been achieved with population based surveys in epidemiologically diverse Amazonian settings. Field-based clinical and epidemiological analyses are complemented with measurements of immunological parameters and extensive parasite genotyping, providing a unique multidisciplinary perspective on the public health significance of asymptomatic parasite carriage in the Amazon.


Professor Ferreira is the author of about 120 peer-reviewed scientific articles and two Parasitology textbooks, Biological Foundations of Human Parasitology (2003) and Contemporary Parasitology (2012), both published in Brazil. His current research is focused on molecular epidemiology, population genetics and control of malaria in low-transmission settings. His field work is carried out in field stations in Acre State, an area in the Amazon Basin of Brazil where Plasmodium vivax is the predominant malaria parasite species. Recent publications include:

Ferreira MU, Karunaweera ND, da Silva-Nunes M, da Silva NS, Wirth DF, Hartl DL. J Infect Dis. 2007 Apr 15;195(8):1218-26

Orjuela-Sánchez P, Karunaweera ND, da Silva-Nunes M, da Silva NS, Scopel KK, Gonçalves RM, Amaratunga C, Sá JM, Socheat D, Fairhust RM, Gunawardena S, Thavakodirasah T, Galapaththy GL, Abeysinghe R, Kawamoto F, Wirth DF, Ferreira MU. BMC Genet. 2010 Jul 13;11:65

Orjuela-Sánchez P, da Silva NS, da Silva-Nunes M, Ferreira MU. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2009 Dec;81(6):961-8

da Silva-Nunes M, Codeço CT, Malafronte RS, da Silva NS, Juncansen C, Muniz PT, Ferreira MU. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2008 Oct;79(4):624-35

Barbosa S, Gozze AB, Lima NF, Batista CL, Bastos Mda S, Nicolete VC, Fontoura PS, Gonçalves RM, Viana SA, Menezes MJ, Scopel KK, Cavasini CE, Malafronte Rdos S, da Silva-Nunes M, Vinetz JM, Castro MC, Ferreira MU. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 Aug 28;8(8):e3109


Epidemiology of malaria in the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon (NIAID (U19 AI089681, Sub-Project ID: 6063)

Mansonella ozzardi: uma filária negligenciada que pode modular a resposta imune contra infecções concomitantes. (FAPESP, 2013/12723-7)
Resistência à cloroquina em Plasmodium vivax: avaliação fenotípica e molecular na Amazônia Ocidental brasileira (Chamada MCTI/CNPq/MS-SCTIE – Decit N° 40/2012 – Pesquisa em Doenças Negligenciadas, Processo: 404067/2012-3
Caracterização fenotípica e funcional de populações de linfócitos T CD4+ com possível função imunorreguladora na malária humana (Universal 14/2012, Processo: 470315/2012-1)
Perspectivas de eliminação da malária residual na Amazônia rural brasileira: estratégia de investigação de reservatórios de Plasmodium vivax. (FAPESP, 2013/02764-8)