
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica (PME) da Escola Politécnica ( POLI) da Universidade de São Paulo – USP.

Bibliografia Recomendada

Hans B. Pacejka (2006) Tyre and vehicle dynamics. Editora Oxford, p. 672.

Reza N. Jazar  (2008) Vehicle Dynamics: Theory and Applications. Editora Springler, p. 1036.

Georg Rill (2006) A Modified Implicit Euler Algorithm for Solving Vehicle Dynamic Equations.    p.

Popp K. (2010) Ground Vehicle Dynamic. Editora Springer, 348 p.

Kiencke and Nielsen (2005) Automotive Control Systems: for engine, drive line and vehicle. Editora Springer, 512 p.

Genta, G. (1997) Motor Vehicle Dynamics – Modeling and simulation. Editora Word Scientific, 524 p.

Revistas Internacionais Recomendadas

Vehicle System Dynamics – International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility

Journal of Automobile Engineering – Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D

Vehicle Design – International Journal of Vehicle Design

Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing – International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing

SAE – Society of Automotive Engineering

Heavy Vehicles – International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems



Felipe Marchesin, Roberto Spinola Barbosa, Marco Gadola and Daniel Chindamo (2019) A Road-Holding Index Based on Ride Dynamics for High Downforce Racing Cars. CMMME2019, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering,  538 (2019) 012069, IOP Publishing. DOI.: 10.1088/1757-899X/538/1/012069.

Claudio Beninia, Marco Gadolaa, Daniel Chindamo, Stefano Ubertia, Felipe P. Marchesin and Roberto S. Barbosa (2017) The influence of suspension components friction on race car vertical dynamics. VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS, VOL. 55, NO. 3, 338–350. Doi.:  10.1080/00423114.2016.1267370.

Felipe Pereira Marchesin, Roberto Spinola Barbosa, Marco Gadola and Daniel Chindamo (2017)  High downforce race car vertical dynamics: aerodynamic index. VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS, Volume 56, Issue 8. DOI.:  10.1080/00423114.2017.1413196.