Global Health and Sustainability

Graduate Studies in Global Health and Sustainability (PhD only)

For more detailed information (in Portuguese only) please consult

  • Presentation

Main gate of the Faculty of Public Health’s campus

Just recently, and more and more present, it has been observed in the scope of third and fourth degree teachings how important the principles of internationalization, inter-disciplinarity, inter-institutions, and nucleation are, particularly where fourth-degree academic formation teaching is concerned. Considering the importance of inter-disciplinarity in the academic proposal formulation of the programs, and in the formation of research and nucleation groups, so that they can cooperate with reflection, investigation diversity, and broader and closer analyses facing the complex issues present in contemporary societies, the pertinence of formulating a Graduation Studies Program in Global Healthcare andSustainability has been extended.

As support bases for departmental structure, Global Healthcare and Sustainability consists in teaching and investigating fields of different foreign university institutions within the scope of undergraduate and graduate studies. Graduate Studies have already been established in Latin American countries such as Mexico, Chile, and Peru.

Nevertheless, as far as 2012 there had been no doctorate-level graduation studies in Brazil that comprised the knowledge fields of Global Healthcare and Sustainability registered at CAPES.

Research Lines of the Graduate Program