The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a necessary support for the Environmental Licensing process of activities that cause significant environmental degradation, such as Carbon Capture, Storage and Transport Activities associated with the exploration and production of gas. Based on how CCS activities are regulated by environmental policies in other countries, the present project proposes an EIA framework for the Environmental Licensing of CCS activities specific to Brazil, based on the analysis of the current legislation, institutional aspects and socio-environmental contingencies. Furthermore, the project aims to develop legal scenarios to ensure a safe and effective implementation of CCS activities, considering (i) the role of the competent regulatory authorities; (ii) the main environmental licensing requirements; (iii) definition of CO2 ownership, and; (iv) the allocation of long-term liabilities.
Ana Clara Antunes Costa de Andrade – scientific initiation Fapesp (EACH-USP)
Ana Luiza Fontenelle (UNICAMP)
Drielli Peyerl (IEE-USP)
Letícia Schneid Lopes – scientific initiation (IGc-USP)
Luis Guilherme Larizzatti Zacharias (IEE-USP)
Karen Mascarenhas (IP-USP)
Stefania Gomes Relva (POLI-USP)
Talita Granzinoli Vellozo Pontes (IEE-USP)
Sílvia Cupertino
Romário Carvalho
Israel Lacerda
Isabela Morbach
Karen Mascarenhas