Selective process 2022

Rectification of the Selective Process Announcement 2022, published in the Diário Oficial Poder Executivo Section I São Paulo 131 (187) – 175 Tuesday, September 28, 2021.



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Graduate Program Professional Masters in Occupational Therapy and Social Inclusion Processes

The Coordinating Commission of the Occupational Therapy and Social Inclusion Processes Program of the School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo announces that applications will be open for the selection of candidates for 15 vacancies in the Professional Master’s Program, which will begin in the first semester of 2022. 11 of these vacancies will be open to wide competition and 4 will be open to affirmative action. The vacancies will be evenly distributed between the two lines of research of the program: Social Participation, Work, Coexistence and Care, and Play, School, Culture and Participation of Children and Youth.


Candidates who hold a registered undergraduate diploma recognized by the Ministry of Education or, provisionally, a certificate or equivalent document may take part in the selection process, as long as it is dated within the last 6 months, counting down from the enrollment date in the selection process.

Applications will also be accepted from candidates holding undergraduate diplomas issued abroad.

1.1 Affirmative Actions, according to the Affirmative Action Policy of the Program:

1.1.1 – 25% of the total number of openings (4 openings) will be reserved for affirmative action for the following groups of people

  1. Black, black and mulatto, through self-declaration;
  2. Indians, upon self-declaration;

iii. people with disabilities according to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Decree No. 6949 of August 25, 2009), upon self-declaration.

  1. Quilombolas, upon self-declaration;
  2. migrants for humanitarian reasons, stateless persons, refuge seekers and refugees, upon self-declaration and presentation of documentation of legality in the country;
  3. transidentities (transvestites, transsexuals and transgender persons), upon self-declaration.

vii. elderly people, according to the Statute of the Elderly (Law No. 10,741 of October 1, 2003).

1.1.2 – Beneficiary groups in the affirmative action mode will run concurrently in this mode and also for the open competition mode, according to their ranking in the selection process.

Adhering to one of the reserved places for affirmative action will be voluntary. The option for reserved places must be made at the time of registration through the form with the inclusion of self-declaration (CLICK HERE). If not all the affirmative action vacancies are filled, they will be reverted to the broad competition mode.

1.1.3. The Program’s Coordinating Committee will resolve any omissions or doubts not foreseen in this announcement.

1.2 Enrollment Procedures

Applications must be made exclusively online, at, starting on August 9th, 2021, at 09:00 a.m., and ending on October 22nd, 2021, at 23:59 p.m. (Brasília official time). Applications submitted after the deadline in this announcement will not be accepted. Accepted registrations will be announced on the site on November 1st, 2021. In this form, the person must indicate whether his or her selection process will be by broad competition or affirmative action.

The documents required for registration are

a) Registration form properly filled out ();

b) Curriculum Vitae, duly documented by receipts of all activities, organized according to the following items: 1- identification, address; 2- academic background/titulation (undergraduate, residence, specialization, master’s degree, professional master’s degree, doctorate); 3- complementary education (short course, improvement, participation in study groups or research); 4- previous and current professional trajectory (institution, bond, period of activity and area of performance); 5- bibliographic production (articles, abstracts and expanded abstracts published in periodicals, congress annals; books and book chapters published; articles accepted for publication; work presentations, participation in round tables, workshops and conferences in events; participation in events, among others); 6- technical production (advisory and consultancy; short courses taught; preparation of reports, projects, manuals or primers; technical report; development of social networks, websites, blogs; participation in the organization and maintenance of exhibitions; artistic and cultural production, among others); 7- orientations (end of course work, scientific initiation, extension projects and supervision), 8- participation in advisory boards.

c) 15-page A4-format research pre-project, typed in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 cm spacing, 3 cm margins. The pre-project must include Introduction (containing the statement of the problem and justification), general and specific objectives, methodological procedures, timeline and basic bibliographic reference. The cover page of the research project must contain the title, name of the candidate, intended line of research, and date.

e) Simple and perfectly legible copy of the documents:

  • Diploma or certificate of completion of a higher level course, with registration at MEC (front and back). In the absence of a diploma, present a declaration from the institution of origin of the graduation, recently dated (no more than 6 months counted backwards from the registration date). In the case of foreigners, present a diploma or certificate of completion of a higher education course with equivalent registration in their country.
  • ID (in the case of Brazilian candidates). Other identification documents such as National Driver’s License or Professional Registration Card, for example, will not be accepted.
  • CPF.
  • RNM/RNE (for foreigners). Passports will be accepted only for registration purposes, and the candidate, if approved, must also present a residence or student visa, or other documents proving migration regularization (National Immigration Registration Card – CRNM/RNE/ Certificates issued by MJ/PF/ Provisional National Immigration Registration Document – DPRNM); Documentation proving the status of refugee, stateless person and holder of humanitarian visa, issued by CONARE or by a competent agency of the Brazilian government;
  • Proof of payment of the registration fee of R$ 214.00 (two hundred and fourteen reais). The payment slip for the registration fee will be issued after all documents are verified and sent to the candidate by e-mail. A copy of the receipt must be sent to Candidates who opted for affirmative action as well as those who need it due to economic situation may request exemption from the registration fee, through a letter of justification attached to the registration form (CLICK HERE).
  • High school transcripts.
  • 1 recent 3×4 photo.

f) Declaration stating that you have an employment relationship that allows you to do the academic activities of the Program (CLICK HERE) or Declaration stating that you have personal conditions to maintain the academic activities of the Program (CLICK HERE).

After analyzing the documents related to the application, the Selection Committee will publish the list of applicants whose applications were approved on the Program’s website. Applications with incomplete documentation will not be accepted.


2.1 First Phase:

Written dissertative test, with a duration of 4 hours, without consultation, on specific topics in the Program’s area of knowledge, according to the bibliography made available on the Program’s website (CLICK HERE).

Date: November 09, 2021 (Tuesday), 2:00 pm, remotely. Information will be posted soon on the Program’s website

The test will assess specific knowledge, as well as the ability to interpret, argue, synthesize, and express oneself in writing. A grade between 0 and 10 will be awarded, with a pass mark of 7.0 (seven). The First Phase exam is eliminatory. Candidates who opted for affirmative action will receive an additional 2 (two) points in the final score for the first phase.

The names of the successful candidates in the first phase will be published on the Program’s website by November 17th, 2021.

2.2 Phase Two (only for applicants approved in Phase One):

2.2.1. Analysis of the Curriculum Vitae duly documented by proof of all activities and intellectual production carried out and organized according to the previous item (1.2-b). The following will be evaluated: academic and complementary education (5.0) professional trajectory, production (bibliographic, technical) and others (5.0). A grade between 0 and 10 will be attributed to the evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae. Criteria for classification.

2.2.2. Analysis of the research pre-draft in which the following aspects will be evaluated: relevance of the topic in relation to the context of occupational therapy practices, the area of concentration and the chosen line of research (2.0); literature review (1.0); coherence between justification (1.0), objective(s) (2.0) and method (2.0); quality of presentation and written expression (1.0); adequacy to the master’s level (1.0). The evaluation of the pre-project will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10. This is a criterion for grading.

2.2.3. Individual oral argument about the research pre-project, in which the following will be considered: capacity for verbal expression, consistency of argumentation, coherence of ideas, and defense of the study proposal. A score from 0 to 10 will be attributed to the evaluation of the oral argument. Qualifying criterion.

The oral exam will be held remotely and scheduled on dates, times, and places that will be posted on the Program’s website as of November 19, 2021 and will take place from November 22 to 26, 2021.

For foreign candidates residing outside Brazil, the written test may be held electronically in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish, as well as the oral exam.

The final grade of the Selection Process will be obtained by the arithmetic average of the grades related to the analysis of the Curriculum Vitae, the research pre-project and the oral exam. Candidates with a final grade of at least 7.0 (seven) will be considered approved. Candidates who opted for affirmative action will receive an additional 2 (two) points in the final score of the second phase.


Successful candidates with the best classification will be accepted into the Program, according to the number of available places.

The results of the selection process will be announced on the Program’s website on December 15, 2021.


The selected applicants must enroll after the results are announced, according to the guidelines indicated on the Program’s website

Upon initial enrollment, it is mandatory to comply with Article 50 of the USP Postgraduate Regulations (Resolution no. 7493, dated March 27, 2018).

Upon enrollment in the Occupational Therapy and Social Inclusion Processes Professional Master’s Program, the student must strictly comply with the Postgraduate Regulations of the University of São Paulo, the Regulations of the Graduate Committee of the School of Medicine, the Regulations of the Occupational Therapy and Social Inclusion Processes Professional Master’s Program, and the rules and procedures adopted by the Program Coordinating Committee. It is mandatory that students keep informed about these legal and infra-legal texts and other texts that may arise during the course by consulting the Program’s website, which is constantly updated.