Laboratory of Rehabilitation with an emphasis on the Territory.
This laboratory is a partnership between the University, services, workers, and community resources aligned with studies and practices based on the understanding that disability is a matter of human rights. The idea is to critically analyze hegemonic care practices that do not address the problems faced by people with disabilities and their families in their territories. Inequalities in terms of living, working, and appropriating economic and cultural assets are social constructions that impact the daily lives of individuals with disabilities, their families and communities, proposing alternative care actions, rehabilitation, teaching, and occupational therapy.
To improve understanding of disability as a social construction, identifying people with disabilities, their families and communities as interlocutors and subjects of rights and understanding the problems that affect daily life in the territories, considering these as an essential dimension to develop teaching, research and the proposal of care and public policies.
To formulate, assess, and implement technologies of occupational therapy in communities and territorial contexts, linking with affirmative actions to favor social inclusion processes.
To establish partnerships with public services and non-profit organizations to develop research and training processes of students and professionals in the community and territorial proposals of affirmation of rights.
Critically thinking disability, care delivery, and occupational therapy in territorial contexts.
Contribute to develop and implement public policies directed to individuals with disabilities, their families, and communities.
- Ana Cristina Fagundes Souto;
- Fátima Corrêa Oliver;
- Stella Maris Nicolau;
- Marta Aoki;
- Vanessa Andrade Caldeira;
- Gabriela Martins and undergraduate and graduate students;
Youtube Plataform:
Reabilitação Ênfase no Território – YouTube
Facebook: (1) Laboratório de Reabilitação com ênfase no Território – RBC | ;
Instagram: @lab.tousp.rbc • Fotos e vídeos do Instagram;
CNPQ’s Research Group – CLICK HERE