Laboratory of Teaching and Research in Occupational Therapy, Childhood and Adolescence – LEPTOI


LEPTOI is an inter-institutional research group (FMRP-USP and UFSCAR) developed in a laboratory with the same name, integrating research, teaching, and extension activities. Its lines of research have advanced in knowledge from an occupational perspective, integrating the clinical and social contexts.

  1. Occupational performance of children and adolescents in different contexts: studies addressing development in adverse conditions such as domestic violence, social vulnerability, institutionalization; chronic diseases, hospitalization, disabilities; involvement with daily occupations, performance skills (children, adolescents, caregivers, and educators).
  2. Professional Training in health (health professions): studies addressing teaching-learning and assessment strategies; professionalism, professional competencies and learning as an occupation; student support, interpersonal violence, and gender-based violence within university settings. The studies in this line of research comprise both the specific context of training of occupational therapists and the broader context of health professionals’ training.


  • Luzia Iara Pfeifer;
  • Maria Paula Panúncio PInto;
  • All IC advisees, and advisees in  Master’s and Doctoral Programs, and extension projects.


  •  luziara@fmrp.usp.br, mapaula@fmrp.usp.br


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CNPQ’s research group:

  • Laboratory of Teaching and Research in Occupational Therapy, Childhood and Adolescence