Guidelines for International Applicants

The Professional Master’s degree Program in Occupational Therapy and Social Inclusion Processes accepts the application of international candidates. The program is free of charge because USP is a public university. However, there is a registration fee for the Selection Process. International applicants must present the number of Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF) to issue the payment slip. Access the Receita Federal [Federal Revenue] website to request the first copy of the document at

International applicants must follow the same guidelines of the Selection Process provided to Brazilian applicants.

Some items of the Program’s regulation concerning the selection process and requirements for international applicants are highlighted here.

II.3. International applicants living abroad can apply and present the documents listed in the Program’s call notice online. The written test can be taken online in Portuguese, English, French, or Spanish, as well as the oral inquiry. The Selection Committee nominated by the CCP will analyze the research project, curriculum vitae, and oral inquiry.

The approval criteria are reported in items II.1 and II.2 (Regulation).

V.4. International Candidates are required to provide proof of proficiency in Portuguese within 12 (twelve) months after enrolling in the program: a) presenting a certificate of proficiency CELPE-BRAS (Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners certified by the Brazilian Ministry of Education) – intermediate level; or b) being approved by the Examining Committee appointed by the Program’s Coordinating Committee (CCP), composed of three members with a Ph.D. degree; or c) being considered to have “Sufficient” proficiency by the Center of Languages at the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature and Human Sciences at USP. The tests are valid for two years.