The Teaching Improvement Program (PAE) is exclusively intended for graduate students enrolled in graduate programs (Master’s and doctoral programs) at the University of São Paulo. PAE CONSISTS OF TWO PHASES:
- Teaching Preparation:
One semester before starting PAE traineeship, the student must attend a course from an undergraduate program in a unit within USP. There is a list of some courses already endorsed by the Medical School for PAE students below.
- MCG 5825: Pedagogia Médica e Didática Especial [Medical Pedagogy and Special Didactics]
• MPT 5760-3: Preparação Pedagógica [Teaching Preparation]
• BIP 5700: Preparação Pedagógica em Biologia [Teaching Preparation in Biology]• EDM 5100: A Formação do Professor Universitário [University Teaching Trainig]
• EDM 5102: Preparação Pedagógica PAE (4 credits) [PAE Teaching Preparation] • EDM 5791: Metodologia do Ensino Superior [Higher Education Methodology]
• EDM 5804: Tópicos de Epistemologia e Didática [Epistemoly and Didactic Topics] • EFP 5757: Docência no Ensino Superior em Educação Física [Teaching in Higher Education in Physical Education] • ENC 5883: Prática Pedagógica no Ensino Superior [Pedagogical Practice in Higher Education] • ENO 5794: Perspectivas Teórico-metodológicas do Processo Ensino-Aprendizagem [Theoretical-methodological perspectives of the Teaching-Learning Process]
• ERG 5834: Metodologia de Ensino [Teaching Methodology]
• FBA 5728: Aprimoramento Didático [Didactic Improvement]
• 5935922: Docência no Ensino Superior: Aspectos Didáticos e Pedagógicos (Ribeirão Preto) [Teaching in Higher Education: Didactic and Pedagogical Aspects]
• 5945768: Universidade: Formação, Ensino e Produção do Conhecimento (Ribeirão Preto) [University: Training, Teaching and the Production of knowledge]
- Supervised Teaching Traineeship
The Supervised Teaching traineeshipp includes the students’ attending mandatory undergraduate courses supervised by the respective chair professors, and cannot exceed 6 (six) hours a week.
The students in the program without a job contract with USP may receive monthly financial aid. Trainees exceeding the FMUSP quota and USP’s employees participate as volunteer trainees. The monthly financial aid may be granted for a maximum of four semesters per student and for a maximum of two semesters in the Master’s Program. Only the “Supervised Teaching Traineeship” qualifies for monthly financial aid.