
(December 2020, United Nations Network on Migration) Stronger together: including migrants in the COVID-19 response and recovery


(December 2020, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribean – ECLAC) The 2014-2020 period will mark the lowest growth in the last seven decades for Latin American and Caribbean economies


(November 2020, Guy Davidov, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) Die Sinzheimer-Vorlesung 2020, Compliance with and Enforcement of Labour Laws


(August 2020, ILO) COVID-19 and the world of work–en/index.htm


(July 2020, Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations – ILR) How do we resolve labor disputes under global supply chain agreements?


(July 2020, Solidarity Center) 10 years protecting freedom of assembly and association worldwide


(July 2020, Transnational Institute) Migrant farmworkers: organising and resisting before, during and after COVID-19


(July 2020, ILO) ILO Global Summit on COVID-19 and the world of work


(June 2020, ILO) ILO Violence and Harassment Convention will enter into force in June 2021–en/index.htm


(May 2020, Labor and Employment Relations Association – LERA) Low wage and gig work during the COVID-19 Pandemic


(Abril de 2020, José Eduardo Faria, Estado da Arte – Estadão) A saúde pública entre o Estado e o mercado

José Eduardo Faria: A saúde pública entre o Estado e o mercado


(April 2020, Italian Labour Law e-Journal – ILLEJ) Special Issue: Covid-19 and Labour Law. A Global Review


(April 2020, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – IACHR) IACHR adopts Resolution on Pandemic and Human Rights in the Americas


(April 2020, ILO) COVID-19 causes devastating losses in working hours and employment–en/index.htm


(February 2020, Aída Ponce Del Castillo, European Trade Union Institute – ETUI) Labour in the age of AI: why regulation is needed to protect workers


(October 2019, AFL-CIO) The double standard at work: European corporate investment and workers’ rights in the American South


(September 2019, Kate Conger and Noam Scheiber, The New York Times) California Bill makes app-based companies treat workers as employees


(Setembro de 2019, Giuliana Miranda, Folha de São Paulo) Brasil é um dos piores lugares do mundo para estrangeiro viver, diz relatório


(Junho de 2019, Fatima Kamata, BBC News Brasil) Filhos de brasileiros no Japão começam a superar barreiras no mercado de trabalho qualificado


(April 2019, Sejal Singh, OnLabor Blog) SCOTUS weighing LGBTQ workers’ rights: what’s at risk

SCOTUS Weighing LGBTQ Workers’ Rights: What’s At Risk


(April 2019, Natalie Sedacca and Avril Sharp, UK Labour Law Blog) Dignity, not destitution: the impact of differential rights to work for migrant domestic workers


(March 2019, ILO) Livelihoods for migrants and refugees in Brazil–en/index.htm


(Fevereiro de 2019, Tadeu Rover, Consultor Jurídico – ConJur) Ações caem na origem, mas crescem nos tribunais regionais do trabalho


(Novembro de 2018, Agência IBGE) Taxa de sindicalização dos trabalhadores brasileiros cai para 14,4%, a menor desde 2012


(Agosto de 2018, Migalhas) STF julga constitucional terceirização de atividade-fim


(June 2018, Kristy Siegfried, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees – UNHCR) The Refugee Brief


(June 2018, ILO) Freedom of association – Compilation of decisions of the Committee on Freedom of Association–en/index.htm


(June 2018, Peter Beaumont, The Guardian) Image of sobbing toddler at US border: ‘It was hard for me to photograph’


(Dezembro de G1Entrada de imigrantes no Brasil caiu 23% em dois anos; ‘efeito da crise política e econômica’, diz estudo


(Junho de 2017, Edwin Lane, BBC News Brasil) Os jovens japoneses que estão trabalhando literalmente até a morte


(Maio de 2017, G1) Temer sanciona com vetos Lei de Migração


(May 2013, David Weil, Harvard University Press) Why work became so bad for so many